Disney Packs

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by jameshamuk, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. lowrigokarts

    lowrigokarts New Member

    Mam & dad have phoned to say that it has come though the post. But im not going home for a couple of weeks, so ill have to wait a while before i see it :(
  2. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i got mine :) when do we get our criminal background check results back? do we haveto wait for them back before booking a visa appointment? x
  3. captain_kylie

    captain_kylie New Member

    Hi sofi,
    No you don't!
    Don't even think about the CRB now! it's out of your hands and you may not even see it! :)

  4. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    but tbh im not sure what mines gunna say so i need to know lol

    they ask u if u have convictions at the visa appointment right? hmmm can u get ur money back on ur visa appointment if u cant go in the end? :-X x
  5. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I got mine :)
    Convenient as I went home anyway... :)
    It's very exciting - but the forms don't need signing now. They are examples of what you will sign in Orlando!

    Was nice to come home to - I had a nasty journey home, including a panic attack about 5 miles from home - my parents had to come and get me :(
  6. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Oh nooo...I hope it wasn't because you saw a snake :eek: I joke... hope you're ok now.

    And I have had my CRB back from Disney, apparently it arrived back at home about a week ago? So I would contact yummy jobs if you havent had yours back yet especially if you are worried it won't be clear :)
  7. tink13

    tink13 New Member

    I got my CRB bak this mornin so Im sure it'll be on it's way shortly
  8. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I haven't had my CRB back yet... hmph!

    Cat - it wasn't because I saw a snake. I was very silly and pulled onto the verge on a hill in the snow as I wasn't sure I could get round a silly woman who was stopped. Very nearly didn't get my car off again! (Judging by the amount of mud and wheels spinning I probably shouldn't have!) Mud ALLLLL over my car - I had to wash it this morning :( Once I was back on the road I kind of panicked I wouldn't get any further!

    Would take that anyday though rather than see a snake!
  9. Sashag

    Sashag New Member


    Hey guys...

    I received my email 1st March saying that I have been accepted onto the DISNEY programme...so now I am waiting on my package. Do u know how long it usually takes to arrive?

    My main concern is ....I am living in FINLAND until MAY and I am guessing that the package will go to my home address in the U.K (not good) !!!!!!! I bet we have many forms to fill in? and a lot of useful info to absorb?

    I hear we also receive a phone call informing us of all the specifics of the programme....is this true??

    Is anyone from the U.K and starting the programme July 2010??????

    I am so happy to be going to DISNEY i am still in shock and the fact that this is happening has not sunk in as yet !!!!!!!!

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