february 2010 opportunity/waitlisted

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by tink84, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Congratulations guys, you must be really pleased x
  2. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Thank you. Hopefully there still giving people dates, so your email to come and join us may be just around the corner :)

    Wishing all the best for those still waiting x x
  3. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    My nerves are in shreds, I'm terrified of not getting an email :( I'm going to be even more on edge now that the list is moving!
    Really happy for you guys though, I know you'll have a brilliant time :)
  4. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    OMG well done guys congrats Im so pleased for you ;D
    and a little bit jealous lol :-\ im checking my emails even more now the list is moving still keeping my fingers crossed,
    again you must be so excited congratulations xxx
  5. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Don't worrie nat I'm sure your e-mail will come

    I have everything crossed for yoo!! :D
  6. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    hey luc, nice you got more pals coming with you now :D
  7. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Have you got an e-mail yet?

    I have eveything crossed for yoo!! xx
  8. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    No I havent yet ??? thanks yeah keep em crossed hopefully not for too long xxx
  9. kazmanatee

    kazmanatee New Member

    Hey all!!

    Wow exciting movement on the list!! Debz & Kat well done :D

    Hows everyone been this weekend? Enjoying the sun? It's been lush!! Managed to spend saturday on the beach - v. bizaree for April!!! xx
  10. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Thanks! Am keeping my fingers crossed for the rest of you on the wait list. They're probably doing a few at a time so they don't get too confused.

    The beach? I've ventured into the garden when not doing my dissertation/ revision...back to uni tomorrow though...grrr :-(

    Hope you guys here something soon x x x
  11. kazmanatee

    kazmanatee New Member

    Yeh I think we will all hear soon :) Positive thinking!!

    Haha yeh I went down to my old uni to visit my friends and there is one gorgeous beach down there (on the gower) which is really secluded so there was hardly any wind and just the sun! Was amazingly warm!! Hows your diss coming? x
  12. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Sounds lovely, I can't wait for summer/once exams are over. Diss is ok...it's due next friday but I've got to the point where I can't look at it any more! x x
  13. debz

    debz New Member

    yea im a geo teacher but ive no sense of direction lol how ironic lol i get lost so easily its awful
  14. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    OMG!! I am on the phone to Nick right now, apparently I missed my email offering me a position in Merchandise for the 7th December in Merchandise...I must have accidentally deleted it OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!
  15. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    oh wow congratulations :D thank god they called you xxx well done xxx
  16. Smile_xxx

    Smile_xxx New Member

    I just got the same phone call i dont know how i missed it either been checking religiously

    2nd November

    F and B

    Sooooo excited :) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  17. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Ohmigod!!! Congrats people! Yey there are more of us that will be going out!!! x x
  18. SophiAmelia

    SophiAmelia New Member

    Wow congratulations both of you!!! ;D Bet you're relieved that they called, thats wierd that the emails seemed to have got lost in cyberspace somewhere. ???

    Smile_xxx, we have the same start date!! :D Glad to hear that somebody else will be joining me on 2nd nov. I'll be doing merch though.
  19. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Haha i was so excited I mentioned merchandise twice. Haha.
    Your emails are coming guys!
    Congrats Smile!
    And AS IF I ACTUALLY MISSED AND DELETED IT....natural blonde, thats what it is xxx
  20. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    we can start a little merch crew now... ;D

    If you haven't already, come chat on the UK Pav thread! x x

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