Favorite Ride

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by disneyfan, May 30, 2006.

  1. Trev

    Trev New Member

    Space Mountain, Jungle Cruise or Tower of Terror. Those rides are just perfect!
  2. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    That's what I like to hear! None of this silly stuff about Kilamanjaro Safaris...as one guest said the other day "Jungle Cruise is the funnier and better version of the Safari at AK".

    Damn right.
  3. Trev

    Trev New Member

    I know rescuing a baby elephant, Poachers? High speed chase, nothing can stop us now. Except these ducks on the track which have. So we have to wait here 10 minutes.....

    Jungle Cruise anyday. Good old monkeys and headhunters.

    Oh and bring back the proper Tiki Room as well!
  4. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    Oh and bring back the proper Tiki Room as well!

    I am so with you on that one :D!
  5. Ona

    Ona Member

    Lol :D

    Aaaaa! My siestas are getting shorter and shorter.
    Hey Michael, mi amigo pay attention, it's show time!
    So it is! Pierre you rascal you. Let's put on the show.
    Mon ami! I am always ready to put on ze show! As is my good friend Fritz.
    Mine Goodness! You're all staring at us, we better get the show rolling!
    Wait, wait! We forgot to wake up the glee club. :D :D :D


    Lol just realised how "international" the tiki room is. American, Mexican, French, German & Irish. Gotta' love the accents. ;D

    Ona x

    [hmmm...how sad is it that I just wrote that of the top of my head....hmmmm :-[ ;D]
  6. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Sad...but still oddly impressive...
  7. Megara

    Megara New Member


    Oh, and slash mountain, I love singing all the way round that one. and the Mad Hatters tea party and the magic carpet and well ok, all of them apart from ToT ;D I didn't get to go on Small World when I visited WDW a coule of years back, so I will have to do that one at least once, but I know I will be singing along all the same.
  8. Ona

    Ona Member

    Aaah 'tis good to know there is a place where my affliction is appreciated rather than mocked. ;)

    Lol! ;D

    Ona x
  9. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    I didn't mind the "new" tiki room *shrugs*

    Ok ... not on my list of fave rides but I definately need to ride it: The Matahorn. I've never been on it. When I went to Disneyland it was under repair ... and 5 years later when I went to WDW it was under repairs there. Grrr! I also have yet to see the Indiana Jones Stunt Show (sorry Ana ... wanna go with me?)
  10. Ona

    Ona Member

    Hmmm... the Matterhorn is only in Disneyland. Big Thunder Mountain is in DLR & WDW but alas there is no Matterhorn in WDW. :( I managed to get the chance to ride it when I went on a trip to DLR and it does indeed rock (cheesy pun intended :D).

    Ona x
  11. PopcornPrincess

    PopcornPrincess New Member

    Hi Guys!
    This might come out a little silly but my fav right of all time
    is Peter Pan!! :) It's my fav fav FAV. RIDE!
    I guess it just brings back a lot of memmrories for me
    from the international program
  12. gamecube1984

    gamecube1984 New Member

    Thought i'd add my bit in too - I love Tower of Terror!
  13. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    Tower of Terror for me too. Although I have a soft spot for Carousel of Progress and Spaceship Earth
  14. rachet

    rachet New Member

    favourite ride is so hard to choose!! probably rock n roller coaster, although i LOVE killaminjaro safaris (i think that was what it was called?!) in animal kingdom, if you count that as a ride. ooo and splash mountain was amazing, its a tough choice!!

    whats NOT a tough choice however is WORST ride! "it's a world of laughter, a world or tears, its a world of hopes, its a world of fear..." :eek:
  15. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    This might be the most difficult question ever...anyhoo, I'm a sad/loser-ish person because I seriously LOVE the randoms, like carousel of progress, spaceship earth, figment and the Land! LOL!!! at least for the most part they are the rides without much of a line...well until soarin' was put in, and the land line grew hugely!
    the popular ones that I like are test track and rockin' roller...
    Oh...AND, philharmagic and turtle talk with crush (I am enamoured by this one, how do they do it??)
  16. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    Tower of Terror undoubtfully... ;D ;D ;D
  17. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Definately Tower of Terror
  18. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    I took my time and thought long and hard... and my top five rides at disney before i go out there and find out there are better ones. I last went in 2005 so no EE

    number 5. Soarin

    Number 4. Summit Plummet (if its allowed but its really amazing)

    Number 3. Tower Of Terror

    Number 2. Rockin Roller Coaster

    and my number one ride at disney before i go out there and change it

    The Great Movie Ride
  19. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Mine definitely Tower of terror then second Aerosmith rockandrollercoaster
  20. poncho

    poncho New Member

    Tower of Terror

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