Friday November 12th!!!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by DisneyMichelle, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    I know what you mean, I just want the info through!! Although IM pretty sure I know what its gonna be! When i applied last time, it was a double sided application form and just a letter saying what to bring on the day - like the form, up to date CV, copy of your passport etc! But I just want the new stuff through!!

    Am gonna book my hotel soon, but am just hoping to find it cheaper somewhere!!!

    Michelle xx
  2. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah its just gettin all the info through makes it seem more iminent and sorted if u get me. where have u tried for the hotel? i haven't really looked into it yet as i don't know if martin's coming yet, if he's coming we'll stay if not might just get an early train as i can get into london euston latest 8am with an early train from birmingham, but not 100% sure yet.
  3. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    The cheapest I can find the Novotel in Hammersmith is on which is £81 for a single room and £48pp for a double!!!

    I know what you mean about it seemong more sorted when you get the info through - each little bit of info we receive is like a step closer to getting the job!!!

    I dont think I could travel the morning of the interview - Id be too panicked!!!!

    Michelle xx
  4. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    oh thats alrite for the double, i expect i'd b payin tho cos martin mite drive us down if he comes, been tryin 2 sort it 2day but with whats happened the timing isn't right, tell you my life is never without a bit of drama or complications, tut. if only!

    Sara xx
  5. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Hope you get all your family stuff sorted out, life would be so much easier without its dramas!!!

    The prices are quite reasonsable I suppose for a hotel in central london on a weeknight!!

    Just realised we're going back and forward between this and the OC topic!!! Would be easier to chat on MSN but mine wont let me sign in for some reason - very annoying!!!

    Michelle xx
  6. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah it would be haha. msn has had a few problems over the last few nights, my mate got an email telling her they kept putting messenger down for maintenance.
    yeah i hope i sort these probs out, shouldn't get so involved but wen its my boyfriends family, very hard not 2.
  7. Rudy

    Rudy New Member

  8. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    awww thanks, i been lookin at travel inns etc, as that is always another option, then just buy a day tube ticket, a lot cheaper than a £100 room ey? hehe. thanks for lettin me know

  9. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Thanks for the info!!! Im one of those people who thinks of every little thing that could stop me getting to the interview on time and I think that relying on any form of public transport to get me there on time will just add to my worries, which is why I want to stay in the hotel literally next door to the Disney offices!!!! Just wish it was cheaper!!!

    Michelle xx
  10. Andy

    Andy New Member

    Can you add another name to the november Applicants, cause im coming as well! =) LAST MINUTE AVAILABLE PLACES! oh god thats less then a month away! Oh god i need to shave, i need a hair cut! **passes out**

    November baby!!!
  11. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

    I'm sure you'll do great!!
  12. Lady

    Lady New Member

    Hello UK people!

    I'm from Canada and just had my interviews last week and am patiently (right!) waiting for my call. Just wanted to say good luck to all of you guys who are going out for interviews in the next couple weeks. You'll do fantastic and I know we'll all be meeting in Florida next year!

  13. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Well done Andy Pandy!! :D you'll be there sooner than you thought!

    Ellen xxx
    P.S. add me to the february list! ;D
  14. eeyore22

    eeyore22 New Member

    Well done Andy ;D.
    My goodness, the interview is 2 weeks this friday :eek:!
    Looking forward to seeing everyone,
    Dan :D
  15. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Congrats Andy thats great!!!! Are you on the 12th with us guys!?! Would be great if you were - the more the merrier!!!!!

    And Ellen, I knew youd get through to the interview this time - youre probably the most 'Disney' person Ive ever met if you know what I mean!!!!!

    Two weeks tomorrow!!! Am so scared!!!! I had my first 'I didnt get the job' dream the other night and it was horrible!!!!

    Michelle xx
  16. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Just realised that we'll be getting the rest of the details next week!! Thats gonna make it all seem so close!!!

    Seems like just yesterday I knew I had the interview and that was in july!!! These past few months have just sped by!!!

    Michelle xx
  17. DisneyTracy

    DisneyTracy New Member

    Hey Guys!

    Just wanted to wish you guys all luck ony our interview, just remember to be yourself, they already know you know lots about your counrty they just wanna know your personality now, Thats what they tell you for the presentation, Just make sure you have your papers in order, and oh heads up, Get 2 coppies of your drivers licence and passport and make sure you filled out all the forms, I had a girl that sat beside me and filled out her application form durring the presentation, Trust me, you don't want to miss the presentation, it's soo funny and great!! :D Anyways, GOOD LUCK! Make sure you post adn tell us how it went!! Remember just smile and show them that you wanna be a part of the very special Disney magic :D

    Luv Always Trace
  18. eeyore22

    eeyore22 New Member

    Thanks for the advice Trace ;D.
    2 WEEKS TODAY :eek: ;D :eek: ;D :eek: ;D :eek: ;D.
    I think these smileys sum up how i'm feeling at the mo. I can't wait to get the stuff through.
    Dan x
  19. rachela

    rachela New Member

    Hi Everyone

    My interview has now been brought forward to November 12th!!

    Look forward to meeting you all

    Rach xx
  20. Andy

    Andy New Member

    im not lookin forward to meeting any of you's, cause your all better then me, and gonna take my job! :)

    2 weeks! Biggest interview of my life is in 2 weeks! 14 days! sweet jesus i am scared! i dont know if excitement has kicked in yet its just all :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ;D :eek: for me!

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