Flight attendant****

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LuckyCharm, Nov 18, 2004.


Would you like to become one? What do you think about it in general?

  1. No, never

    0 vote(s)
  2. MAYBE

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, I would love this job

    0 vote(s)
  1. eeyore22

    eeyore22 New Member

    I put no. Like a few other people have said, i'm not a great flyer, so flying everyday would really make me uncomfortable :-[. I know someone who has done it before, and they loved it. Money may not be good, but you get to travel the world for free :D.
    Dan x
  2. Ninik

    Ninik Guest

    I am a flight attendant...

    ... and I love it!!!!!!

    After coming back from Disney in 2000 I decited to see a bit more of the world and hired with German airlines Lufthansa.

    Just to get some prejudices out of the way: serving hot tea to guests on board (I don't know who mentioned that here...) is not all that we do. Up and foremost we're on board to secure a safe flight for our passengers. As I hired with Lufthansa I had a TOUGH months long saftey and emergency training, which we repeat every single year in short form by the way.

    Besides the regular emergency training we are trained to solve medical and psychological occurences on board and trust me: having 400 or so people flying with you you´ll see quiet a lot!

    The payment with Lufthansa is not bad though payment and regular working conditions vary a lot from airline to airline.

    With Lufthansa you can not start by flying only intercontinental routes but you'll have continental & intercontinental (depending on your base) mixed flights. After a view years of senority you can try to get into the intercontinental group based in Frankfurt.

    Right now I am on my baby absence, living in Mexico (met my husband in the Commons by the way :)) and I miss flying, I miss waking up in differernt cities around the world, I miss the crew life, I miss...........
  3. LuckyCharm

    LuckyCharm New Member

    hOLA nINIK

    como estas? Tu eres de Mexiko`? Wow, Me gusta Mexiko, pero ne he estado alli!! I´m switching over to English since my Spanish is not god at all anymore. Wow I tried to get into Lufthansa but I failed the Test, Lufthansa is very popular everyone tries to get in but they have a high level of requirements. I will try it later to get into lufthansa. I´m interested to make long distance flights and not only through Europe and back, without overnights.

    Well, congrats to your baby!! Which origin is your husband, since you met him at the commons, he might be of another origin?

    Have a great day!!!
    Talk to you later
    Un abrzao fuerte
  4. flavour

    flavour New Member

    i think she's german since she worked in german f&b! hahaha!! ;) ;) ;)
  5. LuckyCharm

    LuckyCharm New Member


    But since she´s living in Mexiko, she might speak a bit Spanish and thus understands what I´m talkin bout... However I hope I´m right. She is living in Mexiko... Hey Ninik are you currently living over in Mexiko?

    :p ::) ;D :D :p

  6. Kaddy

    Kaddy New Member


    I was going to apply for flight attendant too, but unfortunately at that time, Lufthansa did not accept any applications at all.
    So you met your husband at the Commons. That is very interesting, you are the second person I have heard of this. Very Nice. And you two are having a baby now? That is really awesome. But you still work at Lufthansa , do you? Where do the 2, 3 of you live? Mexico? How do you handle all this?

    Greetz Kaddy
  7. flavour

    flavour New Member

    when i came to the commons i never thought that relationships after that one year would be possible, especially if you're from 2 different countries...but my mexican roomie got together with a norwegian guy and the got married this june and now live in miami!

    later! flavour xoxo
  8. Ninik

    Ninik Guest

    Hello all,

    Flavour was right: I am from Germany! :)

    I met my husband right in front of my building (19) in the Commons, but not in my wildest dreams would I have imagined then that I had just met my future husband! :D

    His name is Enrique and he is from Mexico. We were participants in the international program in 1999-2000, got married in 2002, had our first baby ( a boy named Angel) in 2003 and a sister (named Anlies) to follow in 2004. Both of them were born on March the 10th, but with one year of difference! ;D

    We did live in Germany (Hamburg) for a while after the program but moved to Mexico over a year ago. Currently we reside in Merida, Yucatan but will move to Cancun in a month! :)

    @Kaddy: due to the crisis in the airline industry after September 11th and the freaking war in Iraq Lufthansa didn't hire for a long time. Keep checking in though, they might even interview you now and hire you when they have positions available!

