Does anyone else have days where they wake up and go... WOW?!?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by gemmalou, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I definitely know that feeling.
    I get those moments when everything just stops and I realize exactly where I am and just how magical it is. Then there's other times when you're just going through the day like normal and it feels just like home, and that's key, that you can feel at home here. Make the most of your time before you leave because once you get here, you may find yourself never wanting to leave.
  2. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    I'll second that...:D
  3. MONA

    MONA New Member

    I just think in the moment I will arrive.... I can´t wait...................
  4. scarkat

    scarkat New Member

    Me too!!!
    Sometimes I feel like I'm daydreaming.. I had my interview in October and I didn't get an offer right away.. my PA said "You'll be in a waiting list for the next year and if something comes up.. we'll let you know" and of course I thought it was just a nice way to say SORRY!!! and so I'd find myself daydreaming a lot about what it would have been like to be accepted and working at Disney and everything that comes with it... and now that i'm actually LIVING IT.. sometimes I have to think WAIT.. IS THIS REALLY HAPPENNING??? IT *IS* HAPPENNING!!!
    It still feels so surreal... even when my room is upside down and my suitcases are lying there hehe... I CAN'T WAAAAAAAAAIT!!!! :D
  5. Ona

    Ona Member

    Oh my... all the time. :)

    Although.... I'm also currently experiencing the "OMG 10 days to go and I've still got so much to do" moment of panic which occurs every so often. :-\ ;D

    I was just down in London for a mini-reunion with Disney folks from my IP back in 2003 - 2004. Folks were saying how excited I must be to be going back and all I could think was how panicky I am rather than excited. ::) Hopefully all that will change once I get my passport with my new shiny visa in it. ;D

    Matt & Lou I soooooooo know what you mean. You really have to pinch yourself sometimes. It's easy to forget. Then, there you'll be; cashing up a register and running inside with the soundtrack of Illuminations going off all around you. And you'll take just like 5 seconds and think to yourself. OMG! I'm here in WDW. I live and work here. I'm a CM! I'm soooooo lucky.

    That is unfortunately, the only downside. I now have to remind myself that it wasn't all a dream. :'( But hey, I'm going back to live the dream again. Woo hoo! :)

    Ona x
  6. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Lol, I remember that too, except for me, it was more like "OMG, I have 4 hours til my flight leaves and I've got so much to do" ;)

    I can't believe I've already been here almost a month, its going by so quickly! :(
    I'll just have to make each moment count.

    Good luck with packing Ona! You'll be experiencing the magic again soon!
  7. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!!

    Ok ... has anyone else noticed that my last post on this thread has disappeared? It's so strange ... it's not at the end of the 1st page ... or at the start of the 2nd, but it's in the topic summary when you post a reply. If it weren't for Jei's comment I would've thought I hadn't posted at all.

    Guys ... I think we may have entered ... the Twilight Zone!!

    Oh, and I think I said the wrong name Jei, I was thinking of the Wonders of Life Pavillion. That's where I want to work!
  8. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Craziness Mara! Maybe its like the body snatchers or something.
    ..maybe that's a stretch.
  9. monkian

    monkian New Member

    i did notice your dissapearing first i thought maybe it was jei going a bit mad and seeing things...but then i found it and all was put to rights!! hee hee.....i can't wait any longer....

    jam jam jam..grape jam ;)
  10. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    One of my posts dissappeared too, in another thread- whats going on? craziness!! :-\

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

  11. monkian

    monkian New Member

    doo do dooo do doood do dooo do
  12. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

  13. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    :eek: Gemma I saw yours ... and then it was gone. I think the boards must have a glicth towards the end of a page. Weird!

    *laugh* nice Jei! *do do do do, do do do do, do do do do*
  14. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Does anyone else find that Twilight Zone guy extremely attractive? LOL!

    Oh Btw, I guess this kinda relates to this thread but does anyone have Disney NIGHTMARES?!

    Last night I had a dream that I wanted to go to Super Walmart to get some things by myself but for some stupid reason I didnt bring money, keys, or my commons ID so I couldnt get home and I was stranded in Walmart so I went to some guy's house to call my friend at the commons and it turned out he was some psycho killer with kids couped in up his basement.
    Yah...uh... it was different.
  15. Megara

    Megara New Member

    My most costant nightmare about Disney is saying something off hand and being misunderstood and termed for it... I get that one quite often, not fun
  16. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    Last night I had a dream that Disney was a job/summer camp/ magic school. It was wierd. I got crap room mates. I got bit by shark and started growing a fin on my leg. The professor was able to fix it though. By shrinking down to the size of a tiny bug and climbing in my leg so sew up the wound. It was wierd.
  17. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Who doesn't?!?

    Just jokes!

    Those are some... different dreams shall we say. The only ones I can remember are sleeping in too long and being extremely late for work. Totally scares the heck out of me when I actually do get up!
  18. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    Yeah, my nightmares about Disney are along the lines of common fears about doing something to get fired/deported.
  19. scarkat

    scarkat New Member

    OMG!! 3 nights ago I had a nightmare about me falling asleep in front of everyone.. but it was so weird 'cause guests kept talking to me and I wanted to answer back.. but my eyes kept shutting 'cause I was so tired!! and you keep trying to open your eyes and say something.. but you can't 'cause your eyelids feel so heavy!!! :-\ it was VEEEEEEERY frustrating!! ::)

  20. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Wow, good to know I'm not alone on the freaky Disney dream thing, I've had late-for-work and termination dreams too.
    They totally freak me out, especially since it's getting closer and closer!

    I have, however, had a dream that the guy that plays Indiana Jones' Stunt Double was my room-mate and trust me, that was not a bad dream. ;)

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