F2F interview for the 2nd Oct.

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. Lollie

    Lollie New Member

    Thanks Gary, just got that! So nice of you to check :)

    Will be good if i'm not too far from you guys as I have no clue about London at all!!

    Does anyone have facebook?
  2. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Haha we don't have *bucks either! We only have costa coffee :( lol
  3. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    we'll help each other out dont worry lol
    and yeh my fb is

  4. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Disney room party sounds fun- I'm happy to host if u want although we could wait and see who ends up in the best room lol

    I'm so excited, I can't wait to start work so I have something else to think about!
  5. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Heck yes! I think all of the rooms will basicly be the same, but we'll see :) yayyyyy nearly 2 weeks! :) (well not far off of that in my books anyway lol)
  6. xSarahLizx

    xSarahLizx New Member

    I know exactly how you feel!! I'm gutted about missing out on the meal and this Disney room party!!! And in my town we dont have a Costa.. or a Starbucks or anything :( really sucks!!

    Yep.. mine is www.facebook.com/xSarahLizx
    And if you wanted to meet up with a few more of us, then I think we are meeting at Starbucks at Waterloo Station at about 9.15... if this ok for everyone else? I've been assured that Chez Gerard is literally 5 mins away so don't worry we won't be late!! :) x
  7. Mandy88

    Mandy88 New Member

    this is exciting for sure...lets hope all of us get it..so we at least know each other already ;D
    other then moving from germany to canada this is the second best thing that ever happened to me hahhha
  8. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Waterloo station at 9 - right, got it! That sounds like a plan! :)
  9. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Add me as another person who is staying at the Waterloo Travelodge!! So up for a room party, the more people I meet beforehand, the more relaxed I will be on the big day! And of course surrounding myself with fellow Disney nuts is always goooood :D
  10. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Sweet! Do I have u on fb stitch? Need ppls contacts to arrange things :p
  11. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    You do indeed have me on fb already Gary- Megan Thorne :)
  12. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Oooooo ok sorry Megan :p
    I get confused who is who with the names lol
  13. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Nooo problem! It does get confusing with everyones screen names!
  14. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Two weeks today people!! :D
  15. CarlaTink

    CarlaTink New Member


    Finished my application form took me hours and had a power cut right near the end of it!
  16. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    aww no thats not good!
    i think the online application kept playing up for most of us!
  17. Ben84

    Ben84 Guest

    The international programs website is down so I am unable to fill in my application form :(

    On the bright side, 2 weeks today!! So exciting!

  18. stevie-rhiannon

    stevie-rhiannon New Member

    Hello everyone!!

    I'm interviewing on the 2nd too! SOOOOOO excited!

    2 weeks today :eek:

    Has anyone else been preparing interview answers in their heads for about a week?! I think my brain might expode soon!

  19. CarlaTink

    CarlaTink New Member

    Yep I been writing down questions I think they might ask, and my answers just in case. So I can be prepared. :)
  20. xSarahLizx

    xSarahLizx New Member

    Ahhh two weeks!! feels so soon and yet so far away lol

    I haven't really been preparing at all... (not saying that I don't want to go!) I always used to do my revision at Uni at the last minute.. plus I'm scared I'll just worry more trying to remember too much stuff an becoming a bumbling idiot!
    And I must do my online application tonight!

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