Getting to know you :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karritada, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    hmmm... i like Rachel cause she reminds me the most of me, but Chandler and Joey have me dying laughing in so many episodes.

    it's a tie between Joey and Chandler! lol!

    Favourite drink at starbucks?? (I'm a starbucks junkie! lol!)
  2. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    I'm anti-Starbucks lol My fave fancy coffee thing would be... either a Toasted Almond Hot Smoothie from Tim Hortons or a Caramel Coretto (I think thats what its called) from Second Cup. They don't have a Second Cup where I've moved to now though... I miss it.

    Favorite horror movie?
  3. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Depends what you call horror really! The only "real" horror movie I've watched was about a disembodied hand, when I was 12. I haven't watched one since cos I thought two hours of my life was enough to waste ;D But I do love ghosty things like Sixth Sense, The Others etc.

    How many different countries have you visited?
  4. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i'll try and count now, i'll post the results here
    (ok, if we count states that aren't officially countries, i have a rather disappointing 12: wales, england, scotland, usa, france, italy, spain, czech republic, germany, poland, fuerteventura, lanzarote [though i have probably driven through a few more]. i need a european road trip!)

    if you could live anywhere other than where you live now or florida, where would it be?
  5. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    The first thing I saw was "I like Rachel" because I saw the answer before the question and was confused as to why you were talking about me... then I read on and got it.

    I'd like to live either in the UK (which is my plan after Disney), NYC (but not with a family) or New Zealand (I've never been, but it seems nice)

    What is the tackiest tourist place you have been to? (Mine is the corn palace in North Dakota, look it up it is really tacky)
  6. the_anarky_boy

    the_anarky_boy New Member

    A tiny and crappy Sea World rip off in Majorca.
    My family hated it. We were there as part of a tour and everyone else seemed to love it ???

    Would you rather play a video game by yourself or a table top role playing game with a group?
    (doesn't matter if you play them or not, which experience would you preffer)
  7. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    video game by myself, never really got into those games.

    bond or bourne?
  8. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    Bond. James Bond. lol!

    Who did you want Harry Potter to end up with? Hermoine or Ginny??
  9. sangreazul8

    sangreazul8 Active Member

    it doesnt matter but he must not to touch hermione, shes mine lol

    which is the most awkward situation you had?
  10. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Being sick on the train and not knowing what to do.

    Whats your favourite disney pixar short?
  11. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    The one where the guys is being upducted by the alien who is learning how to do it. "Lifted" maybe? I can't remember the name but it's hilarious.

    What is your favourite pixar film?
  12. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    ahh thats SO hard! Probably Finding Nemo... although I do love Toy Story! Walle was super awesome too but I think i'm sticking with Finding Nemo!

    Favourite Disney Classic Film??
  13. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    Mary Poppins

    Favourite cd you own?
  14. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    Taylor Swift's new album Fearless or my Mamma Mia soundtrack!

    Who was your hero when you were a kid??
  15. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    taylor swift's album is pretty cool

    i'm gonna go for ryan giggs, man utd/wales footballer, i had his name and number on the back of my man utd shirt. he got a bit annoyed after people prank called him.

    favourite condiment? (e.g. ketchup, mayo, bbq sauce, mustard)
  16. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    KETCHUP! ;D I have a little bit of an addiction.

    What's your favourite flavour of crisps?
  17. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Cheese and Onion!

    Whats your favourite tv sitcom?
  18. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member


    Whats your favourite genre of film?
  19. Karritada

    Karritada New Member

    ooo im a girly girl so i love rom com's (but unfortunately you do watch some real rubbish before you find a good one), but i also really like comedys and fantasy films (and obviously disney, its a genre in itself :) )

    whats your favourite type of drink alcoholic and non-alcoholic? (the other day i started a love affair with a cocktail, apple cooler yum yum, and as a scot ive got to say i love irn-bru)
  20. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    beer! it's all pretty good, not the biggest ale fan in the world but i can still enjoy one from time to time. fave brands include brains, bud, stella etc but as i say, it's all beer at the end of the day!
    non-alcoholic, well any fizzy drink is pretty good, sprite and fanta are my faves, rockstar is pretty cool, and then of course there's most hot drinks and water

    hope you didn't want a one word answer :-\

    favourite pixar character?

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