I am currently reading "Florida Kreep Crawly Extermination for Dummies"... ...maybe I can be of any assistance? : ;D Haha!
Ok, I think I could handle the bugs (maybe) but snakes. Not good with snakes. And I have to tell this story, so sorry if I freak anyone out: Walking back to our condo after a day in the parks, my friend and I spot a snake on the walk way. We of course freak out and have a fit, mind you the snake is at least 5 feet away. The snake, slithers towards us, then turns and squirms it's way under the door of the closest condo. IT WENT IN UNDER THE DOOR. Now that was scary because if I wake up with a snake in my room. Well, everyone's getting up the same time as me that day, let's put it that way .
Cant stand snakes either. Went to this house party once and ended up sleeping in a room that didnt have a working lightswitch. Someone entered in the morning saying "just checking it never got out". In the daylight I saw a pet snake in a glass cage on the floor. I was outta there - fast. Anyone ever seen the film Joe's Apartment? Maybe we should learn to live in harmony with the roaches! Ste
Lol Ste, I remember Joe's Apartment...but I think I'll pass on living that way with roaches. Im not really bothered by snakes, spiders, roaches anything on tht sort but I have this extremely contorted, paralysing fear of FROGS. A friend sent me a pic of a frog the other day as a little joke (something about kissing it) and I almost hucked my computer down to the ground as a reflex. I absolutly cant STAND them.
Good to know Walgreens offers a wide selection of die-bug-die! stuff and I guess you can get more of the same at any Publix store... There are Scorpions too...yikes! Are these lethal scorpions? I mean you have both lethal and non-lethal versions of those creatures. That is not worth of an apology! I wouldn't want to be asleep with a snake in my apartment...so people should thank you for waking them up! But, did it go under just a condo in Florida...or do you mean any of the apartment buildings at VW/CS/TC? Otherwise I will do some DIY door reinforcement. I saw that book in the store the other day too: "Disney World Door Protection Against Snakes for Dummies" Thank you, thank you! I'll be at your service for 5 months when I don't have to work. And I will buy a flame thrower that we can all share...keep a safe distance from the bug...and let it burn! I guess that was the best tip in the book. ;D
I just reviewed the Walgreens website... ...and I think this Hot Shot product might be interesting. If everyone would use this, no bug would dare to enter any Disney living property! ;D
Joe's Appartment? Wow ... that's a trip down memory lane. Somehow I can't see roaches saving someone's love life ... Unless it's the type of fixin' Ona has eluded to. I'm great at being a D.I.D. (Damsel in Distress) ... where's my Hercules?
If you don't like snakes watch out in the water parks because i have seen a few snakes there. Apparently though your not supposed to make a fuss and just stand very still and it will just go past! I think i'm going to have to work on that!!! Who ever said that bugs can help! Madman!
when i was there last year there were loads in the water parks. apparently they were just harmless garden snakes. still a little creepy though!
lol man if i get in my roomies will prob not like me after listening to you lot! i have pet snake and stick insects lol and im taking photos with me of them snakes spiders most insects dont bother me at all but i hate wasps they are evil and must die. as for roaches? when i was in florida last year i went to the store by the hotel and there was a cockroach almost as big as my hand. a guy ran over it with a pulley truck full of cases of beer and that lil sucker was still wiggling afterwards ugh!
Good, now we know who to call! Or actually, no need to call...when you hear somebody scream on the top of their lungs it is probably time for you to get into action as the most likely cause for that sound was a bug, spider, or snake of some sort. ;D How are you with scorpions? : But ehm...sorry, you cannot keep the animals. I don't think you are allowed to keep them inside the house. I do hope you have a small hand!
