GAME: The person below me is _______

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CharlotteSparkle, Mar 11, 2007.

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  1. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    sure am :)

    The person below me hates Rachael Ray
  2. Tinkerbe11ing

    Tinkerbe11ing New Member

    You got it! :D

    The person below me is thinking of taking a loooooooong nice shower!!! :)
  3. I had a nice long shower earlier so not this now

    The person below me is just about to watch a film and get an early night.
  4. Tinkerbe11ing

    Tinkerbe11ing New Member

    Well, u almost got it... I am watching Sex and the City on tv, and is soon going to bed :p

    The person below me have never been in love
  5. DisneyDreamer85

    DisneyDreamer85 New Member

    I've definitely been in love...Such a fantastic feeling!

    The person below me prefers white rum over dark
  6. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    Oh my god yes.

    the person below me has the biggest guilty pleasure ever (what is it?!)
  7. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    going on the comps at lunch at my school and chekcing the forums for

    the person below me plays world of warcraft.
  8. DisneyDreamer85

    DisneyDreamer85 New Member

    No but one of the guys I went to college with did like every day....Boy oh boy, that thing is like an addiction! ha ha

    The person below me had to babsit tonight!
  9. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    does my glass of wine count? I had to watch it very intently! lol

    The person below me watched big brother tonight and is PUMPED sheila is finally out!
  10. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    This is my FIRST year without watching Big Brother. So I don't care at all about it.

    The person below me is on a diet :S
  11. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    A diet where I have to eat as much as I can to get my calories in lol. and Big Brother over heres is balls!!!

    The person below me wants to go and see The Who :eek: :D
  12. I wouldn't say no if a ticket was bought for me but I wouldn't go and buy by own ticket to see them

    the person below me had a lie in today
  13. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Haha no chance! First I had to get up to have my eyebrows waxed at 9.30, then I was off to tescos to put my pictures in to be printed...then i went to rehearsals, and I've just got back from dinner that started out as a scenery crisis (and involved me going to Homebase to grab some velcro and glue!). Then I'm back at rehearsals at 9am tomorrow!


    The person below me is listening to ITM?
  14. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    Yeah... LIKE TWO DAYS AGO!!! ha ha :p I've already told ya I've heard it. :p :D

    The person below me loves waynes world... :D
  15. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    haha yes I do.. people who have never sen it before tonite/last night live under a rock! ;)

    The person below me indulged in some adult beverages this evening... ;)
  16. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    grrrrrrrrr lol

    No I didn't on account that I'm not an alcohol like some... ::) ;)

    The person below me !!!REALLY!!! doesn't want to go to work today :mad: <-- and thats the first time I've used that face on WDWIP so it must be bad ha ha :D
  17. I fortunately don't have the pleasure of having to go to work

    The person below me has decided that it is far too early to be up and is going back to bed ;)
  18. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    yes I agree it is far to early to be up, but I gotta move home from school today... yay for moving home, boo for moving in general.

    The person below me is officially a college/uni graduate!
  19. nope not till next year any case

    the person below me needs to learn how to cut bread in a straight ling ;)
  20. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    hahaha "best thing since sliced bread"

    I'm a presliced kinda gal.

    the person below me is looking for an excuse to get out of something tonight.
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