Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disneydreamer, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. rupsi

    rupsi New Member

    Hey! That's not a half bad plan; it's about 30/40 minutes journey for me though; so nothing too late lest I oversleep in the morning :-\
  2. oh to be a mermaid!

    oh to be a mermaid! New Member

    are u guys interviewing for the year long programme or the shorter ones?
  3. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Well I'm applying for the Summer 2008 ICP - I assume everyone else going on the 23rd is too? :) Eee I'm getting all excited!
  4. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    yeah everyone going on the 23rd is for the summer program the year long interviews were in september. im not staying up the night before so i wotn be able to meet anyone until i get there :(
  5. sineadg

    sineadg New Member

    ah sooo jealous of all ye people living nearby hehe! nah definatly not a late one, dont think ill get much sleep anyway (nerves!!!!!) but best not chance it! anyone know a good place to meet up? i really need to get organised..... buy shoes etc! what are the girls wearing, im debating the heels issue since they always look better but its a long day:)
  6. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    at the moment i just have a black suit...not sure what top/shirt im going to get yet, im wearing black boots but they've only got like an inch heel and its thick, so there easy to walk around in!
  7. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    I'm wearing flats - because at just under 5 foot and vying for character performer role, my family are suggesting emphasising how vertically challenged I am... HM. So I'll be the super short one!
    I really really want to wear my blue and white spotty boots with a (very minimal) bright orange heel :D but I probably won't :-\
    Is everyone wearing a suit jacket? I can't decide to wear one or not....

    I remember reading a post from previous interviews and people seemed top be mostly staying in the Novotel at Hammersmith? There's a really friendly small pub on brook green (NOT the brook green hotel, just to calm anyone else who has been in there and been charged £2 for a diet coke :eek: ) which serves nice food if anyone is interested? I also want to get an early night though!
    Still open to people staying over that night if wanted!
  8. rupsi

    rupsi New Member

    No one really wants to stay out til the wee hours of the morning; but I reckon it wouldn't hurt to get a bite to eat earlier. I'm in, if anyone else is up for it.

    I'm not sure I really want to wear a suit jacket; it's completely out of my wardrobe and I reckon it'd make me a bit uncomfortable; but its hardly a huge cost to wear a jacket to give a good impression; so the boats still out for me as well.
  9. sineadg

    sineadg New Member

    decisions decisions.....i dont have a suit jacket but think if i can find one which is comfy ill wear one if not.... i wonder is it okay to wear smart trousers and a fitted ill see what dunnes have on offer!!my flight gets in at 6:40 (at gatwick) so id imagine ill be there by 8:30???i really dunno since ive never been there before! but if people want to meet up earlier feel free and ill meet you's there! im stayin in the premier inn so i think its close to the novotel too!food sounds good, im going straight from uni lectures to the airport so a bite sounds good :) i love the sound of the boots with da orange heel!!!madness!
  10. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    i got the suit jacket from new look and with sudent discount it was £13.50 which was alright considering i paid £5 for my trousers from primark!! and still have no top though!!
  11. sineadg

    sineadg New Member

    yeay i got a jacket!!! and a top and shoes, so all i need now is trousers but im optimistic!! im never any good at shopping and i got that in like half an hour!!!
  12. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    lol well done for you then! i STILL have no top!eeek eek and eek again
  13. sineadg

    sineadg New Member

    just wondering if people are still planning on meetin up and what time etc! that place on brook green sounds like a good idea:) ill def be around anyway! yeay only 2 days!!
  14. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    *wibble* I still don't have a skirt nuuuu I just have had no time to go skirt shopping!

    It's OK though, M&S and TKMaxx will be both open til reasonably late tomorrow night lol.
    And YES we should definately try and meet up! The Queen's Head, the pub on brook green is certianly worth a shot. The pubs right aroun Hammersmith station are very noisy and a bit poop quite frankly. Call me a bore but I do like to be able to hear people when they speak :)
    To get the tqh from Hammersmith station you can either
    a) (my way) go straight up Shepherd's Bush Road, (pass the police station and fire station on your left) and turn right (it's the first right. With all the grass :p) and walk along Brook Green until you reach the pub (on your right). It's not too far, about 1min walk down BG.
    b) (possibly better if going from Novotel) walk straight up Brook Green. It comes off of Hammersmith Road and you'll know it's Brook Green cause when you turn into it, EMI headquarters are on your left. Again, go right up BG, about 3-4mins until you reach the pub (on your left)

    Obviously there are other places! That's just one suggestion, if any others arise I wont cry! (much)

    I can be there around 8, but yah, we can all come and go as we please, I'm sure we are all responsible adults ;D how will we know who we are though?! I'll wear my spotty boots hehe. (Or maybe my flowery wellies if it's raining.) I'm short, have red hair, and odd shoes!

    Two days!
  15. sineadg

    sineadg New Member

    wow directions and everything!i still havent packed yet and my lectures start at 9am tom then straight to the airport... really need to get a move on!!! yeah try M&S thats were i got my stuff and it was pretty reasonable!!and they do short in trousers! well i also have red hair, n ill prob b da only irish one in da pub so that will b a good indication! is it cold over there???its been freezing here and wondering what to pack!!!
  16. rupsi

    rupsi New Member

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeek! It's all so soon! I have a test tomorrow. :(
    I think your pub sounds fine.
    I decided against a suit jacket; just going with a jumper instead. *fingers crossed* it'll be fine

    Er; I have grey ear-muffs...just above medium height, Indian, probably so wrapped up you can only see my eyes peeking out from under an all-encompassing black hood :D
  17. sineadg

    sineadg New Member

    yeah ill def be wrapped up too (in a green scarf!!) oh no a test and then an interview the next day thats kinda killer! id say a jumper will be fine!! think im kinda getting nervous now...!!!
  18. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Just prepare for RAIN.
  19. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Well I've had a change of plan, no Italian tonight becasue I STILL DON'T HAVE A SKIRT. Which is not good. So I'm shopping instead lol. I guess I'll get to pub around 8 still though - skirt in hand in all likeliness (I hope)
    See some of you later :D
  20. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Wooo I had so much fun today! In a nervous way. But definately fun. I'm still feeling all funny inside and trying to write an essay (hence I'm here.... ::))

    Hope all you guys had as good a time as I did! *fingers crossed* for now!

    It's weird to think that just a few months ago I was looking at this forum and looking at everyone else's "Nuuu this wait is aaaawful!" angst posts and now I'm here doing exactly the same bloody thing!

    *ZenHummmmmmm* :D

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