nice retaliation!!! it was either that or the inflatable joke again but i have already done that one lol. granted! but it turns out to be a ps1 in disguise!! i wish i had a packet of chocolate bourbons.
Granted but they've gone stale- euch! I wiiiiish... that I could date an olympic swimmer (forget being one I'd get stage fright and sink)
Granted but he turns out to be filled with steroids. I wish I could wiggle my nose and everything was clean
Granted, but everytime you blink everything becomes messy again! I wish I owned every Disney film ever on DVD.
GRANTED! But they are all bootlegged and have spanish subtitles! I wish I could convince someone to pee for me so I didn't need to move.
You are on front counter... But there is NOTHING to do... And no-one will talk to you! ha ha I wish I had a pringle... Just one... Pref. Salty V
Granted! But the "once you pop you can't stop" rule still applies, so you go crrrrraaaaazy!! because you can't have more than one! I wish I could afford the handbag I just saw in Marie Claire *sigh*
GRANTED! But then all of your money is gone and your life savings is spent on one purse and that is all you can show for it. I wish that my arm would stop being so damn itchy
Ewww! Granted! But you have to sleep in the cars with no padding on the hard plastic I wish they showed synchronized swimming on the olympics
granted! but you are lost for what to do for the rest of the week. i wish the i hadnt had pulled muscles skateboarding to work today.
Granted! But instead you fall off and break something! I wish I could have bought all the nice clothes I saw in Warehouse (including those ones that aren't on the website yet...what on earth is that about?)