People...let's go for science! ;D --> For the "short" version use the last link in this post. Snakes This is what I've learned today, Florida has 45 snake species and only 6 of them are dangerous for humans, but not necessarily lethal! Guid to Florida's Venomous Snakes If you need more information on any snake, you can look it up at the following website, if you ever encounter one and want to know what it is, they also provide a key to distinct the different species: Online Guide to the Snakes of Florida Conclusion There is not much to fear from most snakes. Keep distance and move on is the best advice. If they would enter our living room...just stay calm! Alligators At all cost we must avoid to let alligators associate us human beings with food. Therefore it is crucial not to feed alligators or leave fish or fish scrap around their living areas. These crocks aren't really easily attacking human beings. Since 1948 some 340 attacks have been registered (about 6 per year over a span of 57 years) of which 16 were lethal. This could have been a result of not paying attention or provoking these annimals. The favourite bite is apparently livestock and pets. Good thing we are not their favorite food! Just don't let your doggie walk close to alligator ponds. Sometimes we may find them in our pools and gardens. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) annually receives more than 15,000 alligator-related complaints. Good thing these annimals don't like to hang around with us, so when left alone at some point they will retrieve. This information is provided by The Florida FWC - Living with Alligators online guide. Conclusion Not immediately live threatening. Again, they are wild annimals so keep your distance, do not provoke, do not feed, and let them be. Apparently they are really fond of their peace and quiet. Other Did you know Florida also has bears? Of how about panthers? All of the above information was found through Florida Fish and Wildlive Conservation Commission. So if you are interested go and take a look there! Spiders Basically there are only two types of venomous spiders in Florida. For those who aren't into spiders, you will find all kinds of spiders all over Florida but only two types are venomous. The widow spiders can be devided in four different types; the southern black widow, the northern black widow, the red widow and the brown widow. You can recognize them by the hourglass like marking on the belly accept for the red widow this one has a black abdomen with a single flattened red triangle and red spots on its black back. The brown widow can vary from color from almost black to almost white. These spiders can be found in many locations and one spider may be more frequent in human living areas then another. When some area has been left untouched for a while, like a BBQ, you may find a widow spider there. Some areas where clothes are stored for a while can also contain these spiders, so carefull when putting on something that has been in the closet for a while! When bitten symptoms can be treated or otherwise last several days. I have found no information that the bites of these spiders are lethal. Please note that the widow spiders will only bite when they get trapped! The other venomous spider is the recluse spider (also known as violin, fiddleback, or brown spiders). Their color can vary from a tan to dark brown. In many species there is a characteristic darkened violin-shaped pattern which occurs on the front half of the head region. Bites will occur when the spider gets trapped. Apparently some people roll over them while they are asleep (these are hunting spiders so they move around and leave their web somewhere) or when they have hidden clothes. I assume here the same rule applies as with the widow spiders, it depends on the time the clothes have not been touched. The Mediterranean version of this spider is mostly found in amongst others Orange county (Orlando area). Again I haven't found any statement saying this spider is deadly to human beings but medical attention is wise. The bite will leave a mark, a swelling, and come with severe pain. At some point you may find yourself walking around with a bulls eye on you body. Depending on the amount of venom injected and the reaction of your body, some skin tissue may die and be replaced by scar tissue, this can be avoided when medical attention is provided in a timely manner. Conclusion Spiders won't hurt you unless you get them traped between your skin and something else. Though seemingly not leathal for healthy human beings it is adviceable to seek medical attention, this will at least get rid of some discomfort. If you want to know more about these spiders, check out this websiteVenomous Spiders guide by the Florida department of Agriculture and Consumer services. These pages, also by DOACS has all the information you nee about Pest Control Scorpions The US species, Centruroides exilicauda, is found over southwestern region. The venom of this scorpion may produce severe pain and swelling at the site of the sting; numbness; frothing at the mouth; difficulties in breathing, including respiratory paralysis; muscle twitching; and convulsions. Death is rare since an antivenin is available for severe cases. Death by scorpion sting, if it occurs, is the result of heart or respiratory failure some hours after the incident. source Conclusion Good for us, the Florida Scorpion is not deadly! It just hurts! This conclusion I have based on this website which I found later, it is short but it is very usefull Teen Growhth - Animal bites So...Florida isn't that scary when it comes down to venomous and dangerous creatures. I think the encounters will be limited and as long as we do not jump towards it to kill it, it will not attempt to kill us. I know that when you see the pictures and read the story it is all a bit creepy, but I would say...just chill. Everything will be just fine. You may actually find yourself at a challange to observe these beings, but then again...maybe not. At least I don't think I'll die in Florida by the cause of encountering an animal. 'Hope todays lecture was usefull and that we can all go to Orlando in confidence!
Snakes and spiders and scorpions, oh my! eh, I don't think it will be too bad. Don't bother them and they won't bother you.
yikes those are some creepy looking spiders... i would definitly check out all my close and what not before i put it on lol..... im wondering how this conversation got from cleaning the apartments to creepy crawly things ..... ??? ???
oh noooo .... i hate spiders, especially big ones....eww, they are so crawly and you can just tell that they are watching you!! im going to have to get someone to take my clothes out of the wardrobe for me when i want to put them on. aligators are pretty scary too, hope i dont run into any of those, however im pretty sure i wont find one of those amongst my clothes!! :-\ ... dammit i so wish i haddnt read planet D's post!