CRP 2009 Update

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by ~Disney_Princess~, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    hey sarah! we're super close i live in courtenay just up the island. I'm sure you did great! Kristen has done soo many of these phone calls that i bet she's starting to sound a bit less enthused (sp?) but i'm sure it went fabulously! anyways, i'm excited more people are showing up on here! :)
  2. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I just talked to Kristen! It went ok, but she asked what traditions of Canada I would tell people about and I feel like I messed it up. Hopefully it was ok. I can't even remember if I smiled or not! Oh gosh I can't wait!
  3. sarah14

    sarah14 New Member

    Thanks for the kind words, Kate. :) We are super close! It's cool to hear about other Islanders who are applying.

    Koda, that's the exact same question that I messed up on! So fingers crossed for both of us! :D
  4. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    Thanks! I'm trying to forget about that one and focus on my better answers. I'm definetly keep everything crossed and really want Kristen to let everyone know
  5. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    ahahahh my answer to that question was so cheesy.
    i said that my family watches the nhl playoffs religiously (true)
    and that we go to fort langley to celebrate canada day and then watch the fireworks at langley airport (sort of untrue, ive done them once)
  6. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Don't worry. They know your stressed. I gave some lame answers too... and ummmed and ahhhed more then I should have, and I made it through. As long as you smiled and were friendly, then you should get through the phone interview ok. It is scary though, I liked it more when I had mine they tell you right after your done the interview if you made it and when and where to go for the F2F. I like knowing much better then wondering at all. Makes that horrible wait even longer. So good luck to everyone. Hopefully many of you will be hearing some good news soon.
  7. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    the canada question is the one that got me all messed up too! but i think she liked my answer about my town so that's good. it is kind of hard to talk about all of canada in the same breath, maybe if it was generally not answered fabulously we all don't have to worry about it:) and thanks for the kind words nykki, you must be getting excited as your departure gets nearer, did you choose to leave later or was it just given to you?
  8. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    what is the age most of you will be going down as (positive thinking that we'll all get in) ? i'll be 19 or 20 so underage. anyone else?
  9. sarah14

    sarah14 New Member

    hahaha, maybe this makes me a horrible person but I definitely feel better knowing I'm not the only one who had trouble with that question! I talked about Victoria Day and Canada Day and then was too nervous to think of anything else!

    I turn 22 in January. :) My age won't really make a difference to me though I don't think, considering I don't drink at all.
  10. craiggers90

    craiggers90 New Member

    yeah my Canada answer was not the best. But I think it will work lol.

    I will be 18 if/when I go down. Turning 19 in April '09 though. Underage but thats okay. I am not a big drinker as is (only really drink now that I am legal in Alberta, not much before that)
  11. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    She didn't ask me anything else about my town or Canada or anything, just the traditions. Sarah I'm definetly with you, I feel a lot better knowing that others had the same problem. I was prepared for anything they could ask about Canada or Toronto but that didn't cross my mind. hopefully they take nerves into consideration.

    I'll be 23 next May but I don't drink either, I'm kind of worried about being with room mates who only care about drinking. I had to deal with that in first year university. But I guess the main concern now is getting that face to face!
  12. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    im 18 now and will be 19 in march.

    i do enjoy a nice drink amounst classy friends.

    however, i think i would be too scared to jepordize my employment with walt
  13. wilfy

    wilfy New Member

    18, also 19 in a drink, but i can go without if im in florida!
  14. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    kate003: LOL. About my late leaving date. When I called and he had to look up my stuff the whole time I was like "Please not December... Please not December." And he came back and was like "Would December 2nd be ok." Well how could I say no. I wanted to go either way. But we do get an advantage for arriving that day as most people if you guys noticed are on contract for just under a year. Our dates used to be Dec. 2nd 2008 till Nov. 27th 2009. But because that is the American thanks giving everyone who arrives Dec. 2nd this year will get an extra week working in Disney so they bumped our date to return home as Dec. 4th 2009. So now I am happy I am one of the later ones. All my friends are there now... or almost there, but I will be there the longest. :) So waiting 290 days for it to come wont be as bad. But no I actually asked for May. Which my friend who I talked into applying got. So it just depends. I say to everyone leave the options open for best chances of getting in. Don't restrict them with a date unless you really have to. I know many people who did from our group got rejected rather then wait listed even. (And being on the wait list in Canada is still good. Almost everyone on it last time got in. And sooner then the rest of us who got our dates in the beginning.)
  15. craiggers90

    craiggers90 New Member

    I hope we start to hear back soon about in person interviews. I am really excited and want to go to WDW so bad..but just each new step is exciting (when I had my phone interview It was if I was leaving for florida haha)

    So what are most people hoping to be in- Merchandise or Food & Beverage? How many roomates would be ideal for you guys?

    For me I think I would prefer Food & Beverage but I don't think it will matter (to me anyways). And roomates, I think 3 roomates (2 bedrooms) would be ideal for me.

    Anyways I hope we can all become friends on here and when we make it down there we will instantly know each other and be able to chill out (wait we are will not be chilly down in Florida! haha)
  16. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    yeah I'm hoping for F&B too but it really doesn't matter to me either. 3 roommates sounds good too. I really just want to get to the next step already though!! :D
  17. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    Well it looks like the UK applicants have got their e-mails about f2f interviews (in October!) so hopefully we won't have to wait much longer!
  18. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I'm hoping for attractions! It's so corny but I love that video with Martin Short! I'd be ok with any number of room mates. I agree with you guys, 3 room mates could be best. Although 7 could be kind of fun, I like the idea of living with people from all over the world.
    My heart just dropped into my stomach when I saw UK applicants heard about their f2f I hope we get to hear soon. Good luck guys!
  19. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Good luck you guys, I hope you hear really soon. Looks like all of us got an f2f, so fingers crossed for you!
  20. craiggers90

    craiggers90 New Member

    Thanks mushu!!

    I hope we hear really soon to...I think we the end of next week I bet! (Just my educated guess anyways!)

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