february 2010 opportunity/waitlisted

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by tink84, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. hossain

    hossain New Member

    Same Deb, stay positive and hopefully that magical e-mail/phone call will come
  2. hossain

    hossain New Member

    I am on the wait/opportunity list and im looking at it as we are going we just dont have a start date yet. you may join here.
  3. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    oh im glad you had a good time, im sure august will be here before you know it ;D
    weeks been ok thanks still obsessivly checkin my emails lol xxx
  4. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    thanks so much for your support and wishes red I hope you are right I am sure you are and I am just being a drama queen lol xxx
    thanks to everyone for keeping your fingers crossed for us waitlistees ;D xxx
  5. wesleyboyd

    wesleyboyd New Member

  6. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Wow, that's really soon!
    Well done!x
  7. kazmanatee

    kazmanatee New Member

    Thats amazing!! Congrats!! When did you hear? Wow busy few weeks ahead now!! Good luck!!! x
  8. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    oh wow well done xxx that is soon xxx
  9. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    It's quite possible that other people with early availability could be called upon at the last minute...make sure you put some savings away!
  10. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    yep hope your right, I have been saving and if I dont get there I will use for a holiday to disney of course lol xxx
  11. wesleyboyd

    wesleyboyd New Member

    I heard three days ago! Originally, I didnt think I would get in because I have a tattoo on my wrist. Then Kristen called and asked me to take a picture of my tattoo, bare, and after concealment so disney could review that. Then she called me back two hours later and offered me a position in Merchandise! So its true, keep some money on hand, I gave up a month ago when I got my lip pierced ( which I now have to take out :( ) and then when one week ago, I signed a three year contract for a new phone. So, moral of the story, DONT GIVE UP!
  12. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    Hey Guys :D xxx
    just after some advice really from fellow waitlistees and those who have been accepted, I am needing a haircut lol and I normally have my bob shorter on one side not really short but its not an ordinary bob!! they didnt mention my hair at the f2f other than the colours but im not sure if they noticed as it was probs tucked behind my ear, just wondered if you had any info or advice do you think I should grow to a normal bob or cut it back up?
    Sorry for silly question but it is hard when you r in limbo waitin for the call/email xxx
    hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend xxx ;D
  13. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

    Tough one!

    I suppose you could do both! You could cut it as normal, as your dep date will probably be months after your call from YJ, allowing you enough time to grow it out. Or let it grow just in case and then think about it in a few months again, I'm sure by which time you'll have been given a date! ;D
  14. kazmanatee

    kazmanatee New Member


    How is everyone? Good B/H weekend?! :) I was working all of it - but thinking of the pennies!!! xx
  15. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Hey guys,
    hope you're keeping well!
    I worked all of bank holiday too but then I rebelled and quit my second job.
    Perhaps not the most sensible move with only 6 months to go before my departure date but I am too tired to actually enjoy life.
    Hope everyone is ok...and Lucy, cut your hair however you want! If it doesn't grow out in time you could always get some bonded extentions on one side until it does grow :)
  16. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member


    Just thought I'd say hi as I realise I've not been around in ages! Still waiting, still hoping, still jumping 12ft in the air when I have a missed call like everyone. Currently debating replying! How's everyone doing? X
  17. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    Just want to wish all of you guys the best I am reapplying in July as my 6 months is coming to an end and the canadian recruiters told me that no positions would be arising for people from my round of applications... but keep your chin up so many did get off the list ^^
  18. helveticarock

    helveticarock New Member

    i recently got an email from kristen asking for an update on when we can depart, any f&b experience as they're recruiting mostly for that right now.
    hoping that has a little leverage as i can leave asap and have been in f&b for over 5 years!!
  19. neevyweevy

    neevyweevy New Member

  20. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    Hi everyone ;D
    hope you are all well and enjoying the sun, Im working mostly but have seen a few rays lol xxx Thanks everyone for advice still keeping my fingers crossed that we will hear something soon xxx

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