I've never tried that Bacardi 151,you cannot buy it in Mexico, only the 101 one... and it is the strongest liquor EVER! With only 1 drink you are already dizzy. : :
eww bacardi 151 is what we give people when we want them to be EXTREMELY drunk..maybe canadians just cant handle their booze properly (sorry to those cnds that can) hahaha
barf!!! i enjoy wine...lol i LOVE WINE! wine wine wine!!!! RED ONLY..white is no good..just red...and being drunk off wine..makes you feel soo happy and giddy! aww i could go for a glass right now :-[
I get drunk quick, and I love it and the best part is I never get sick, no matter how much I drink. (well once but thats another story)
Archers and Lemonade for me too ;D! It's all I drink at uni. People don't bother asking me what i want anymore- they just know what it'll be! Unless it's 2 for 1 cocktail night! I detest beer and lager and all that kind of thing, and don't usually drink much wine- cos it doesn't make me feel so good the next day! But I love spirits! Charlotte x
Definately not a tequila drinker. The thought of it makes me feel sick. I was sort of surprised to see beer so low on the list. I normally choose beer. I like quite a few of them. Belgians are my favourite. Aside from my expensive taste in the Belgian beers, beer is usually the cheapest thing to drink. Malbu Rum and pinapple juice ROCKS though!!!! Mmmmm..... My other favourite has to be Amaretto..... mmmm... Amaretto Sours.....mmmmm Sandra
Malibu + Pineapple juice tastes good. But it will take you 10 bottles of that rum to feel dizzy, and you'll probably feel sick of it before getting dizzy, cause it's too sweet. But it's perfect to drink 1 or 2 when you are on the beach. yummy. 8)
Theres nothing better than bacardi Twisters mmm green apple ones are the best......but im a big fan of Vodka Lime, and slow gin and 7-up......but if i wanna get trashed ill have rum and coke cus it goes down too easy...... Sheena
oh man..green apple twister...one time i gott a little too smahammered off that...not good times with green apple twist!
I love my beer...the canadian beverage. But if that is not around then gimme a forty of rum, vodka, or maybe tequila and i will take that bottle to town.
I am a big fan of Monkey's Lunch! (creme de bananes, Kahula, and milk - and some people like to put a little vodka in there to)
olga there so good, there like drinking pop.... i think illhave to try a monkeys lunch sometime lol sounds yummy
Vodka coolers are great, but I find that they make my tummy hurt after I've had a few of them. I used to be blessed with not getting hangovers in the morning. Lately, though, I've noticed that I'm getting them more and getting really nauseous and dizzy the next day. I feel like I'm learning how to drink all over again. It's very frustrating. Of course, everyone has their opinion. Someone told me to only drink Guiness or Kilkenny because they are less carbonated and the carbonation is what's making me feel sick and dizzy. Someone else told me only to drink mixed drinks. Who know's? Actually, I made 2 miixed drinks before going out to a club a couple of weeks ago and then had a few beers at the club. No hangover, no nausea or dizziness. Well, I'm confused. Of course, there is the most unpopular opinion of them all.... just stop drinking altogether. Yeah, right!! Sandra