GAME: The person below me is _______

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CharlotteSparkle, Mar 11, 2007.

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  1. leon22

    leon22 New Member

    i dont love it so much, i was working there as gymnast... im just kidding...

    the person below me want to be porn star!
  2. easy_15

    easy_15 New Member

    I had never tought, but thinking right now, the answer is yes, ...

    and continuing the theme... the person below me likes porn (not a porn addict, just sees porn seldom)
  3. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    False... well, it depends jajaja ;D

    ehem... the person below me has me in his/her msn

    hahaha sorry, it's very early...
  4. poncho

    poncho New Member

    false so give me your email

    the person below me is still asleep
  5. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    False, I woke up at 5.

    The person below me is going to stop posting NOW, if not I am going to be playing this adictive game all morning...
  6. poncho

    poncho New Member

    jaja not until my next class cuz i have free period from 7-9

    the person below me is and addict to this forums
  7. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    becoming! :mad:

    the person below me wants to be sleeping...
  8. poncho

    poncho New Member

    ohhhh yeah

    the person below me needs to be doing his/her hw
  9. leon22

    leon22 New Member

    no i dont!

    the person below me likes extreme sports!
  10. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    It depends... ;D

    The person below meeee speak French !
  11. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    Nope... Speak Gaelic and German a little...

    The person below me used to watch The Fresh prince of Bel Air...
  12. leon22

    leon22 New Member

    yes!! and i miss him!

    the person below me is a rocker!
  13. Teresouna

    Teresouna New Member

    Not at all!!!!!!!!! ave maria purisima.

    The person below me smokes Marlboro.
  14. poncho

    poncho New Member

    i smoke a cigarrette once every 3 months

    the person below me like to shop online
  15. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    yes indeed,need to stop - the overdraft cant keep up ;)

    The person below me.......likes to eat toast?
  16. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    hhmmm...not very often hehe...

    the person below me has swum naked...
  17. poncho

    poncho New Member

    yeah specially with creme cheese

    the person below me is wearing a bacl tt-shirt
  18. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    yes i have!!!!! I live right at the beach though so ive done it lots when i was a kid..... and maybe a few times as a grown up aswell!!!!! haha!!!! ;D

    The person below me spends WAYYYYY to much time on these boards?!
  19. poncho

    poncho New Member

    jajaj of course i have developed and addiction

    the person below me likes cherry coke
  20. easy_15

    easy_15 New Member

    yea, but not as much as regular coke....

    the person below me likes sandals
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