F2F Interview!

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by leomgray, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. Linzee

    Linzee New Member


    I managed to get to the very end with the passport details, which is at home so couldnt finish it anyway :p But I was using Google Chrome if that's of any use? ???
  2. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    congrats to everyone that got f2f :D
    i have just been accepted for the CRP and start on April 12th 2011

    so i hope to be seeing you all out there:D
  3. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    Hey Guys i applied about 14th Oct, took a few days to get a responce and had my phone interview, well 9 days later i have just had my email to tell me i have my F2F on the 18th Nov in Birmingham

    Anyone else going on the 18th?
  4. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    Hey guys, I'm going to f2f interview on the 15th Nov in Liverpool anyone else? ;D Any body got any tips for the interview or is everyone as nervous as me? :)
  5. josh.p.

    josh.p. New Member

    I had to make sure there was no + sign before the 44 of the phone number, no spaces between phone number and that my postcode was all capitals, no spaces. Click 'next' and then when you have filled out your whole employment history you have to double click 'next' again.
  6. Rosebud09

    Rosebud09 New Member

    I got accepted for the F2F too :) can't wait but so scared i'm going to mess up! Anyone else get Sheffield on the 11th Nov? so soon!

  7. ElenaMac

    ElenaMac Guest

    Thank you soooo much - I tried this and it works now :)
  8. Rebecca03

    Rebecca03 New Member

    Thanks so much. Who would have thought a simple +sign could cause so much trouble. I actually ran through my house screaming in excitement when it worked. ;D

    Rebecca x
  9. josh.p.

    josh.p. New Member

    It took me a whole day to figure it out LOL (I thought the + sign under the box meant you had to put it in!)
  10. DisneyPirate

    DisneyPirate New Member

    Hi :)
    I also have a f2f in Birmingham on 18th November .... I am soooo excited and very nervous. Wishing everyone who has interviews all the best.
  11. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member


    As all of you lot have had phone interviews please could i have some tips on the kind of questions they ask.

    Thanks and well done!!
  12. Jujjaloo

    Jujjaloo New Member

    Hey guys

    I had my phone interview 2 weeks ago and was told that I should hear by the end of last week about the outcome. The impression I got was that I would hear either way if it was good or bad news and if not to contact them.

    I don't want to sound pushy so not sure when/if to contact them.

    Any ideas?
  13. marmalade262

    marmalade262 New Member


    I had my face to face interview today (Aberdeen). It was great, they really put you at ease and are so friendly.

    Does anyone have any idea when we will know if we have been successful or not?

  14. Rebecca03

    Rebecca03 New Member

    Hey I was in Aberdeen today, maybe spoke to you. Its hard to tell what they think because they were being so positive and friendly all day!

    Not sure when we hear. the sooner the better I say.

  15. marmalade262

    marmalade262 New Member

    Heya, are you the girl I spoke to that does Sport at Abertay?
  16. Rebecca03

    Rebecca03 New Member

    yes thats me....:) who were you lol? x
  17. marmalade262

    marmalade262 New Member

    I'm Jules, the girl from Strathclyde :D I sat next to you at the start lol

    How did your interview go? Mine went well but everyone seemed so good that its really hard to tell if I stand a chance or not!
  18. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    So any tips for the Phone interview? mines tomorrow and im really really nervous and I have no idea how to prepare for it...HELP!
  19. Rebecca03

    Rebecca03 New Member

    Hey I did wonder if it was you :)

    Mine went well I think too but like you say its so hard to tell especially when the lady interview had a smile the whole way through lol. We did look for you after but couldn't see you to ask how it had gone. I thought we would get asked more than we did.

    So did you join this site after my recomendation yesterday? haha xxxx
  20. marmalade262

    marmalade262 New Member

    Yeah I considered coming back through to the other building but it was SOOO windy outside so I just got picked up from the Health building lol. Yeah I looked it up cos you mentioned it and it turns out I have been on this website loads but I just hadn't joined the forum lol - i was reading it for hours last night. Yeah we didn't seem to be asked that much, I was worried because I felt like she was asking the other guy way more than she was asking me - but it was probably in my head (i hope). I reeeeeally want this job! Fingers crossed we both get in.

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