DUN DUN DUN! the waiting list thread

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by fleur_charms, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. debbie593

    debbie593 New Member

    Hey, yummy jobs emailed me. Ill post it below:

    Thanks for your email. I would be wary of any information you hear that hasn’t come directly from Disney or Yummy Jobs simply because it’s not always accurate. I appreciate you coming to us with the question!

    Disney has been working to see if there was any other availability for the people they wanted to hire but could not find suitable roles/dates for, such as in your case, but there are of course only a finite number or roles available. It would be wonderful if there were a large number of places that had become available and we could accommodate all of our fantastic applicants! Sadly this is not the case.

    I will certainly let Disney know that you now have an expanded availability. Thank you for keeping me updated and we hope to hear the final word from Disney by the end of this month when you will hear from us again.
    All the best for now and we wish you a lovely weekend.'
    They were being extremly nice, maybe thats a sign theres not much hope.

    So its basically all in the hands of Disney who will let yummy jobs know when they want someone i think.
    We need big things to happen next week or were out.

    And to captain_kyle, some of us (ie me) dont have the option to do it next year, i graduate in july :(
  2. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    well heres hoping its not bad news :)
  3. Disney Jess

    Disney Jess New Member

    Yeahhh! I really hope everyone hears something next week and hopefully we'll have something to celebrate!
    Good Luck everyone...and hopefully we'll all get to spend a summer together! x
  4. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    ahhhhhhhh i jst want to hear now! their taking forever :(
  5. debbie593

    debbie593 New Member

    Has anyone heard anything? Today is supposed to be the last day to hear yes or no.
  6. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    haven't heard a blooming thing. must say i'm not too hopeful lol you?
  7. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Nope I've heard nothing either :( YJ are at a work experience fair in Cardiff next Thursday so I may go and talk to them then. I might email them Monday if we still haven't heard, cause they did say the end of the month and it's nearly February now :-\
  8. debbie593

    debbie593 New Member

    I got an email saying they didnt have enough places so its a no.
    Did everyone get the same?
  9. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Yepp I'm guessing we all got that..? :(
  10. debbie593

    debbie593 New Member

  11. wendm1511

    wendm1511 Guest

    Hi can you tell me the difference between having your application on hold and being put on a waiting list/opportunity list, it is so confusing, e-mail came yesterday it didn't say yes or no just we cannot offer at the moment what exactly does it mean is it a polite way of saying thanks but no thanks, can someone help me please
  12. debbie593

    debbie593 New Member

    It means that they want to give you a place but they have no places at the moment so if someone quits, or they realise they need more people, they will go to the waiting list and pick people.
    I asked Yummy jobs (who ran the inteviews etc) about the waiting list and they said in the Disney interviews, people were categorised into 3 groups, those that were going to get a place, those who wouldnt get a place, and those who they wanted but were to be put after the first group. So its not that they dont want you.
    I was put on the waiting list for this years places but unfortunatly didnt get through. They announced i was on the waiting list in early december, and asked Disney for an update of whether they needed anyone else just before christmas, then gave me a definate no at the end of january. So you will probably be on it for a while.
    For more of a chance of going through make sure you have listed down the maximum availability that you can do, if youve got down that you can start on loads of dates, you'd probably have more of a chance that people with just one available start date.
    Good luck.

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