GAME: The person below me is _______

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CharlotteSparkle, Mar 11, 2007.

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  1. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    not at all...i love any kind of milk actually...

    the person below me used to make lots of telephone jokes when he-she was a child....
  2. rachet

    rachet New Member

    o yes, i used to ring operator all the time. i remember once they said they could see me and threatened to give my details to the police so i started hopping around with my finger up my nose saying "what am i doing then?" thinking i was really cocky and clever like you do when you're a kid.

    the person below me can really skimmy their boobs/moobs (manboobs)
  3. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    I am a skinny lanky dude!

    The person below me is driving their friends and family crazy with discussions of disney
  4. poncho

    poncho New Member

    haha only my friends and classmates

    the person below me is getting drunk this weekend
  5. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    Most definitely! As u can see i only have 5 more days of drinking without worrying of being terminated.

    The person below me has been to Mardi Gras
  6. poncho

    poncho New Member

    never, it's my dream

    the person below me has spended a spring break at cancun
  7. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Nope! I did one in Cuba...and all the rest were in Disney (surprising?)

    The person below me is a beer/wine/alcohol snob
  8. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    do u mean doesnt drink? Cos i am basically a controlled alcoholic! Peace

    The person below me can handle themselves in a argument
  9. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    certainly can!

    The person below me gets excited about going stationary shopping at the start of a school year (or is it just me?)
  10. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    LOL I think everyone does, getting the new ruler and pencil sharpener, a new bag! LOL! GOOD times

    The person below me is a nerd
  11. poncho

    poncho New Member

    haha no way

    the person below me is a jock
  12. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    I'd consider myself a nerd :D Not so much of the math-science sort, though, yuck.

    The person below me is good at skiing!
  13. easy_15

    easy_15 New Member

    hell yeah, i love skii

    i'd like to learn to snowboard too but i gess its not gonna be possible in a long time....

    the person below me loves tongs
  14. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    eh, tongs? like salad tongs? confused! tongs is a funny word though!

    The person below is a cat person, not a dog person
  15. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    False my 2 dogs are wonders that continue 2 amaze me!

    The person below me is into the hardcore bondage scene
  16. rachet

    rachet New Member

    nah, unfortunately not. although i did go to a peep show in amsterdam, that was...interesting. actually not at all, they just looked bored.

    the person below me wishes they were just like jack bauer.
  17. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    Na... Not really... He's not going to work for disney!!! ;D

    The person below me hates the Comic Relief (Sugababes/Girls Aloud) version of the song Walk This Way...
  18. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    false, its pretty good actually

    the person below thinks plastic surgery is wrong
  19. geckozan

    geckozan New Member

    nah... if u don't like what u got... change it. I wouldn't do it, but i think it's ok

    the person below me is into celebrity gossip
  20. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    not much really but sometimes is fun lol

    The person below me...likes to read
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