Favorite Ride

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by disneyfan, May 30, 2006.

  1. gamecube1984

    gamecube1984 New Member

    GRR - have to agree on that one - CANNOT get that out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    can not believ so few people said philharmagic - tut tut - not that im protective of my ride or anything... the fact that i could recite the whole thing has nothing to do with it (well u watch it 10 times a day it kinda sticks!)

    however i will add that soarin and rock n rollercoaster are in the top three!
  3. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Well I love philarmagic but for me Its more a show that a RIDE. So I live as a ride Tower of terror, mission space and aerosmith rockandroller coaster!
  4. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    ok i will give you that - although one guest did once ask me (in all seriousness) does this show go upside down? so obviously SOME people think its a ride!
  5. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Definately Tower of Terror.

    (However I must say I love Rock n Rollercoaster and Soarin aswell hehe.)

  6. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Definitely looking forward to experiencing Tower of Terror and Rock n' Rollercoaster after seeing this! Even more so, anyway. I've only been to MK (and then the California/ Paris parks)- love Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain from them. And Peter Pan's flight- especially the Paris version :D

    Aaah It's A Small World. When I was about seven I dragged mine, and another family (with two boys who would've been seven and five at the time...) onto that ride about ten times in the course of a weekend. Bet I was popular :D (Now my parents force me to go on it every time we go back, just so I can understand the pain and suffering they went through...)
  7. I LOVE Splash Mountain. It's always been my favorite. I even have a copy of the song of the south...I wish I could buy it!
    TOT and RnRC are up there too...but no one will go on them with me :( I did Expedition Everest by myself last August, because I had to try it! It was great, but I didn't think it lived up to the hype. I actually love it's a small world too.

    When (if) I go down, one of the first rides I want to go on is Dinosaur - I was so scared the first time I rode it (probably about..7 years ago) I had my eyes closed and my head down the whole time! I missed Soarin' last time.
  8. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    I love The Great Movie Ride...but it totally depends on if you get a good tour guide or not.

    I love Splash Mountain too

    OMG I can't believe I forgot about POTC...aaaamazing ride

    Yeah it's hard to pick a favourite lol
  9. RCP

    RCP New Member

    What about Mission Space! I haven't seen it listed that often!

  10. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    or test track i havent seen that as much thats was fun lol
  11. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Or Peter Pan or Buzz Light year or Stitch's something that used to be ALIEN Invasion or something like that!

  12. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    wow another had choice he guys i will have to put them in top five he goes might take a while:

    1= soarin
    2= tower of terror
    3= mission space
    4= space mountain
    5= small world ( has to be in there!)
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    I've only ever been to Disneyland Paris (once) and I have to say that the Rock n Roller coaster was by far my favourite ride! Got the front seats of it 3 times in a row as well...(we went in February when it was v v quiet). i cant wait for the rock n roller coaster in WDW! im guessing its bigger and better and even more brilliant! and u have me excited about the tower of terror now!! and JUST EXCITED FOR EVERYTHING IN GENERAL! lol
  14. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    RnRC in Florida is a bit different. In Paris the story is you're filiming a music video so you get all the lighting effects to go with your music. In Florida you are rushing across LA to get to an Aerosmith concert, so there is no lightshow on board like in Paris, but rather you fly over LA landmarks (the actual coaster is the same).
  15. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    Think it'd have to be splash mountain for me. Love the music the whole way round as well as it being based on an awesome film.
    There are sooo many good ones though. That just happens to be my personal favourite.
    Best question to ask would have been "what's your favourite ride in each park?"........... Even then I think I'd struggle to choose :-\
  16. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    Epcot:Spaceship Earth
    MGM: TOT
    Magic Kingdom: POTC
    DAK: Safari

    Depends on my mood though, I change my mind about it every day
  17. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    WOW that sounds soooo cool is it better or just like same level of goodness as DLParis???
  18. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    haven't ridden it in Paris so I can't compare but I bought a few books in Florida about the parks and one was about Disney around the World so it sort of compared the attractions. So I can't really say which is better (until I get back to Paris, Disney Studios wasn't built when I was last there).

    One example of a LA landmark you fly "over" is the Hollywood sign... you actually fly right through one of the O's in Hollywood.
  19. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    wow that sounds sooooo cool.
    i am very very excited for it. and numerous other things of course.
  20. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    It's really hard to choose a favourite ride, especially in the Magic Kingdom..but I'll have a go!

    ok, MK = Jungle Cruise (gotta add it, I did work there!), Pirates, Mansion, TTA
    Epcot = Soarin', Test Track, Maelstrom, TTWC
    MGM = GMR!, ToT, R 'n' R
    DAK = Dinosaur, Everest, and I know technically they're not rides, but Festival and Finding Nemo: The Musical

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