Curious About Housing

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Timitu, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    put me in straight in the slum!! if i can survive 2 years at my student halls i'll live through anything lol. I think as long as you make friends with someone in the posher apartments then you're pretty much sorted. Do people find that they spend a lot of time in their rooms, like hanging out and spending days there and such, or is it a case of somewhere you need to sleep at night since the rest of the time you're so busy? xx
  2. ciara_deara

    ciara_deara New Member

    lol im up for the slum as well, as long as its clean all the posh equipment don't bother me, i doubt ill be in my room much anyway hopefully too much going on! bring on the sunbathing and partying! x
  3. danrfc1873

    danrfc1873 New Member

    the way it works on how much you pay depends on how many people you live with. i share with 7 other people and pay the lowest rent as the more people you live with the cheaper the rent is. also you have to pay 2 weeks rent out of your second paycheck.
  4. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    The only time I spent days in my apartment was when I was in desperate need of sleep and no human contact! But most of the time I was too busy to even think about staying in my apartment. There's too much to see and do!
  5. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Wow, that's good to hear!
    (not so much about the two weeks rent upfront though)
    What sort of stuff is there to do other than sleep then?
  6. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Haha well first, you get free entry into parks! Use it!!! Go annoy your friends at work or just simply wander around. It such a nice feeling to know that you don't have to rush because you've got another 11 months to do everything LOL.

    There's always shopping...anywhere really.

    Disney offer tours such as Behind the Scenes: The Haunted Mansion (which I did, sooooooo hard to get onto but they did special ones for college program and CRP participants), seminars with important people within Disney, like park presidents and Imagineers and Artists etc etc, there are tours in parks (some of which you have to pay for, but we get a nice discount on them).

    Going to the beach! Or on a road trip to really random places...always a lot of fun. Ona and I went on a trip to see the town of Ona (no explanation needed really) to find out it really only had a gas station there LOL.

    There is so much more to do but I can't really think of anything else right now...I might need to go re-read my blog!
  7. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Now all I have to do is cram it into 3 months and I'll be fine!
  8. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I think I'm just gonna live in the parks (especially Magic Kingdom)... The rest of Florida can wait for another time. ;D
  9. SJ

    SJ New Member

    hey there,
    to whoever asked about the expensive housing. you can apply to switch an apartment. cost is based on however many ppl are living in your apartment, for example, if there are only 2 of you rent will be higher then if there are 6 of you. but then you have to deal with living with 5 other ppl!! the rent usually is also taken right off of your paycheck, so you kinda dont really notice it.
  10. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Is it very hard to swap houses? I'd much sooner live with 5 other people and pay less rent I think. I'm not so keen on the idea of living in one of the one bedroom apartments.
  11. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Don't say that until you've seen them! One of my friends lived in a one bedroom in Chatham and it was amazing! So much space! I lived in a 2 bedroom and we all got on well so we were lucky. The only problem is that with 3/4 bedroom apartments you'll most likely not get on with someone, and that can make for unhappy times! I'm not saying you won't all get on great, but it can be hard.

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