
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by *PennyCrayon*, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    That would be awesome, i could act out a musical or something like that, and it get it accidentally put into the entertainment casting office (if there is such a place).
  2. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    hahah brillo!

    i really wanna tape our performance of possibilities..though that really isnt disney material lol.

    i really wanna know how they look for actors?
  3. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I wanna know that too, how to become a disney actor!!
  4. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    It's all done privately, unfortunately. You have to have an agent in the US and you have to be picked for an audition just like other acting jobs. Sometimes they do casting calls, but again you will have to be a US resident as the visa issue is raised again. No harm in trying though, when I get out there I'll be trying my best to get my skills noticed :p If someone takes a liking to you, you never know!
    After all, dreams can come true! ;D

    I have an agent in New Zealand, but there's not much work available for me here right now =/
    Haha the other day I had to do an American accent for an audition, and all I could think of was being in a Disney film/show!
  5. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Oh wow, i need an agent then!
  6. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    I don't know about in the UK, but over here it's pretty easy. Look online for some agencies who have good reputations, and then send them your Performer's CV and a recent headshot. Sometimes they set you up with a photoshoot to get a portfolio started, but that depends on the agency and if they deal with modelling or not. You can just take some nice photos at home, though. I got placed in mine by a talent scout, though, so I don't know much about applying or interviewing!

    There's not much work here because during/after Lord of the Rings, everyone got signed XD
    I'm hoping I can get something in the next Narnia film though, they're mostly filmed over here. Imagine that!
    You know the part in Prince Caspian, where they go from the London Underground to Narnia? That part of 'Narnia' is only a few hours from where I live haha! It was so weird.
  7. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Performers CV? Mines would be pretty bare! I do not do acting as a degree or anything related to it. I have sang in concert many a time and have been in school musicals, but nothing outstanding. OMG i would love to have been in lord of the rings!
  8. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    i need more money before i can do all this cos it costs so much to get them done. im saving up for so much. im a member of equity which helps with wages. its just finding a good agency.
  9. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    It's okay to put school stuff, but a lot of agencies prefer you to have other experience too. Get involved with your community theatre or sign up for classes. You could write a cover letter telling them how much it would mean to you to have the opportunity etc.

    Haha it was weird when LotR was all going on. My drama teacher was an elf, and my science teacher an Orc! I was too young though, they don't like to use under 18s if they can use over 18s - for legal reasons. But it was amazing to even be in the country then! Everyone banded together and became so country-proud, it was amazing. And watching the Oscars will never be the same again!

    @Freckles: Don't pay anything to get an agent to represent you! If you have to pay upfront, it's a scam. Agents get their wages through commission off the jobs that their talent get, the only thing you should pay for are maybe an initial portfolio photoshoot if they set one up. It could be different over there, but I'm sure this is universal.

    I don't know much about equity - It doesn't exist over here!
  10. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    ive been told most agencies wont take you unless you have a photo portfolio...which is looking to cost £95, more with travel expenses. and the voice reel is maximum of £300 i think..could be less. but that is to be professionally done with advice and scripts provided.
  11. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    Ah - So it is more complicated there! In New Zealand, agencies do not have requirements as far as voice reels and portfolios go. Most will be perfectly happy with photos taken in your home if you have a good camera, and only really important actors, or voice over actors, have reels. In fact, I can't even think of anyone I know who has one!

    So glad I'm not in the UK, then...
    Good luck, I guess!!! :-\
  12. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    Its hard as i wanted to get it sorted this year as those who get going first win. but its taking a back seat to disney atm. though now i have a job at uni i feel it will be easier to get money in the third year for it all. main problem is, i cant drive to get to locations.
  13. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    Yeah, it would be hard for me now, too! I was lucky and was in a full time job when I had to pay initial costs, but now I'm in Uni and struggling to find anything. Can't drive either, but there's always someone around to take me or else there's public transport ;D

    I'm not even applying for Disney for another year and three months haha! They offer a seperate program for my country, we can't apply to go in Summer!! So I have to wait until I graduate :( Good thing is though, that the visa we use has different rules. It's 12 months, and once you have a sponsor (Disney in this case) there are no limits as to what you do! So it's like CRP and ICP mixed XD
  14. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    thats so cool, i wanted to do a program like that, that lasted twelve months but you werent restricted. i will have tomove to new zealand lol.
  15. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    i think it would be great to do that, i think they used to have a program like that, cos Lou did that but it was through her uni though. the J1A program, or something like that.
    But i am looking forward to the summer program, i hope i get in!!!
    I would love it if i could study for a year in florida and just get a part time job at disney, i think that would be awesome, but ill need to wait and see what my options are for studying abroad!
  16. Yeh I wish they still did the J1A that Louisa did. It sounds like a brilliant programme.
  17. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    Haha. Well, I'm actually English, I moved here with family when I was 10. So theoretically, I could apply twice, through both countries I hold citizenship! XD
    I was worried, and asked, but was told that as long as I'm a citizen and travel on an NZ passport, I could go!

    I might go back to England to finish my degree, but I have to cross-credit from the diploma I'm doing at the moment, so it's hard. I might have to stay in the country =/
    But studying in America would be amazing!

    The visa we travel on is a student work experience one. It's really new, only a year or two old, so I'm sure it'll appear in other countries sometime, too.

    Ahh good luck! It's weird, I'm so excited yet I have forever to go! I do wish that I could do the Summer program, though.
  18. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    You are so lucky! I'm always jealous of people with duel citizenship.
  19. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I want duel citzenship of britain and usa!!!
  20. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I know me too...I knew a guy who had it, he so didn't appreciate it though - what a waste!

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