General enthusiasm/happiness thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Janey, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    haha i didn't even realise they were playing, i should really keep more of an eye on what they're doing! but they're looking strong for the playoffs
  2. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Nothing to do with happiness or enthusiasm but i don't have a clue where to post this:
    I'm not going to an interview or to Florida due to cancellation of the programme I applied to. :'(
  3. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    I'm soo sorry for you Janey!!
  4. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    that sucks

    how come its been cancelled :( :(
  5. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    OMG thats rubbish, that's so unfair!

    Why has it been cancelled?
  6. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    Me too, being a Donny fan it was a good result.

    Janey, that's not good at all, how comes it cancelled?
  7. Janey

    Janey New Member

    For some reason or the other (I'm not sure anymore, I've been in a haze after the call) the University of Central Florida has cancelled the courses that were a part of the J1A. Or so I was told. There are a few people in the forums who have applied for it and havent heard anything like that and people who have even been accepted. So I don't know anymore.. :-[ All I know is that I don't have an interview in 5 days and there's no way I'm working in WDW anytime soon (or maybe ever). This sucks so bad! :'(

    In a way I sort of hope that I would have got to go to the interview and then be rejected 'cause that way I would have known I'm not the person they're looking. Now I might never know.. :( The worst part is that I already started to feel like I'm really, really good friends with you all and now I don't get to spend time with you. :'(
  8. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Awwwww :'( :'( :'(

    Dont worry about it, you are a great friend too. I cannot believe what has happened, it is a travesty, it is so unfair. Im very annoyed about it.

    You will meet us all one day! ;D
  9. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    that sucks hard!
  10. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    sorry to hear janey. believe me it all works out. I got rejected and now im off to camp! hard ot hear right now but you will get there. besides you cant get rid of us :D
  11. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Aaww, thanks guys! I feel already much better, thanks to you all! I even started to think I might save some money and fly to US to see you all. Oh, and the WDW. ;D
  12. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    oh janey i'm sorry

    <hugs lots>

    I hope you're okay, fate works in funny ways, it will all work out somehow!

    Come see us in the Sunshine State =)
  13. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I know how that feels, I applied a while ago for a new program on an H2B visa, had an interview and then Disney couldn't get visas for us so we couldn't go :-( But it will be ok, something even better will come along xxx
  14. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Okay, I'm off to Milan! :) See you Wednesday.
  15. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Why don't you apply for CRP in August? :)
  16. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Because I'm from Finland, I'm not eligible for CRP. :(

    Ooh and Milan was FANTASTIC!!! ♥ Go there if you ever have a chance! Sooo pretty, loads of shops, culture and amazing restaurants. Love it!
  17. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    mmmm I'd absolutely loooooove to go to Milan, even just to oogle at all the pretty shops and dresses!!
  18. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    same! And that fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine Italian Leather mmmmmm!
  19. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I'm happy.
    I passed my exams from Christmas :D - I really thought I'd failed the Chemistry-type one, but I managed to get a 3rd class - and with the coursework, a 2-2 in the module :D
    And I got a 2-1 in the other one :)

  20. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    woop woop well done katie!

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