    @LuckyCharm: Why don't you try to reenter the interview for LH it might as well work out now! I don't know what the psychologists in the interviews go by when they pick the applicants but make sure your appereance is right (and keep in mind LH is a conservative airline) with neat make up, well cared nails (no red or dark colors) and nice clothing. And more important try to get an overview of the company and the job in general. They look for responsable, flexible and smily people. Having that in mind nothing can go wrong!
    P.S. Unless you speak an "exotic" language like Japanese you have no chance to enter the so called intercont group where you only fly longhaul. For the intercont group you need a view years of senority! In FRA and MUC you will have both: European and International, HAM, BER are pure innereuropean flights. Don't worry, only everyonce in a while you will fly back and forth and be home the very same night. On European tours you are away from home up to 5 days. A 3-5 tour is normal! Being based in MUC I had like 2 longhaul flights a month and one european tour! Good luck!

    @Flavour Ich glaube wir haben einen Freund gemein: Karl aus Kanada! Er hatte Dich mal erwaehnt, lach. Ich habe Karl 3 Monate bevor ich ging kennengelernt und als ich zu Hause war sagte er er haette nach mir weitere coole Deutsche kennengelernt u.a. Dich... :)
  9. flavour

    flavour New Member

    du kennst karl!! wie cool! oh mann, wie ich den kerl vermisse! hast du mal wieder was von ihm gehört? ich hab leider schon länger keinen kontakt mehr...jaja, julia und ich hatten immer eine so endsgeile zeit mit ihm auf parties...bis wann warst du denn da? haben uns wohl ganz knapp verpasst, oder?
  10. Ninik

    Ninik Guest


    ooooops da habe ich wohl "etwas" laenger gebraucht um zu antworten! ;)

    Ich habe Karl ein paar Wochen vor meiner Abfahrt kennengelernt. Er war der Roommate meines besten Freundes Nikki, der allerdings mit mir abgeflogen ist!

    Ich habe erst kuerzlich von Karl gehoert, er arbeitet auf einer Cruiseline (habe den Namen vergessen) und schippert zu meisst in mexikanischen Gewaessern umher! :)

    Wann bist Du in Disney angekommen??? Ich war vom Juni 1999 - Oktober 2000 dort...

    Liebe Gruesse aus Cancun,

  11. flavour

    flavour New Member

    dass karl auf ner cruise arbeitet wussten wir, aber irgendwie antwortet er auch nicht auf unsere mails wenn er an land is! :( hat er vielleicht ne neue e-mail-adresse??
    meinst du vielleicht den nikki aus der nähe von frankfurt, hat im merch gearbeitet?? der war nämlich mit ner guten freundin zusammen, haben sich auf der spring break mal kennengelernt...witzig!
    ich bin im oktober angekommen, aber erst am 25., haben uns also ganz knapp verpasst! schade! aber schon erstaunlich wie klein die welt is!! haha

    later! und grüße aus dem kalten münchen! haha!
    flavour xoxo
  12. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    i would be a flight attendant. i would work for Virgin airlines...as i love the red!!!!! lol....well not just that its a good ailine..... :D :D :D :D :D :D
  13. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    its what i plan to do when i come back from disney - ive always wanted to do it ;D
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    matter of fact me too!!!!!!! especaially virgin atlantic airlines!!! lol :p ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D....

    george would be good at a flight attendant!!!!!!!!1 ;) ;)
    wouldnt u george!!!!!!! ;) ;D ;D ;D
  15. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    of course i would be. i know all their stuff they have to do already caus i fly so much!!!!.

    if i was at a loss i would prob go and do that caus i live like 5 mins from heathrow!!!!!!!!!

    oooooooooohhhhhhh the pretty planes!!
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol secnd thoughts better not.........ud have bites miising out ur food with george there :-X well just the taco food...lol :D :D :D :D..

    lol@georges mental state!!!!1
  17. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    my mental state is just fine! its everyone else who is mad!!!!!!!


    ;D ;D ;D ;D
  18. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol..sure eveyone will be happy with that comment george!!!1 ;) :p ::)
  19. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    i'm sure they will! No i really am boring and normal but i'm getting excited bout going to disney!!!
  20. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    aww georgyyyyyyyyyy..ur not borning!!!! ;) a little mad and of key...and a little docile.....but not borning!!

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