The happiest place on earth is the CM parking lot 45 mins after park close Haha sorry, it was one of the jokes I told at the Jungle...always got a laugh that one!
I love all roller coasters from WDW. but I would say Expedition Everest. For the worst ride... mmmm.... The Hall of Presidents!!!! Sorry if any of u guys is American, nothing against your country. But for a foreigner, is so boring. Sorry
lights on? like on space mountain? I thought it would be cool if on the blue line if you could see the trck on space can see the carts starting up but not the track. But im guessing it would be too complicated to do.
A lot of guests get to see Space with the lights on....I've done RnRC with the lights on, but thats because Brynna worked there and she was a super awesome CM and let us ride
Hey DisneyGibbs, that just made me think how yesterday my family went to Niagara falls and did the tour where you can go down behind them. There are openings where you can see all the water (slightly boring but I can say I did it). Well while I was looking at this all I could think of was that I was looking at the backside of water. So dorky but my family didn't get it and Jungle Cruise is one of my favourites. Knowing that you worked it I figured you would appreciate that.
When I was at WDW this summer I rode space mountain with the lights on - somebody had taken too long to unload so they had to stop the ride and they can't start it again without checking the whole thing, which means turning the lights on (or something like that!). They have to let all the trains get to the end of the track before they can turn the lights off again, and we were just at the bottom of the crank, so we rode the whole thing with the lights on ;D then we got to straight round again and ride it with the lights off!
oh well, that is so cool. I have never rode Space Mountain. It has never been one of the rides i have been dying to go on but i will be definetly going on it next year when i go. i cannot wait to go back either on the ICP or on holiday. I have to make an attempt to ride all the rides at WDW.i wonder what it would be like to ride Rock n Roller Coaster with the lights on?
Space Mountain is my least favorite ride. But if you wanted to watch it online it's posted on youtube! Honestly, it doesn't seem even as remotely scary as it does in the dark.
Yeah it's probably way better with the lights off but it'd just be interesting to have a go with the lights on once
Hehe thats awesome YOU'VE SEEN IN ON TV, YOU'VE READ ABOUT IT IN BOOKS...ITS THE ONE, THE ONLY, BACKSIDE OF WATER! Sadly no, the one at RnRC happened because the CM's there get to go on the last ride, and they can ride it with the lights on. We were just lucky we knew someone who could get us in!
im guessing i will find out about this backside of water if i get out to ICP. i think i would have to ride it in the i couldnt see if i was about to go upside down or not (massive fear of going upside down...just managed going sideways on air!).
Hahaha, yeah... Ride the Jungle Cruise in Magic Kingdom, I find it's a love it or hate it ride. and I LOVE it. I want to work on it so badly. And I also want to ride those rides with the lights on