Granted, but by the time you get there all the Disney Musicals have stopped showing! I wish I could live in the Castle in Magic Kingdom
(Ew- I'd kill myself for society if I was a wasp!) Granted!! But your refund is 0.000001p! I wish I could be bothered to dry my hair!
Granted, but WDW has moved to the UK and you can't come back! I wish I could learn tap, ballroom and musical theatre jazz!
Lol and that would be a bad thing? haha, Granted! But it's never released and you sign a contract to never mention it. I wish I were working in the Plaza Cone Shop (on Main Street) right now
Granted!!! But you have got to attend hundresd of annoyed and bossy guests!!! (Well that one I am not spoiling it, it's actually real) I wish I could go to the Olympics to compete in diving!!!
Granted, but many others made the same wish and you lost rock, paper, scissors who actually got to dive I wish this summer wasn't so yucky outside