CRP 2009 Update

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by ~Disney_Princess~, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I hope that educated guess is right, or if it's wrong that we hear even sooner that that! I can't go back to school in a few weeks not knowing!
  2. craiggers90

    craiggers90 New Member

    Yeah I know...I can't wait much longer..but hopefully my guess is right, if not sooner!!
  3. sarah14

    sarah14 New Member

    haha it's good to hear that not everyone plans on drinking all the time. I confess I'm a little worried that I'll end up with roommates who just want to party. Besides that, though, any number of roommates would be fine with me I think. I'm actually really looking forward to living with people from all around the world, even if we run into a few difficulties along the way.

    As for where I want to work, I'm hoping to end up in Attractions, though I know they don't hire as many people for Attractions as they do for the other roles so I won't be too bothered if I don't get it. I'd be happy to be offered any role! :D
  4. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    Don't worry Sarah, I'll be your non drinking buddy... And I am definetly worried about room mates who want to party, I've lived with that before and it wasn't fun. But I'd deal with that if I was in Disney!
  5. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    I'm 21 so I don't have to worry about drinking underage but going to bars and drinking isn't all it's cracked up to be and the next morning is usually NOT fun lol. I don't drink that much and I don't really plan on partying all the time down there cuz I hate going to work hung over . Plus Pleasure Island is closing so I don't think ppl will be doing AS much of it but I don't know. Plus not drinking will definitely save you money lol.
  6. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I don't drink either!!! Except maybe on very special saves a whole lot of money if you don't! Instead of 'drinking around the world' I'd much rather eat around the world :D

    If you're living in a wellness apartment, just make sure no one brings alcohol in...I told me roommates last time that I'd have no problem reporting them if I found them with alcohol in the apartment (all of us were under 21) and luckily they all thought the same.

    So hopefully I'll be joining all you non alchies doing stuff thats even more fun!
  7. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    I dont mind if I drink or not, I only ever drink when I'm clubbing anyway, and it's generally because everyone else is. I've had some of the best times while I've been sober. Pjama parties rock. And there is nothing wrong with staying in and baking cakes at 2am, as I often do. But I also like the odd night out dancing and sipping cocktails. If I was younger than the drinking age it wouldn't bother me at all, though I am quite interested to try raspberry vodka.... :)
  8. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    Yeah if you're underage it would definitely NOT be worth it to get kicked out of the program cuz of alcohol. I couldn't imagine getting in any kind of trouble; it'd be so scary and embarrassing.
    I'm glad I have the option though. I don't mind the odd drunken night out, it makes for good (although usually embarrassing) pictures lol
  9. mushu

    mushu New Member

    I'm glad I'll be in a non-wellness apartment, just to avoid anyone getting in trouble with security over drinking. But I'm with you guys - the occasional drink is fine with me, but drunkenness is not something I'm keen to experience! I really don't want a roomie who comes in in the early hours drunk, or worse brings someone back with them!
  10. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    haha that'd be awkward!
    that kind of got me thinking....i wonder if there's been many CRP romances?? hehe i'm a geek i know but that'd be so cute being brought together by disney ;D
  11. Kirbie

    Kirbie New Member

    I think I read somewhere on here that 2 people that had worked on the CRP had met there and got together, and then went back to WDW to get married!! How cute is that!
  12. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    Awww that's awesome. I'd love to get married at WDW. Or at least have my honeymoon there ;D
  13. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    that is super cute! a disney wedding would be prety expensive..well the one that i would want:) haha. it isn't so much the drinking i would be bothered by at much as not being able to go dancing. i loveeee going out and dancing:) level of soberness doens't reallly make a difference. but we can also dance in our apartments i'm sure. i asked for food and beverage just because i thought i had the most experience in it, as well as i think it would be fun :) merch would be cool tooo. i would be kind of dissapointed (for the first 3 seconds) with only one other roommate, i want tons! the house i'm moving into for uni in a few weeks has 10 ppl, so by the time i get to disney (here's hoping!) then i'll be totally great at living with tons of people:) i really want to hear soon, it's driving me nuts not knowing. though the uk had their phone interviews just before ours so we should find out just after tomorrow:)
  14. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    i would like to work food and bev but i wouldnt mind merch

    i dont think i would enjoy ops. ::)

    and the trhee other roommates sounds giddy grand to me

    ps. cuase the uk found out, i keep refresing my emails everychance i get !!!!!!!!!!11
  15. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    yeah i keep checking too. i really hope to hear something by next week.
  16. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    even if we dont make it, do we still get an email?
  17. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    that's a good question...i don't know but that would be heartbreaking to get an e-mail like that. awwww you'd see it was from yummy jobs and get all excited then it'd just be a rejection letter!! i would cry lol
  18. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    i'm pretty sure they would send you an email either way, though you all don't have to worry about it because i have full faith we'll all be meeting at the f2f in just a month or so:)
  19. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaah how can you have so much faith?!

    im so scared that ill get rejected.
    cuase i keep telling people i may work there and the first interview wsa just to make sure i could speak conversational english

    ahah if i dont make it to the next level my fam will think i cant even speak english lol
  20. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    haha I haven't even told anyone yet cuz I don't want to have to explain that I'm not going....I don't want to get my hopes too high cuz that'll make any rejection that MAY come my way even more awful. I don't want to sound pessimistic but I don't want to be too let down. I'll still be checking my e-mail everyday several times a day this coming week lol.

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