Disneyland Paris Jobs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iHEARTflorida, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Thanks again Janey, your soo helpful. Are you thinking of working again at DLRP this year?

    I've been searching the net, and I can't really find much, but I have found some stuff (all pretty dated thou), like are pets aren't banned from apartments. I found an entry from a ex CM who said her mate's boyfriend's python was living in the apartment with them? This can't be allowed can it, (if soo I would defo be requesting to be move to another building!) also cats staying in the apartments?

    Do you have much spare/free time? I know you get either 2-3 days off a week. Do you have internet connection in the apartments? Also you do have TV's in the apartments? Or do you have to buy your own like in WDW?

    I have read that for characters you work about 35hrs a week, 8hrs a day and you only really physically work 3-4hrs. So it's quite easy compared to other jobs like waiteressing etc...

    Also are the apartments all non-smoking?
  2. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Please do Janey! It would be really helpful, and this is something I'm thinking about doing later on! :)
  3. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Sure I can. I'll answer your questions tomorrow as I'm way too tired atm. :D
  4. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Thanks Janey, your the best! ;D
  5. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Okay, I'm suuuupersorry that it's taken AGES to answer.. First of all, I did a blog entry about my work experiences in DLRP, you can fin it behind this link. :)

    I'm not going to do DLRP this year and I think I'm not going back there again, three times quite enough of it. :D (Mainly the French, not so much Disney. ;D)

    Pets ARE banned from the apartments. The thing is though that there has been a slight problem as cats have been able to get into the residences (apparently the fences can't hold them :D) and people start feeding them. But yeah, it's strictly no pets. I would've SOOOO reported someone having a pyhton in the apartment! :eek: And yes, all the apartments are strictly non-smoking.

    The amount of spare time depends hugely on shifts. The worst are the ones that start around noon and end at eight-ish. You lose the morning AND the evening. But if you start e.g. at nine you get to have the evening for yourself and starting at five you get the morning and afternoon. :) And yeah, people working in attractions get 3 days off but they work 10 hours per day.

    Unfortunately the apartments don't have internet connection. You can subscribe one to your apartment but in France they all seem to come in a 12-month contracts so for few summer months it isn't a great option. With luck you may have a room mate who has a contract and let's you share it. :) It's the same thing with the TV. You have to buy a television and make a contract. Many of the internet providers offer a package that includes broadband internet, TV and phone calls. It'll set you back about 50 € / month. How that all works, I don't know, sorry to say.

    Hope this all helps. :) I'll write a blog entry about the spare time activities and living and all that at some point but I'm quite busy with uni atm so just bear with me, ok? :) And if you have specific questions, fire away and I'll answer them asap.
  6. Janey

    Janey New Member

    I've finally written the entry about the living conditions in DLPR. Here's the link for it: http://jaanahomeandaway.blogspot.com/2009/04/living-in-dlrp.html
    Please feel free to leave your comments and if you have any questions at all, fire away and I'll answer to the best of my abilities. :) I'll write more about living and coping with the French at some point as including it to that entry would have made waaaay too long to anyone to read! :D
  7. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Thanks Janey....would love to hear more!
  8. Janey

    Janey New Member

  9. Disney Dude

    Disney Dude Guest

    Im thinking of applying for Paris but reading the last couple of pages, its not encouraging

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