F2F interview 19th of february

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 03goodl, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    Obviously I know that you mean you did your dissertation on the subject of the tube ..... but I still couldn't get the image of you actually DOING your dissertation ON the tube - going around and around the circle line typing away for hours! :D
  2. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    HAHAHA red that internet thing is funny, it would be the same for me i'm always on here when i'm ment to be working lol!! Welcome evryone new and i'm so up for meeting up nearer the time we can think of a time and a place in waterloo ;D
  3. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    LOL this made me properly giggle. Well, I did sit and take notes (it's an ethnography i.e people watching) which was a little bizarre. I've done weirder things- like setting up an outdoor bench as a candlelit dinner...in the middle of glasgow!

    But no, sadly I am in my room in Durham doing my dissertation. Sorry to disappoint!
  4. Mallz

    Mallz New Member

    I'd love to meet up before as well :)

    my family are paranoid and think that the interview is a little test, to see how much you want it by seeing if you're willing to spend the money and travel to london :S haha
  5. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    I wish that was the case and then i would get it easily as i would pay to work at Disney not be paid lol!! ;D ;D
  6. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    It kinda is. Its not cheap going to work for disney. I spent soooo much going in the summer, buuuut it was well worth every penny :).
    Dont forget disney look stuff for the interviews :)
  7. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Hey guys! Am defo. coming on the Friday!!! yey, can't wait to meet everyone.

    I agree that the thing will be expensive- but I'm doing it for the experience not the money!!

    Gina, in your ICP interview were the questions similar to the telephone interview? x x
  8. Mallz

    Mallz New Member

    yeah, I don't mind how much it'll cost, it's worth it.

    btw, anyone that has me on facebook, dont say anything about this on my wall or anything haha, I have loads of people from work on there and they don't know and I don't really want them to haha
  9. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    HAHAHA i have the same problem i went into McDonalds to sort out my shifts and my boss was like whats this thing about Disney 'i was like err it just this small summer camp thing for next year' lol lies!!!! never mind i really should take my boss off my Facebook :D!!

    Anywho were in Feb now guys not much longer....I can't wait to C everyone!!!
  10. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    well...let's just say for ease, that if were are using fb to contact each other then pm or chat? That way noone gets confused about whose walls we can write on etc...?

    Exciting times x x
  11. Neoleiner

    Neoleiner New Member

  12. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    If anyone would like to add me on facebook its Natalie-jayne gilbert, you'll recognise me straight away!
    Rooolll on...17th and 19th!
  13. SophiAmelia

    SophiAmelia New Member

    This actually made me laugh out loud in the library! :) singlehandedly bringing wdwip into the most popular websites - impressive!
    I've now organised staying with my Aunt, and have just booked my train tickets down to stevenage! Its starting to feel a lot more real now. Hows everyone else getting on with planning their travel and accomodation and stuff? I cant believe how soon it actually is!
  14. arielbabe

    arielbabe New Member

    sounds awesome whereabouts at waterloo? cant wait to meet everyone
  15. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Yeah I wondered that too, and what time do you reckon we need to meet? 9.10-15ish? Anyone know a good meeting point?
    Probs can do this kind of thing later on but helps to be organized.
    Hope you're all having a good day!
    Love x x
  16. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    I was thinking 9:00am ish maybe outside the burger King as thats hard to miss, if we do meet up we want to allow a lot of time for people to be late and trying to find the place lol!!

    Also need to know how many people we are waiting for or eles we could be stood there waiting for someone not comming lol!!!

    Nearer the time i can private message my mob number to anyone so if i or them get lost we can meet each other lol!!
  17. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Yeah good thinking Lucy. Maybe a couple of days before we could get people to say on the board whether they will definitely be able to meet, and then if we maybe swap a couple of phone numbers each? Like a grown up "buddy" system!

    We could maybe do it as a message over facebook? x x
  18. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Sounds like a plan ;)
  19. debz

    debz New Member

    got moved to the mon so i wont b seein u all on the fri but good luck to u all!!!
  20. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Damn! Seriously guys and girls, with this level of organisation we could run this country, much less represent it! Argh i have just had the worst day at work ever, i was properly in tears and everything! This experience has made me realise how lame my job is....I went to college and i got a good education and now i'm making tea for people!
    So i've decided that i am going to travel if i'm not offered a place.
    Sorry about the random rant, really needed to offload. And see if anyone else feels the same way?
    Red xoxo

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