Free Park Entry question!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by EmzEms, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Hm, I have a cast member discount question (and hopefully it can be answered - so far all of my random questions have been! ;D)

    So, as a year long Cultural Rep we'll be getting the pass that let's three people (plus us) into the park for free 12 times a year. But can it be consecutive? Can I, saaaay, invite three people down and use up 6 free entrance admissions 6 days in a row? And do I have to join them for all six days? (Since I don't think I'll be getting 6 days off of work to be with them).

    My family is already thinking of visiting me just before Christmas. I love the idea because we were certaintly never the sort of family that could afford or even dream of going to Disney World. But because of this oppurtunity, it's possible for my mom and little sister! And I want them to enjoy it as much as they can, thus having them stay down for more than a day.
  2. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    ive never heard anyone ask about consecutive days but i guess that would be fine, they just give u 12 days, no idea if there are restrictions on that tho!

    and you have to be with ur family wen u want to sign them in...when u sign them in they will be given a 1 day park hopper pass so they can spend the rest of the day without you, like if u had to go to work or sumthing.
  3. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    and yes consecutive days are fine, may family used my 6 on my last program 6 days in a row. The official rule is, if they are your immediate family, you can sign them in and leave them to their business, but if they are not your immediate family you are suposted to stay with them while they are in the parks. The only way they're going to find out however is if you sign in someone who causes problems in the park. Keep in mind there are blackout dates, such as around christmas/new years, and the 4th of July.
  4. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah you can't get em in free over those days, but can you still get them a discount on a normal ticket on those days?
  5. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I believe so, since you just just buy the ticket in advance, but really the discount is about your tax if that so it's not huge.
  6. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Fair enough, just reassuring to know its a little bit cheaper :) Can't wait now, something cool about being signed in through a CM entrance whilst everyone else queues,lol
  7. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    lol you'll still probably end up waiting... I know I ended up waiting behind guests a few times who just go in the shorter line ::)
  8. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Haha, fools, although they don't mark a particular gate off do they i suppose, in interests of fairness an all :)
  9. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Well they do have a sign saying guest and CM entrance I believe (I can't remember what the other option is besides CM on the sign)... but it's still pretty "main" just off to the side.
  10. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    Yeah, I was just there in October and it says "Guest and Cast Entrance" So as guests we always went through that entrance as it was always much less crowded.
  11. rachet

    rachet New Member

    so when we go to work do we go through a regular entrance at the front of the park or somewhere hidden?
  12. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    You go in through the cast entrance, as mentioned its a normal entrance but has cast above it, then from the peeps i've walked in they go through to backstage on the left, can anyone confirm?
  13. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Here's a map for epcot.

    Red = Guest/regular entrances.
    Green = our bus stop
    Yellow = Cast Services building/work entrance
    Purple is the cast parking lot (if anyone plans on driving/having a car).
  14. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    BEautifully done mate, worked a treat for me, anyone got a similar thing for MK ?:D
  15. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    just a quick question about parks entry...

    for disney quest, do castmembers get in free or like aquatic parks just have a discount?
  16. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    They're shutting Disney Quest down permanantly soon, aren't they?
  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I heard they were unofficially, but I don't know for sure either way.

    We get in half price all day (although everyone gets in half price after a certain time like 6 PM).

    MK is a little different as you board a bus behind toontown which takes you down into the tunnels somewhere (I never took the VIP CM bus).

    Red = Cinderella Catle
    Green = Bus stop for work at top of the screen. (not play, Epcot has one stop, MK has two. TTC if you're visiting West Clock (green dot) for work).
    Yellow blob = Property Control/Cast Connection (discout Disney goods for CMs)
    Black = Disney University
    Purple = Monorail storage facility (yes you go right past it in the bus)
    Blue = Contemporary Hotel.
  18. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Crikey, you never realise the size of the park until you see where the Uni is etc do you? just realisied where it is, you don't go that far past it if your a normal visitor...
  19. ciara-cinders

    ciara-cinders New Member

    im confused about the discounts thing, I'm going for the summer program (june5th-aug31), is it possible to get discounted/free tickets for my kid brother and parents into the parks?? What other discounts are available??
  20. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    You MIGHT get free admission otherwise you should have access to all of the following.

    Discounted Tickets.
    20% off Merch (that you buy)
    20% off food (that you buy from table serve restaurants)
    40 or 50% off hotel room (depending on if you stay with them)

    there may be a few more but thats the major ones that I can remember off the top of my head.

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