F2F interview 19th of february

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 03goodl, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member


    I know it will be hard for everyone but like red said everyones in the same boat, if you really want to work for Disney but not for 13 months you could maybe try the ICP: the summer long programme which is a shorter period of time but still working at Disney!!

    OMG Mallz I love my Mcdonalds badge i have a crew trainer one now oooo get me lol!!! ;D
  2. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    OMG, just did a massive post and then my computer caught the uni wireless instead of ethernet. How annoying! It said this:

    Well done Emma!

    I think you need to weigh up the pros and cons- is it worth getting paid minimal wage to live in Disney, get the experience etc? Most bad things I have read are by people that didn't understand the scheme, or got terminated. They're obviously not going to have the same view of it as people on here!

    Youtube "disney cultural representative program"...if you get butterflies, you'll know it's for you! x x
  3. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    I just watched that video...i didnt get butterflies but i did get goosebumps! I'm so excited.xx
  4. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    - butterflies, goosebumps, jitters...a smile...... x
  5. arielbabe

    arielbabe New Member

    woo i just watched the video too and got both goosebumps and butterflies made me sooo excited too
  6. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Which video is it?? Stupid school has blocked youtube i have to wait till i get on my laptop AHHHH!!!!

    All i know is when i got my e-mail saying a got a phone interview and face to face interview it felt like my stomach had fallen out, my heart started racing all that adrenilin you know :D
  7. Mallz

    Mallz New Member

    awesome, i'm waiting for my crew trainer badge to come, stupid company always takes ages, i'll love that, it'll be all shiny and golden haha

    when I got the e-mail saying i had the F2F I cried a tiny bit at work because I was so happy, people were like :S
  8. Mallz

    Mallz New Member

    p.s. we need to keep the posts coming to always stay ahead of the 22nd thread haha
  9. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Totally agree lol!!! Gold shiny background and my name printed insead of stuck on with a sticker WKD ....quality lol!!!

    I'm so going on holiday to Disney if i can't work there this year lol!!! well when i can afford it!!!
  10. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    When i got the email i was screaming and jumping up and down clapping like a cheerleader on speed! My mam as like..."you've lost it, you have."
  11. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Ok this is so imature the 22nd of feb interview people are getting all competative wanting to beat us i means how imature i would never think of doing such a thing :D *jokes!! come on pees we have to keep the lead :p
  12. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    sorry have been a bit busy today with one thing or another! The video I like is this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYZroKr-dFI

    but there are some other better ones on there if you search hard enough!

    x x
  13. Emzviolet

    Emzviolet New Member

    totally know what you mean, i was in a lame job aswell but left just after christmas after working there 6 months. just really got to me, the management were horrible ppl. i have a degree, i graduated last summer and im unemployed atm. still looking around. so i guess this disney opportunity came at a good time. im gonna have to get a new job v.soon neway for extra funds. if i dont get offered a place im gonna travel around too, maybe australia. but lets hope the 19th goes well :)

    thanx to everyone for the advice, tips, info and encouragement... all this positive energy is contagious lol :D i watched some youtube vids of ppls experiences working at disney and the campus were they live etc. it all looked like they were having a fun time :)

    im getting flights sorted etc, im getting a train from london to liverpool after the interview tho. so what time u think well get out from them? at the latest i mean?
    im also gonna be carrying a bit more hand luggage than says is recommended to bring in the interview guideline at the side tab there <<<< cus im staying with family in liverpool for a few days. i hope they arent put off with my excess bag?
    i think meeting up is a very good idea, so were not all lost in the middle of london. lol. iv been before last may with my bf but cant remember everything direction wise. im sure once im there itll be easier to get around. i have a fb too btw.

    2 weeks to go!!!!
    Emma xox
  14. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    I don't think they'll mind an extra bag... they know some people have to travel quite a way to get the the interviews. There's some storage places at the big train stations but they're quite expensive, but if you weren't comfortable taking a suitcase to interview then it's an option.

    Yeah the positivity does spread...I love it! Will be good to meet you x x x
  15. Emzviolet

    Emzviolet New Member

    thanx chick... yea i was thinking abt the station storage spaces, but i thot it was expensive, yea. i suppose il just have to bring really light items in my bag lol.
    what airport should i fly into... theres gatwick or stansted and the flights look like i can only get 6am ones, which means il be hanging about london for ages before anyone else gets there :( il have to go to bed the night before at like 7pm haha have to be freshfaced for the interview!
  16. SophiAmelia

    SophiAmelia New Member

    Im a bit later with my reply, but just wanted to say that I dont think youre being too negative, I think its definitely good to be realistic about this kind of thing, because 13 months is a long time and a big commitment. Its worthwhile thinking it through properly. Like the other guys have said, you have to weigh up the pros and cons and decide if its what you want to do. If its something that you really want to do, then the fact that its 13 months can become a good thing!
    Congratulations on your interview anyway, and I'm glad youve decided to come, it will be good to meet you!

    I totally get the butterflys watching those videos!! :) Ive also been listening to disney music while doing my uni work, it makes me happy, and makes the work seem easier.
    sorry Ive been letting the side down with the postings, I havent written on here for a few days. But as for things im looking forward to, illuminations is one of them - I absolutely love it!! and katlou, Im definitely in agreement with you on the rollercoasters! and, of course, florida sun, im fed up with cold english weather! now that im thinking about it theres so much stuff that im excited about - if i do get to go of course.
  17. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    me too! x
  18. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    mmmmm, Jelly Belly Jelly Beans! Fluff! Clam Chowder from Sizzlers! All you can eat buffets!

    I love american food (I love food!) ;D Especially their sweets!

    Welcome to the forum Emma :)

    I think some of the negative aspects of working for disney could be the money (which, lets be honest, isnt great), the long hours (or the short hours during quite times and then no money), and the general lifestyle (the pace, culture, heat). I think attending the interview would be a good idea though, as its always better to be offered the opportunity and then turn it down then to not have the oppportunity in the first place and kick yourself at a later date.

    In the end the experience will be what you make it and I think we could make it great ;D

    Like everyone else I'm a bit nervous about spending so much time away from my family even though I know that they'll be at the other end of the phone/computer/mobile anytime I need them and I have a funny feeling that, if I get a place, they'll all be visiting and taking advantage of me and my discounts :D

    Two weeks tomorrow!!! And I still need to book a hotel! Does anyone have any suggestions?
  19. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Hmm, well Gatwick has better train links to London. Don't be fooled by the gatwick express. The normal trains from Gatwick to London only take about 10 minutes longer and are half the price! I think they're a similar distance out of London though, so you would need to allow yourself about an hour to get into London once landed. Don't worry about getting into London early- I think we're planning to meet at waterloo at 9 if you want, and the coffee shops at stations open really early.

    Hope that helps a little x x x
  20. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member


    Guess what one more reply and we have reached 100!!!! oooo hot topic get us!!!

    So glad it's the weekend soo i'm so tired of coursework!!

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