Feb 6th 2007

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Stitch_626_UK, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. naiades06

    naiades06 New Member

    okey dokey, visa has arrived and flight will be booked on monday.
    laptop has landed (its so new and shiny, and i swear it actually hurt when i shelled out for it), currently whacking pics and music on left,right and centre.

    seems like no activity for ages, now its all hyer speed !!

    anything i should not forget ?

    is the program assesment fee just a random amount of money we have to pay for nothing ??

    whats a reasonable amount of money to bring to keep me going for the first little while ?

    thanks ;)
  2. redappleUK

    redappleUK New Member

    Hi there

    My name is James and I am also going to Disney on Feb 06. I am from Milton Keynes and will also be working in merchandise. Not long now!

  3. hey james, welcome to the forum!
  4. dont forget a random dressing up costume! you never know when you might need it!
  5. redappleUK

    redappleUK New Member

    Hey Simon

    Can I add your msn? or you can add mine californiadreamin7@hotmail.

    Where are you from anyway?

  6. naiades06

    naiades06 New Member

    hey james,

    your not far from me, im just outside Northampton.

    rose :)
  7. naiades06

    naiades06 New Member

    mine is eurorosie03@hotmail.com
    its all getting exciting, have a few nights out over the next few weeks too look forward to as well, good stuff !!
  8. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    thats not true you're from newcastle ;D ;D ;D
  9. It's lies! all Lies! how dare you slander my good name!
    i am not from newcastle i just socialise and shop there! and on occasions wake up there!
  10. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

  11. rachet

    rachet New Member

    woohoo another yorkshire person!

    im not north though - born south yorkshire now live in west yorkshire

    but either way...

    yorkshire yorkshire yorkshire!!!
  12. go yorkshire! go yorkshire! go yorkshire!

    hmmm we really need a new chant!
  13. who are you calling a slut???
  14. naiades06

    naiades06 New Member

    ok, so what exactly is traditions and discovery day ?

    what do we do at traditions and how long does it all last,and the same Q about discovery day, im guessing we do some discovering, but thats the extent of my knowledge.

    do we wear the smart stuff for both days ??

    cheers ;)
  15. traditions is where you just sit in a class room, watching videos of the disney corporation and learn all the little hand moves, manourisms etc, very boring stuff so dont go hung over. tho you can win some little critters!
    and discovery day i think is an orientation day of Epcot, and yes smart dress is needed for em both, there the only days you will need smart business dress i think.
  16. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    i also had a computer based learning thing at Disney Uni, so i had 3 days i needed formal wear :)
  17. serves you right for being food and bev!
  18. redappleUK

    redappleUK New Member

    Right ok! Getting serious now!

    Got visa.
    Got suitcase.
    Got clothes.
    Got linens (nearly).

    Got just about everything except flight. Wots going on?

    James ???
  19. wish i knew, its driving me crazy, think im gonna book my own before 6th and have a couple of days on I drive (yuck!), flights seem pretty cheap at the mo.

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