
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bambi_mad, May 11, 2005.

  1. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    ok i'm sort of happy now!!


    cause i found out to day that without even doing my june exams i already have a B in leisure and rec and a C in business so no matter what happens i have my university place ;D ;D
  2. emma

    emma New Member

    my psychology is AQA so im different to u guys...i have just done coursework on it tho... physical attractiveness and criminal punishment...was good.....all 5 of my a levels r crammed into like 5 days!!!! one day i have 3 hour english lit followed by 2 hour general studies bummer!
  3. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    ok reading what uve all said, i think im lucky!

    im on an AVCE Travel and tourism course so its mostly coursework. The only exam i have  is a resit in uk travel destinations - 3 hours long - in June.

    But i have got to do a bit of coursework, ummm, i think i have 4 pieces of coureswork to do - but there fairly short - then ive finished college! And become offically unemployed  :mad:

    so thats my major challenge - get a job, which i will enjoy! Whilst applying for disney!

    Sarah :D
  4. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    i do AVCE leisure and recreation which is also 4 bits of coursework over the 2 years plus 2 exams, then on top of that i do 3 other A levels.

    emma - i no how you feel with the exams 3hours then 2 in one day!!! i have an hour and half business followed by 3 hours of general - Good luck

    be glad when its over!!!! even if i can actually sit back now as i'm in uni no matter what now ;D
  5. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    thats a bummer stu, talk about bad planning on behalf of those lovely exam boards

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