CRP Results

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by DisneyGibbs, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. Rachel2310

    Rachel2310 New Member

    elle... can you remember what she actually said? did she say something too you about explaining something!? she asked if i wanted her too ring back later and explain!? x
  2. Elle

    Elle New Member

    Yeah, I think it was the terms of the offer... my voice kept getting higher and higher with every question so she said she'd ring me back later on when i'd had time to calm down! I have no clue what the terms of the offer are, but I guess we'll find out soon! x
  3. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    Congratulations both of you ;D
  4. pkatakia

    pkatakia New Member

    Sorry to those who didn't make it. :'(
    My sister Rupal just got accepted for the CRP!!!!
    I guess today's the day.
  5. Celtash86

    Celtash86 New Member

    Congrats to Elle and Rachel and so on who were accepted! Sadly I wasn't but hey I will get over in the next few years even if it kills me lol
  6. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

  7. Cinders13

    Cinders13 New Member

    Im in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited! Doesn't seem real! August 19th f&b!

    To those who didnt get it this time - this was my 2nd time applying, if u really want it, go for it again!


    ps. Well done Rupal!!!
  8. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Rachel2310: We are arriving the same day. I am from Canada though. :) That is cool to find more people who will be arriving the same day. YAY. :)

    Congrats to thoese finding out. Makes me remember that feeling too. :) Good luck to thoese on the waiting list. I really hope you hear something. I think with Yummy Jobs takeing over our stuff too might make things a little crazy right now. But hopfully things move quickly for everyone. Waiting is the worst but hopefully no more bad news.
  9. seanny boy

    seanny boy New Member

    congrats cinders and congrats to all, i am every so sorry for those who didn't get in please don't give up.
    i am going on the 19th august there is a link for those going on the 19th august on the accepted part on here. please post on there cinders as we are trying to make are small group in to a big one, i think there is 4 or 5 of us so far on the 19th so we need more. again congrats to all Sean
  10. Elle

    Elle New Member

    Yay Cinders13 and Rupal!
    I kind of wish I was going sooner... but I asked for September so I shouldn't complain!

    I feel really bad because people's dreams are being crushed and I want to scream with excitement. It hardly seems fair.
  11. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    When do you leave again Elle??
    I'm in September as well!!
  12. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    Hi everyone!

    CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who have been accepted! I hope you have a great time, and who knows, the rest of us might be seeing you over there next year!

    To the rest of us who didn't get in, don't give up! I emailed Yummy to ask about other programs I might be able to apply for and she said "You were not unsuccessful there were just other stronger candidates and you are still being considered for a position if it becomes available." So I guess that's something!

    Elle- DO NOT feel bad about living your dream! If it's not meant to be for the rest of us, it's not meant to be. Go out there and enjoy yourself!
  13. Elle

    Elle New Member

    I arrive two weeks after you on the 23rd! If there's not a huge amount of us leaving on the same day I may go out earlier and holiday for a few days before officially starting though.

    And thanks DisneyPrincess87.... I just want everyone to go, and we can all be there together! x
  14. citywalk

    citywalk New Member

    wow. No rejection letter or phone call. Dont no what to expect now!
  15. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    Congrat to everyone whos been accepted..I wont lie im extremly jealous and I wish you all the best of luck! For the people who didnt get it..Dont give up as if you want it hard enough you will get it!

    I too have had no rejection email or phone call ??? But im swaying with the rejection...

  16. Elle

    Elle New Member

    Phone them! Put your mind at ease!
    When I phoned she just asked my name and read out my results. Explain that you know people have found out both ways and you haven't heard yet. At least then you'll know and I don't think they'll mind!
  17. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    Ahhh i got a missed call from yummy jobs and waiting for a ring back..Im actually that normal?

    breathe breathe
  18. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    Sam, I think that means you're going!! I don't know of anyone who's been turned down over the phone yet...good luck! ;)
  19. Elle

    Elle New Member

    That's what happened to me and i'm in!!!! I still didn't want to get excited just incase, so the relief was huge when she said i'd got in!
    But yeah, I shook like mad until about 10 minutes ago!
  20. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    Aaaaargh i got it..wooo start december 2nd F&B....yayyay...I dont think its sunk in yet tho! Just before my 23rd birthday..old lol

    Sorry to go on but im soooo happy i got it!

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