Distance from Apartments to WDW and Epcot

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by ~Disney_Princess~, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    awww all those memories of fighting for the C bus at the end of a long shift hehe
  2. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    ahem, all i can say is that when it came to cars and avoiding overcrowded buses, thank god for Emi and Linsey(they know who they are!)
  3. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    elbowing certain nationalities not familiar with the concept of queuing, hard in the ribs if they pushed in my way!

    or was that just me
  4. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    nope me too hehe then there was the one time i picked up a girl and literally moved her cos she jumped in front of us - told her to get to the back of the queue she wasnt impressed

    mind u i use the c bus ninja fighting skills whenever im in london trying to get on the tube :D
  5. Peever

    Peever New Member

    I couldnt be bothered pushing and shoving certain nationalities, let the morons get on and ill stand right at the front and be off first :). Fortunently for me plenty of Canadians had cars so Walmart wasnt always an issue. Though usually I just took a cab back with a friend or 2. 12 bucks between 3 was well worth it rather than fight on the bus.

    C bus I think was worse at night between 9-10ish. When there was a huge turnover of staff and there would literally be 150 people waiting for that bus that hodls 50. I just either started waiting for a ride from someone going back, or took a cab. As soon as youd say anyone for a cab people always came forward. At 1 or 2 bucks a head was well worth it too. I often paid for the whole cab so people liked to join me haha
  6. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Can I please ask why it appears that a lot of CRP's tend to move from The Commons to another apartment - usually within the first few weeks? I've read quite a few blogs where participants have moved from the commons. Thanks
  7. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Most CRPs get put into the Commons straight away. The only other complex that CRPs are allowed to live in is Patterson. Commons is quite old, Patterson is quite new. Patterson mostly has 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, Commons has 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom ones. Patterson is a lot quieter, a lot cleaner and noticeably newer. You do have to walk to Chatham to get the bus when you live in Patterson, however... every single bus goes to Chatham. There are a couple of buses that don't visit Commons, like the A bus to Magic Kingdom (handy for days off!). Also, the C bus to Epcot stops at Chatham first in the morning, so you're guaranteed a seat, unlike at Commons when it's often very very busy!
  8. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Ooh thanks Vikki! Very useful information! I'm crossing my fingers I get into Patterson! ;) I am so excited! Are you feeling any better yet Vikki?
  9. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    I agree with Vikki. I spent the majority of my contract in the Commons, which was great for Monday nights etc, but the apartments are noticeably 'lived in', right after I moved to Patterson my old room mate had to move out of our Commons apartment because they found mould all under the carpets and pretty much the floor was going to fall in. The only real downfall for Patterson is they don't have in apartment laundry. It was handy in the Commons being able to wash things whenever, and it being free.
  10. meelie

    meelie New Member

    So in patterson do you have to pay to do your laundry?! Also is there a difference in price between the 2? I can't decide which I'd rather...not that i get a choice of course! Does it cost to change apartment? Thanks x x
  11. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Yes, like in Vista way, you have to buy a laundry card and use the machines spaced around the complex.
  12. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    You don't get a choice where you end up at first. I'd wait until you're here and see everything before deciding if you want to move. It does cost $50 if you want to move, and the only reason I did it was because one of my friends had a spare bed in her room. There is a difference in price, but mainly because you'll move from a cheaper 3/4 bed flat in commons to a slightly more expensive 1/2 bed flat in patterson. I think I'm paying about $5 more a week. so it's nothing drastic!
  13. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    realistically i wouldnt bother having a preference anyway-its not your choice so its not worth the hassle
  14. Canadian Boy

    Canadian Boy New Member

    So is there parking at Epcot for employees? or how does that work?
  15. meelie

    meelie New Member

    Oh no I don't really, it was just a musing having read everyone's opinions! Wherever I am will be amazing, I'll be in Disneyworld after all!!
  16. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    There is if you drive, but you dont have to as a pretty good,free bus service is provided from the apartments to pretty much all the main locations
  17. Canadian Boy

    Canadian Boy New Member

    is it free? (parking i mean)
  18. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Yes, but it's not huge, and in busy periods it can take you an hour just to find a space. A space that happens to be at the opposite end of the car park, and you then have to walk all the way to the building.
  19. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    We called the end of the parking lot the Animal Kingdom, because that's about how far away from Epcot it felt at the end of a shift :) hehe
  20. sgecoco

    sgecoco New Member

    @ meeli

    do you have already your department date for september 2011??

    in germany the selections for department between june and october will start in march

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