Disney Song Trivia

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tiggercharlotte, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    ;D ;D ;D ;D

    ok.. now mine.. jeje

    ....Don't be taken in by his welcome grin...

    im sure you'll get it.. 8)
  2. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    Isn't it never smile at a crocodile from Peter Pan?
  3. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    lol yep it is
  4. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    Sweet! okay, ummm

    "red, yellow, green, red, blue, blue blue"
  5. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member


    you all people are so fast!!
    im majorly impressed :eek: :)
  6. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    The Spectrum Song?
  7. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    yes! you guys are awesome!
  8. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    Just a question, are you all answering these from memory, or cheating and looking them up somewhere? ;) :eek:
  9. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Woohoo! :D

    *goes away to think about this one*

    "One minute I'm in Central Park
    Then I'm down on Delancey Street"
  10. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    this one was just done,
    "Why should i worry" from Oliver and Company

    "why each little bird"
  11. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Aww it was? Damn...

    And I don't even have to think about this one cause I heart Sleeping Beauty :D
    - I Wonder

    "Honey and rainbows on our way
    Where everyone is worth his weight"
  12. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    chloe that one's eaaasy !!!
    song of the south.. " everyboys got a laughin place.."

    ....."we're gonna wind up on the lady's hat"....
    (mine's easy too.. but couldnt think on something else.. jaja)
  13. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    LOL.. im thinking mine was too easy...
    its a classic.. ???

    by the way.. where you gals from?? :D
  14. Chloe

    Chloe New Member


    I'm from the UK :)

    "We met, it seems, such a short time ago
    You looked at me - needing me so"
  15. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    its from the fox and the hound...
    god..cant remember the name..

    let me look for it.. ;)
  16. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    smushy.. jajaj ai cant find it!!! lol!!
    any clue??

    ...i found a cute pic.. can i get some extra points?
  17. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    haha yeah you get extra points for the cute picture...but you still need the song ;)
  18. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    "Goodbye may seem forever!!!!"
    I'm from Canada :)

    "each moment is a treasure"
  19. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    Are my lyrics too hard? Should i give a hint?? ::)
  20. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    im not sure..
    Air Supply - The Book Of Love

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