
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by *PennyCrayon*, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. vik

    vik New Member

    haha beth i know how to wiggle the nose!!
    depending on what the costume is determines how much you can see and hear. VIPs (mickey,goofy.pluto,donald etc) have these eyes that you can see much better out of than some of the less popular characters like jafar or the dwarves where you just see though holes cos the eyes are like a sort of mesh. im not sure about what you can hear though, hence the fact that i wasn't actually a performer but from trying on various ones (which we WERE occasionally allowed to do, i wasn't being naughty!) the most claustraphobic ones were stitch and the chipmunks
  2. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    eek! As long as i can see it would be fine, i couldnt do with only looking through a tiny whole. haha.

    i dont think i can be either of those characters so i wouldnt really need to worry about being claustrophic.

    How warm can it get when inside the costumes if your out in the heat?
  3. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    i was told add on twenty degrees...not sure how true this is.
  4. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    Someone else asked the question earlier on, usually characters dont listen to the line they listen for the attendent, as mentioned although tipply is better at this than me can give you better hearing than others, from my experience though they can hear attendents really well.
  5. vik

    vik New Member

    *ok i just read what i wrote before i posted this so please dont read this if you dont like magic being spoiled!*
    most meet and greets are indoors so its air conditioned so its not too unbearable i believe. parade...well parade is another story! summer is ridiculous for the performers in parade and a lot of them collapse as soon as they cross the sight line! its not likely that you'll be in a parade though as a summer icp because you have to learn all the choreography, i mean in the mk day parade there was ONE cp and she was from the american college program.
    Also you probably wouldn't just be in *one* parade, (cos thats like one hours work) you'd be in the parades team which puts you in day parade, frontierland hoedown and spectromagic and i dont think that they're willing to train a summer cp for all of that! its a really tiring stressful day for parade performers so even though its sounds like a lot of fun, a lot of them were crying under their character heads! (sorry to ruin that for everyone...and i'd still love to do it!)
  6. anijac1412

    anijac1412 New Member

    Thanks Tiddelypom, it was me who asked the question ;)

    I've seen Mickey wiggle his nose a few times on Youtube!! It's so cute!
  7. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    How does he do that?
  8. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    vik: i know how that feels. i was in a plant costume for gang show, i hadnt rehearsed with it and every night got heat exhaustion...being outside in your bra is not fun when it starts raining. but you go on for the show!

    I would still love to do it. Even though the physical toll on your body is a lot it still sounds like a fantastic challenge.

    i wouldnt want to know how to wiggle the nose...unless i became a character...dunno why.
  9. anijac1412

    anijac1412 New Member

    If everyone knew how to wiggle the nose it wouldn't be as special, or "magical"! :D
  10. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    You can hear fine, at first it's weird as but after a while you are listening out for everything. Usually the next family in line for kids names to see if you can suprise them by doing a suprise personal signing! I love doing that so much...

    Stitch has wonderful vision! And he's not at all claustro for me anyway! Vic did you ever try Piglet? Epitomy of uncomfortable, claustro. I'm trying to remember if he is in parade at all... That would just be AWFUL.
  11. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    Yeah Beth, he was in the the 3pm parade which float.... I think the same one as Mary Poppins and Aladdin
  12. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Okay not flood though? eeeeergh
  13. vik

    vik New Member

    acutally stitch is a walking character. and yes it is a nightmare to undress him when its a million degrees and all they want is to be out of there but that damn zig zaggy velcro wont undo! dont think i ever tried piglet, i know hes a hot one too, and very difficult to undress quickly too! actually thinking back on it, the worst head is gepetto, i mean i couldnt even fit my head in that cos its more like a mask!
  14. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Oh my. This sounds like it could be interesting getting into these costumes. What are the taller characters like tigger, goofy and the queen of hearts like? they're the only three i can remember of the top of my head tiddleypom said i could be.
  15. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Just to remind you, your character you cna be depend on your disney height and your build.
    Goofy sometimes needed help, tiggers tail was a bit annoying for them and I don't know about queen of hearts.

    Yes I felt sooo sorry for Stitchy on parade must be vom-inducing
  16. vik

    vik New Member

    jeez tigger's tail was this crazy magnetic thing that i could never take off! and beth, stitch was never a happy alien after parade, never!
  17. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Eek, stitch sounds like a very harsh character to be.
    Yea, i know its to do with height, is build highly important aswell? Cause im not the skinniest of people :p
  18. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    me neither...though im hoping to tone up..its hard to get going.

    i cant wait for the interview next week :)
  19. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Stitch is SO FUN!
    Just not on parade. He's a full body workout just doing 20mins meetandgreet!

    Within your height range, it depends on each character for build.
    Like some characters, eg Pinocchio, you gotta be fairly flat chested as it's a skinny fit. And Jiminy Cricket HA I just looked at the body pad and thought.. noooo!
    On the hand theres some characters like Beast and Buzz Lightyear where you have to be broad enough to hold up the costume.
    Don't think you'd have any problems Leom. Goofy needs to be fairly slight but we have chubby Goofs too lol, they just look different if you know what to look for!
  20. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Im quite chubby but i have upper build. I would love to be beast or buzz but i dont know if i would be able to. Or sully. Im way out his height range.

    I think the heat is the only big worry, i do enjoy the heat but wearing a costume is a bit different. I have worn jeans and a jumper in the florida heat and i was fine, even though after about an hour the jumper had to come off.

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