
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Chloe, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    yeah, I was at novotel, and yes, I thought it really was ;D
  2. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    yeah when i was there and i arrived i was wearing trainers...oh god i wanted to die. and then when you saw the staff were mostly international...oh that just made it seem even more exclusive! felt so out of place! but at least there were two of us!my friend was there too!

  3. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    sob! I had to enter all by my lonesome. :'(

    It was a little imtimidatingat first, but it was kind of cool that even after I came in looking all gringy from 7 hours travel they still treated me exactly the same, I suppose no matter how you look thy know that you're still paying for the room and deserve to be treated properly, which is nice. The suit did help me feel the part though.
  4. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    thing with situations like that tho is that you have jus got to hold your head up high and act as if u belong even if inside your like please let me get away from here x
  5. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    oh well its changed since i was there!haha...they were so stuck up when i was there....and they couldnt understand me either which probably didnt help!haha

  6. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    I just looked in the eye and asked them to check in, there was no point looking down as if I was less than them. 'Yes, I'm in a crumpled t-shirt, winter coal and enourmous scarve, where are the lifts?' If you act like you expect to be treated appropiately, they do. However I was actually feeling when I was there, I may be out of place but I don't like to show it too much, they're there and paid to help you and so I make sure not to forget that.
  7. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    I don't think you'll have any problems Zanitta lol I'm relieved to see she was the same way with everyone though. She'd ask a question, I'd answer & chat away and she'd just stare..'uh huh'...*scribble scribble*....

    I'm also now loving the fact that whoever stole my wallet - looked at me (all suited up walking out of an office building) thinking I was rolling in it...I think (minus my cards) he got away with about 60p ;D muahahahahaaa
  8. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    I dont think any of you should cause yourselves unnessessary stress before you hear anything! I'm sure you all did great! glad they didnt get away wi too much!! did they actually take the wallet from your bag??

  9. swedey2k

    swedey2k Guest

    Hi Chaps!

    The 1st March people reporting in! Met Anna, Sarah, and Zoe. The presentation was good but that annoying Valerie woman on the videos seriously needed some ritalin.

    Had Frank for my interview. He seemed a nice guy, but we'll have to see how i do! I even answered a question but didnt win anything :(


  10. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Guys and Gals.

    How have u been??
    I have been cool btw.
    Hey Lopps sorry, but hey guys u have got the second chance rite away!!
    That is very cool indeed!!!
    But I dont htink u will get it, I know all of u will have the job.
    Hey I know those videos need to be updated.
    They are quite old,
    Hey did u guys got Julie??
    She interviewed me,
    but I dont know if u had her because the recruiters may change by country.

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  11. emma

    emma New Member

    hey robb yeah quite a few ofnus in here had julie i know me ellen and kelly definetley did! i kinda wanted mark though he seemed like fun fun fun!
  12. sarahuk82

    sarahuk82 New Member

    Had Julie who by the end of tuesday's interviews was running over half an hr that was good for the nerves!
    Oh well, just have to wait she definatly didnt give anything away!
  13. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    she ran late on monday too....I ended up in there an hour after my scheduled time....but it was handy in a way cos I was sat outside the room practising my smile on everyone who walked past me (being the last one of the day I had no-one to talk to...just sat there festering in my own nerves!!) guy even said hi, and two others said good luck! :D

    did anyone else think that Valerie on the video looked like Topanga from Boy Meets World?!

    Re: the could have felt as dumb as me and charlotte who, after checking in, proceeded to go back to the lift that took you to the front door and not upstairs!! we felt like such dumb arses....just going all the way down the front door and back up again....and I'm sure the receptionist that checked us in must have been watching us...surely she could have said 'um, no, you get to your room over there!!' ::) was all very nice tho....the bar area was lovely! and, having got back to uni, my bathroom in halls smells like the bathroom at the hotel so I got to bring a little bit of the adventure back with me!! hehe! :D

    Ellen xxx
  14. emma

    emma New Member

    yeah the hotel was nice and i guess it turned out that non of the ppl were guessed were the disney people were there after all! and that suspicious man leaning dangerously close to our conversation was just nosey! x x lol
  15. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    yeah ellen i thought she did as well,
    ive had 2 dreams 2 days running now bout jason phoning me and its making me feel sick all the time ahh its so nerve racking - emma i really am not loving it ;D
  16. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    yeah when i had my int i was aware of people listening to our convos too emma! there was a guy in the college that was just to smart i thot and i was like um is he or isnt he from yummy! and bare in mind i already knew jason and alexis so i had no excuse!lol

    but you do get paranoid like that!

    - LOL!!!
  17. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    lol the loving it (not loving it) thing came from emma she has made all of us start saying it, ellen said she keeps sayin it to - ive said it at uni a few times and a few others are now copying me!
    See what you have started now emma lol
    Kel xx ;D
  18. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    yeah every second sentence is loving it or loves it!haha

    I used to say it too, but , as i said to her last night, my friends all think its annoying and shout at me when i say it :(!lol

  19. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    none of mine have said that to me just yet but i reakon if i keep on sayin it they all will eventually lol ;D
  20. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    make a world - wide phonominum!(i know thats spelt worng but cant be bothered checkin it lol)


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