F2F interview 19th of february

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 03goodl, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    me+organization= happy!

    Sorry you've had a bad day :-( Hope you have a better one tomorrow. Think happy thoughts...like Disney Interview day! :) x x
  2. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Ahh thanks Katlou, i'm sure i have just had one of those days. I'll think happy thoughts, then maybe i'll fly! That'll save me £70 train fare to london haha x
  3. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    imagine if we could fly there...
  4. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    I am exactly the same! Love organising stuff... :)
    I was thinking maybe just outside burger king, or costa, pretty sure theyre next to each other.

    Red...I feel exactly the same way...im just worried if i go travelling, i wont have a job when i get back aaaaaah!! Stressing out about it is pointless though!

    Phone number switch nearer the time sounds like a plannage :).

    Oooo you asked about my icp phone interview...was quite similar just the town questions were different cos we didnt have those. But, i chatted about the icp in my crp interview...so the questions i was probably going to be asked, weren't cos id already done it. Make sense?

    Hope everyones had a good day :)


    think of sleighbells...think of snow....
  5. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Organising is somthing i love lol!!! OMG I can't eait so excitimeng OMG if i went to Disney on thing i really want to exsperience in a DIsney Christmas i have never been there at christmas!!! :D
  6. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    It's getting close now! I have all my documentation sorted and photocopied, trying to find the perfect shoes...
    Katlou, dont even worry. Once you've worked for one of the biggest companies in the world, i'm pretty sure you'll get another job afterwards!
    Argh i missed my last interview because of illness...i've woken up today feeling like hell....i'm totally cursed and doomed to work in flourescent lit 9-5 hell for the rest of my live long days!
    Red xoxo
  7. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Yey! Glad I'm not the only one!

    Cool...yeah she skipped through a load of questions with me because I'd already answered them myself before she asked!

    Am very excited to meet everyone, should be a really fun day! x x
  8. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    me too!! I missed out on the Halloween parties this year by like 24 hours. Stupid flight home. I really wanna see Xmas, and April to September is amazing weather and there's the flower festival and the food and wine festival and i wanna drink around the world. And I wanna try all the restaurants in the resorts. Ooooo I wanna go now please?? Hehe

    am off to see toy story 2 today! Woo gotta love the 3d glasses!
  9. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    AHHHH i wanna see that i can't wait for toy story 3 it's meant to be comming out this year YAY!!!
  10. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Time is going sloooooow!
  11. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Hmmm yes, but I have two essays to do before interviews. Just spent the past 6 hours on one of them...getting there though- but am a little bit bored of health and place...

    x x
  12. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Ok one more reply of the 22th of feb thread and they have beaten us :eek: let keep the convo going peeps!!

    What would everyone be most looking foward to if they went to disney, sounds silly but i really want my name on a Disney cast member badge lol!!! also the fireworks oh and parades and....I could go on and on!!!
  13. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    American food! Inside me is a not-so-well concealed fat girl just dying to get into walmart!
    I miss gatorade. And i want to see all of the firework shows and hear the music that goes along with the magic kingdom fireworks that gives me butterflies...i think its a song called 'go the distance' By michael bolton...listen to it and feel the goosebumps!
    I'm rambling now. Also, i want waffles for breakfast and for american people to ask me all about where i live so i can talk some more lol.
    Talking and listening, hobbies of miiine!
  14. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Before i start i might point out i use to live in hungary and go to boarding school in the UK:

    OMG Goldfish my favourite amaerican food one time when i was comming back from disney i carryed a bag in my handlugage unopened all the way from america to the Uk out to hungary then back out to the UK to have a school but when i ate them it was so WORTH IT lol!!!! sad arn't i : :D
  15. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    hmm, I think getting to know loads of great people :) and just the experience of living there...

    oh and rollercoasters... (but that's just the added bonus) x x
  16. Mallz

    Mallz New Member

    I want that too, i was excited when i got my mcdonalds name badge, that would be a prized possesion of mine.

    i miss florida so much, i love everything, the fact that there's always a good denny's and a bad denny's, there's a really bad denny's on the 27 but we wouldn't be near that so we're fine haha.
    gunna be great seeing illuminations every night, they're my favourite by far :D
  17. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    i love my name badge! But excited to get another one!!! Mines a tad scratched now :(...too much dancing, and telling people to move lol! hahaa.

    American food is great...but i really missed salad and fruit and stuff. its just so expensive and i found it really hard cooking proper meals, i lived on pizza, chips ahoy (oh how i miss them), powerade, and chicken nuggets and chips from cosmic rays! how i lost a stone and a half i have no idea! hahaha.

    Im gonna hate not seeing wishes properly everynight...cos you can see it from epcot, just. But im quite looking forward to seeing illuminations over and over so i love it as much as i love wishes.

    Im kinda hoping i might get a year pin...wonder if i'll be allowed to wear it!!! aaaaah! hehehehe.
  18. Emzviolet

    Emzviolet New Member

    hello, my names Emma and im from Belfast. i got accepted for a F2F interview on the 19th feb too. everyone sounds very excited about everything. reading the different info on this forum it all sounds like great fun. has anyone heard any bad stuff about working at disney tho?
  19. Emzviolet

    Emzviolet New Member

    i didnt mean to sound so negative there btw lol... was just wondering. im thinking over all the pros and cons of working there and whether i shud definately go to the F2F interview on 19th, have to let them know by the weekend.
    was anyone worried abt the long period of time away from home, 13 months?
  20. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Hey emzviolet, welcome to the forum!
    i know what you mean. But the way i look at it is, you only live once. And i know that a year away from home would be hard for anyone but everyone will be in the same boat! Opportunities like this dont come along very often. But if your heart really isnt in it, then maybe it's not for you. Or, you could go along, get the job and find that you absolutely love it!
    i hope this has helped. Good luck with your decision, i know its probably not an easy one.
    Red xoxo

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