Food Shopping

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jimbobdaga, Apr 21, 2005.

  1. Grouchy87

    Grouchy87 New Member

    Hey guys!

    have just read that all and got hungry! lol.

    my list will be lots of fruit, (i love it) fresh orange juice, either patatos or really good chips (fries :p ) and fresh fish so i can show my room mates wot we r all supposed to eat over here! lol.

    Also gonna get oreos, they better sell proper tea! oh... and muffins and beagels for mornings! lol.

    Can see me using ths gym a lot over there!  hehe

  2. PixieDust

    PixieDust New Member

    Beaver tails are an absolutely wonderful pastry that's best eaten with mittens on while you're skating on the canal in Ottawa!!!

    You can get them with a variety of toppings, the original being with...ohhhh let me remember it right, sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice (do I have the Kilaloe(sp?) Sunrise right Sheena????it's been months since I've had one!)  Some people get them with garlic and cheese, which turns it into more of a meal, other people have them with a chocolate spread!!!

    They're just a little piece of heaven and the perfect compliment to a winter day!!!

    @Sheena - I can't wait to try homemade tails!!!  I'll bring the cinnamon!

  3. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    Kilaloe Sunrise are sooooo good my Favorite flavor/ is the chocolate.. My familys home made one are awesome almost the same as the ones on the canal....Charlene you'll love em for sure, will keep us a bit closer to home! all we need is a canal now lol hmmmm that might not work!

    Beaver Tail Party.....well since there isnt a beavertails at disney anymore you all cant try it so i want to bring a little pice of Winter Canadianna to why not have everyone over for a bunch of them!

  4. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    Sounds yummy. Whats the pastry like? big small?
  5. Anika

    Anika New Member

    Sounds great! ;D But that´s probably typically Canadian, isn´t it?  ;) I never heard of that before!  :)
    Why are they called "beaver tails"? ???
  6. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    they sound devine 'licks lips' :D
  7. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    you can make em as big as you want, its a light pastry i cant think of anything really similar to it though......there called beavertails because they are an oval shape and are flat (looks like a beavers tail)

  8. Anika

    Anika New Member

    Yes, now I can imagine how they look like! ;)
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    no more talking about so hungry lol....actually no keep talking!!!!!!!!!!!
    xxxx :) ;) ;D ;D ;D
  10. Grouchy87

    Grouchy87 New Member

    am looking forward to one of them! Everyone should bring some food typical of their country (depending on wot food they'll let us bring into country!)

    Wot for the uk? Tea bags? Cadbury chocolate? lol

  11. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    and i believe beaver tails are COVERED in sugar.....*barf*
  12. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    guess u dont like list...hmmm i think i shal get sum carrot cake...its so tasty over there!!! yum :p
  13. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    If I remember correctly, she can't have it
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    ooo....i see!! ;D
  15. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    aww jim u remembered!! how sweeet! hahha
  16. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    You should go to the Norwegian pavilion and buy som "Freia Melkesjokolade", best there is. Translates - Freia Milkchocolate
  17. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    OOOOPS, the above message was meant for Anika, must have hit the Reply buttom instead of the quote button.
  18. Anika

    Anika New Member

    Milchschokolade! Yummy... ;D

    I´m a total chocolate freak...unfortunately... ::) :-\
    but it´s just so good! ;D
  19. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    Mostly because you started a thread about it. I’m not a stalker or anything.
  20. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol@stalker of the out for himmm!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

    lol :D

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