CRP 2009 Update

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by ~Disney_Princess~, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I'm finding that the only way to stay somewhat sane while waiting is by telling myself and others that I probably made it through. Though that will make it even worse if I don't! And it's mainly my family I've told, (I'm sure my mum is sick of hearing about it), the less people who know I've failed the better.

    I'm hoping that we hear something this week (tomorrow would be nice!)
  2. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    That's exactly how I feel although I haven't told my mum yet. But I haven't set anything in stone for next year and I'm not putting anything on hold so I won't have lost anything if I don't make it...except my childhood dream!! lol. But I'm pretty confident that we'll all make it to the f2fs cuz we're all really enthusiastic about it and meet all the base requirements so the way I see it is not to stress too much that for AFTER the f2f lol
  3. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    ya tommorow woudl be way to amazing
  4. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I got home from work today and saw I had one new e-mail. My stomach dropped, I was not impressed that it was from my university! Tomorrow?
  5. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    Okay so tomorrow it is then...!!!!!
  6. db4ffc

    db4ffc New Member

    so michele rang me today and offered me a start date of Feb 3rd....might not be able to take it as have found myself a real job in the city, but might get sacked, you never pretty damn pleased lol! ;D
  7. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    Are you from the UK? How did your face 2 face interview go?
  8. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    definately by thinking wednesday, hoping right now! haha working all day is killing me because i can't check my email every 20 seconds!
  9. db4ffc

    db4ffc New Member

    Yeah, am based in the UK and it was such an amazing day - had it back in July, feels so long ago!
  10. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    Wednesday sounds good... all I can think about at work is wondering if I that e-mail sitting in my inbox and I can't look at it!
  11. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    The first thing I'm doing tomorrow morning is checking my e-mails!! haha
  12. sarah14

    sarah14 New Member

    No one's heard anything yet? Me either. I'm getting so excited reading everyone's posts in this thread that I sure hope the e-mail comes soon!!
  13. urock

    urock New Member

    hi ppl
    i sent my cv of in april and had my face to face interview in june. got a phone call monday to say i start on the 17th feb 09 feb 12 2010.i cnt wait. i had my information pack this moz so me n mam r going through it tomzo since i am at work to late tonight. xxx
  14. heatherh

    heatherh New Member

    hey congrats sarah-lou!il see you across the pond then!!I go 23rd sept :)
  15. Elle

    Elle New Member

    This thread reminds me so much of ours, lol. I practically stalked the thread to find out when people were told, turns out I was one of the first lol.
    I know for our group they called if you got in (and if you missed the call, which I did, they left a message and e-mailed) and if you didn't get in they sent the e-mail, so if it's the same this time around I wouldn't be wanting them e-mails! lol
    Good luck everyone!
  16. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I'm so jealous of you guys who get to go... I think I will go crazy if I have to wait over the weekend to hear. Though I am so glad I found this website, I would be even worse if I had to think "what-if" I like knowing no one has heard anything. maybe sometime today??
  17. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    nothing today....... YET
  18. craiggers90

    craiggers90 New Member

    I know!! I want to hear back so badly..but if it means that I have to wait for good news than I could do it!
  19. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    okay so i truly believe that tommorow is the day.

    they want us to have good news to tell everyone over the weekend:D
  20. craiggers90

    craiggers90 New Member

    exactly...I got my email about getting a phone interview on a Friday so hopefully the same will be with this

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