Getting to know you :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karritada, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I don't really have an answer to that question... but I wanted to answer the sports question. I do follow the premier league and ManU is definitely my team! They are having a great season this year! The sport I follow the most is hockey and the Montreal Canadiens are my fave!
    I do follow other sports such as football(NFL), Basketball and tennis (Go Djokovic and Sharapova!), but not as much as hockey or soccer.

    Anyways, passing on Shayna's question....
  2. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Well we don't really have a massive "dating" culture here, its more of a non-date where you meet/see people when you're out with friends... So there's only one time I'd really count as an official date, and that was going to a ball so I suppose you can't get much more fairytale? He brought me a flower and we danced til the early hours. Fun times! Didn't work out with him, but it was a nice night :) As for non-dates... there have been many bad ones and not so many good ones haha!

    Ever kissed and regretted it?! :-*
  3. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    YES! And he's a very good friend of mine who I don't want to date, but I know he wants to so I need to figure out how to let him down. Any suggestions???

    Best kiss? (real or in your dreams)
  4. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Probably my last kiss. He had stubble/five o'clock shadow (well, OK, 1AM-ish shadow) which I like, was very nice on the eyes, and was top of the class in kissing ;D And he was a stranger, which added a nice whirlwind element to the whole experience. Haha... Helen + Vodka = :-*

    And the best way to let your friend down- tell the truth for one thing! And explain how he means to you and that you wouldn't want to mess things up with you two by complicating it all! But if I were you unless he outright asks you out, don't say anything!

    Worst kiss? (Your first doesn't count cos 90% of those are not amazing!)
  5. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    Oh dear , the worst has to be...the washing machine! I called him Andy Washing Machine, all the way too college! he didn't know obviously but it was kind of like i was drowning....not good!

    My first kiss was really nice! Is that bad?! hehe.

    okay, if you were planning a date in WDW where would you go and what you do?!
  6. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Not bad... LUCKY! Mine was horrid! It involved braces on his part and all of my friends pointing and laughing!

    Pass on Gina's question as I'm not familiar with all the amazing dating opportunities at wdw lol!
  7. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Dinner at the Polynesian, and then a walk on the beach where we can watch Wishes. Or dinner at the showcare and an Illuminations Cruise. Or maybe afternoon tea at the Grand Floridan (all dressed up lol), and then a stroll through the gardens. Hmm...didn't realise I had so many of these planned!!

    This is a fun question, so I'll pass it on.
  8. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    If it was a first date I'd probably want to go on some rides (so there is a break from some awkward moments), have dinner (the 50's diner could be funny) and watch some fireworks. I'd probably want to do the same thing if I had been with the guy for awhile, I like enjoying the parks and having a good time.

    I'm going to pass this one on again.

    Thanks Helen, I don't want to but I think I have to talk to him about the whole thing.
  9. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Oh gosh any date in WDW would be so much fun! And you can so easily put a romantic spin on it, I loves! I'd honestly probably opt to go and play in one of the parks - prooooobably the Magic Kingdom knowing me! Take some fun pics with characters, do some rides, and really just have fun! Lots of time to chat during ride line-ups and all that, plus you really can't top Wishes in terms of ending a night. I often love just sitting right in front of the castle, so even just doing that and having a nice chat would be nice! Also, Downtown Disney is a nice place to stroll around with a drink and take in the sights. You can have a nice dinner just about anywhere, though I'd imagine the luau at the Polynesian would be lots of fun.

    Basically, in Disney you're pretty much guaranteed a good date when you're with good company! I think I'd get a good idea of what kinda guy my date would be since everything is kinda "care free" there! It's the one place in the world where you can wear a Goofy hat and feel like you're wearing the coolest accessory after all! Plus I def be able to see if he could keep up with my wacky shenanigans haha!

    If you were struck with a bolt of lightning and given the power to be invisible, where would you go?
  10. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    awee Shanan it's true anywhere in dis would be the most amazing date eva!!! (p.s. i'm totes going to put 'Thing 1' under my name now that you're back on heeere!) ;D

    If I were invisible... I would sneak into Zac Efron's house and then turn off my invisibility and he would see me and fall in love with me and then we would get married! Ta-da! YAY!

    Where would you go if you could FLY?!
  11. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    AROUND THE WORLD! Stop into Paris for lunch, do some shopping in London, check out a Safari in Africa, build a sand castle in front of the pyramids of Giza... then get home in time to slip into my comfy bed so I'm nice and rested to do it all again the next day! Um, and then obvs I'd be able to get my Disney fixes a lot more frequently (i.e. every day!)!

    Plus... I'd wear a cape!! SWEETSAUCE!

    What's the one item you own that you can't live without?

    PS - Shay, you're one of the original founding members of the S Club!! What's with this "honourary member" nonsense?!? pshaw
  12. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    hmm either my ipod, my laptop, my tiffany bracelet with my sweet 'S' charm on it or my makeup bag! (clearly I can't pick just one! ;))

    p.s. Shan I say 'honorary' because it's an honour to be in our club! lol! I feel honoured? Do I not include honourary??

    question... whats one thing you would never be caught dead wearing?
  13. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    Probably my toothbrush, I feel gross if I haven't brushed my teeth. If it's something for pleasure then my movies. (too late)

    I would never be caught dead wearing most of the outfits that Carrie wears in Sex and the City.

    If you could buy anything in the world (from a store) what would it be?
  14. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    A gorgeous pair of Manolo Blahniks... that would be my first purchase... their that or a gorgeous massive bag from louis vuitton!

    i'm going to pass the question on... it's a goodie :)
  15. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    cars come from showroom...does that count as a store? if so, probably that. if not, i'm not really used to expensive stuff, but probably a really expensive watch!

    if you could have any car in the world what would it be?
  16. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Aston Martin DB9!

    If you could remain a certain age for the remainder of your life, what age would it be?
  17. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Ferrari f430! <3

    I'd probably be.. 26 because (up until yesterday) it's been the best age so far. :)

    What's the biggest achievement you've accomplished in your life?
  18. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    My qualifications, one advanced higher, six highers and an intermediate 2. adding up to C AACCCC C

    same question for the next person.
  19. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i looks like i'm gonna get a 2.1. degree, which is pretty awesome...i've won a few awards which have been really cool, including something like 'most happy pupil' in a level media studies, so i'll go for the fact i haven't turned into a meanie or been anything i'm not, and been happy throughout (or at least kept on a happy face), i'd rather that than any of my paper achievements.

    wow, i can get deep!

    is there anything you're worrying about at the moment?
  20. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    oh goodness seems like I worry about everything these days - mostly just school and finishing up with the marks I want and that all going smoothly!

    anything your super excited about at the moment??

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