F2F interview 19th of february

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 03goodl, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. SophiAmelia

    SophiAmelia New Member

    I'll be there too! Should be arriving at about 9, if all goes to plan with getting the tube...

    Cant believe its this week!!! I'm torn between excitement and total fear! But I cant wait to meet you all and finally put people to the names :)
  2. PrincessJenny:)

    PrincessJenny:) New Member

    Hi Guys!!

    I'm there on the 19th too, i can't believe it is this week!!
    So so excited, can't wait to meet everyone:)

    Jen xxxxxxx
  3. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    OMgoodness i'm so excited i got my driving test to deal with first though so it's not until that is over when i will be like DISNAY!!!!
  4. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    Hi Jen :)

  5. SophiAmelia

    SophiAmelia New Member

    Is that this week too?! woah, big week for you then. Good luck! Hope it goes well.
  6. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Hi Jen!!!

    I'm very excited to meet everyone too, just 1 tutorial, 3 lectures, 1 library shift, 1 essay, 1 formal and 1 train ride to go!

    And I think I've counted around 10 people meeting so far, but then that's as far as I can count on my fingers :p

    x x
  7. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    I know but i'm not going to get my hopes up too much it's my 3rd time i think it is actually impossible to pass lol!!!
  8. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Best of luck Lucy, I'm sure you'll do just fine as long as you remember to relax and check those mirrors! Check, check and check again!!!
    It's my birthday tomorrow, I think on friday we should get cake and you guys could help me celebrate!?
    Wow, only three more days to go...I will admit, I am scared.
    According to my train times I should be there around 8.55, but then the tube is usually running sloowwww, especially on a friday at rush hour!
    I finally got all my forms filled in, everything is ready to go. I had to start again about four times though, kept making mistakes on the forms...thank god for the tippex mouse!
    How early are we all getting up? I have to be at the train station for 6.45am...ouuuuch!
    Red xoxo
  9. Mallz

    Mallz New Member

    yo, we all need to exchange numbers at some point just incase :)

    lucy, good luck with your driving test, best advice i can give is stay calm and yeah, red, we'll celebrate!!
  10. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Thanxs guys fingers crossed!!!

    I'm up for celebrating you birthday eeekkk how exciting i know how you feel htough i'm still a little nervous i still don't know what i'm wearing but at least i have filled in my form lol!!!
  11. debz

    debz New Member

    i no im the other group but they havent replied to my question

    u no the form we hav to fill in wen u lot printed it did it come off as landscape not vertical and is it quite small wee boxes to fill in??
  12. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Yes it was landscape and the boxes are tiiiiny. I recommend small handwriting and several print outs just in case!
  13. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    Up for a bit of birthday treats...

    Yes, it's landscape and the boxes are tiny. Write small, lol!
    I need to get around to messaging people my number, will do it tonight if I have a bit more time!

    x x
  14. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Yayy birthday...another year older, but not necessarily wiser.
    Cake :D
    I really hope it doesn't rain on friday...that might not be very fun! I'm bringing my ugg boots in my bag for all the touring, I can't walk around london all day in the ridiculous 'interview shoes' that I bought and can barely stand in. Perhaps not my most sensible purchase....
    Red xoxo
  15. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    good luck with your driving test lucie ;D
    cant wait to meet you all only 3 days now even more excited and nervous :)
    if anyone would like to exchange numbers etc pm me xxx lucie xxx
  16. DancingLoz

    DancingLoz New Member

    Hi everyone, not been on here for a while but just to say due to a change of circumstances I wont be attending the interview anymore. I wish you all the best of luck!! Lots of fairy wishes! xx
  17. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Oh know bummer....hope everything is ok?

    Thanks for the luck i think we will all need all the fairy wishes we can get ;D
  18. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Happy Birthday to Me!
    So guys, two days left...I will PM my number to anyone who would like it :D
    Red xoxo
  19. tink84

    tink84 New Member

    happy birthday red ;D i guess I know what your wish will be this year ;)
  20. red1702

    red1702 New Member

    Well when I was 21, I got engaged, moved out, planned my wedding in mauritius in August, then became promptly unengaged and moved back in with my parents...So my birthday wish is that regardless of what happens, 22 is decidedly better than 21!

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