Feb 6th 2007

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Stitch_626_UK, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. naiades06

    naiades06 New Member

    im flying Virgin, and get into Orlando bout 5!!

    woop woop woop woop, soooooooooooooooo close!!

    where can we cash travellers cheques nearby ?

  2. doowop

    doowop New Member

    u excited yet guys? what time do u get here .. ill try and arrange a meet and greet?!
  3. redappleUK

    redappleUK New Member

    I booked my flight today. its the same as Rose's. We arrive at Orlando at 17:10. So yeah if you want to meet us somewhere that would be cool. Ive been told to go to this Disney desk at Orlando airport.

    Really excited now.

  4. no mike not TRY,

    you WILL. ok??!!

  5. yaz

    yaz New Member

    You are almost here girls and guys!!
    Good luck and best wishes!!!
    any plans to meet up on the 6th evening!
  6. naiades06

    naiades06 New Member


    nearly there ;)
  7. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    i notice u did film and stuff at college....would u be interested in a video shoot involving shoes?

    simon i think we've found our man lol
  8. right so we have our camera man
    we have our director
    we just need to hold auditions now!
  9. yaz

    yaz New Member

    Jilly and Simon,

    I'm always up to a new project.

    shoes? shoes??? really, shoes?

    tell me about it :)

    In fact once I DID make a video shoot about shoes!!!! LOL! we had a short movie about this girl falling in love with a shoe store salesman, who happen to have a dream to become a sculptor one day. it was a dry humor love-comedy.

    but now seriously, what's in your mind? send me an e-mail oks? yazuo@yahoo.com

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