Favorite Ride

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by disneyfan, May 30, 2006.

  1. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    ok that does nOT count as favourite ride per park - u cant choose 4 per park!

    MK - philhar (but if that just counts as show then buzz)
    MGM - rnrc
    EPCOT - Soarin
    DAK - safari
  2. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Okay well if we're doing one from each park! :D

    MK: The Haunted Mansion
    MGM: Tower of Terror
    Epcot: Spaceship Earth
    AK: Dinosaur

  3. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    show inculdes fireworks parades and little sketches i.e. pirate training

    mk ride: Jungle cruise
    mk show: spectromagic
    Epcot: soarin
    Epcot show: illuminations
    Mgm: great movie ride
    mgm show: fantasmic
    Ak: Dinosaur
    ak show: festival of lion king
  4. Dave84

    Dave84 New Member

    MK ride: Pirates of the Caribbean
    MK show: Spectromagic
    Epcot Ride: Test Trak
    Epcot Show:Illuminations
    MGM ride:Tower of Terror
    MGM show: Fantasmic
    AK ride: Kali river rapids
    AK show It's tough to be a Bug
  5. linsey

    linsey New Member

    MK ride: Space Mountain
    MK show: whatever is on at the tomorrowland pavillion.
    Epcot Ride: Spaceship Earth
    Epcot Show: Turtle Talk with Crush
    MGM ride: Tower of Terror
    MGM show: Fantasmic
    AK ride: Everest (even though i've not even been on it yet!)
    AK show: it WAS Tarzan Rocks *sniff* so now it's Lion King
  6. Dave84

    Dave84 New Member

    oh yeah i forgot they have changed tarzan rocks for a nemo show haven't they?
  7. linsey

    linsey New Member

    yeah. someone got hurt at TR and somehow that snowballed into shutting it down and replacing it. but they have the broadway show now so not a total loss. If I get up to new york at some point I want to see it :)
  8. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I know I know but being the ultimate Disney Dork I can't just choose one...I love ALL the rides (except Country Bear Jamboree, that sucks) but having worked in Ad/Lib I technically have to put all the good rides there as my favourite :p as they all totally rock, especially that Jungle Cruise ride....yeah, that's the one

    So yeah it's impossible to choose one... And I didn't choose four for DAK, there are two shows there :p

    oh except...my favourite ride of all time is the TTA but it only beats the others by a margin.

    Besides it's wrong to choose you're favourite! Think about how unhappy you're all making all the non liked rides feel :( hehehe
  9. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    So why are you posting on a favourite ride thread, Lou?! :p
  10. How did some one get hurt. One of the casts?

    Right ...

    Mk ride: splah mountain
    MK show: the old fireworkd show b4 wishes can't remember what it was called
    Epcot ride: Mission Space
    Epcot Show: Bjorn Again when they are performing at the American Pavillion
    MGM ride: Rockin' rollin' roller coaster
    MGM show: fantasmic
    AK ride: Everest
    AK show: used to be tarzan Rocks but now has to be Lion King 'tis an amazing show
  11. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    MK ride: Pirates! (but in all reality...I heart them ALL! except its a small world....no no no!!)
    MK show: philharmagic
    Epcot ride: test track/mission space
    Epcot show: turtle talk with crush!!!
    MGM ride: r n' r
    MGM show: Fantasmic/ Muppets 4D (I just LOVE the swedish chef!)
    AK ride: Kilamanjaro (sp?) safari
    AK show: nemo, nemo, nemo!
  12. Linz

    Linz New Member

    MK:The Haunted Mansion(closed til sept :'( )
    EPCOT:Journey into Imagination with Figment( followed very closley by Spaceship Earth)
    MGM:Star Tours
  13. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Shut up.

    I'm posting here because there's never anything else to post on as all the threads consist of 'who's going on this date?' or are in a language I have no hope of understanding. And seeing as I am not going on a particular date (as of yet) it seems rather pointless to post on them :p What happened to the good ole days when people posted questions and stuff?
  14. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Hehe...well I guess that's ok then...:p

    I can ask lots of pointless questions of you, if that would help?!
  15. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    You already ask me loads of pointless questions...so that's nothing new!

    But yes do ask my random questions...maybe it will inspire others to do the same...just nothing about the Commons because I didn't live there :p
  16. Paola C.

    Paola C. New Member

    the new nemo´s ride at epcot
  17. domsaunders58

    domsaunders58 New Member

    Rockin Rollercoaster is wikid but i think the whole rider experience of tower of terrror is wikid
  18. j.fritschij

    j.fritschij New Member

    hey people,
    This is my list of favorite attractions.

    Animal Kingdom: Expedition Everest
    Epcot: Test Track
    Magic Kingdom: Space Mountain
    MGM-Studios: The Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror

    Favorite Nighttime spectacular:
    Illuminations: Reflection on Earth at Epcot

    Favorite park:
    The Disney MGM-Studios, altough the Magic Kingdom feels a little bit like home.

    But, be honest. After all, I love everything in the whole Walt Disney World Resort!!



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