Cell phone...worth it?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Princess Tessa, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    HEY SNOW WHITE..................

    THANKS SISTA!!! If Tessa can text you and there is NO WORRIES with that, then I am SURE that you will be able to take that one without worries!!


    I have to get rid of the phone I have.........low budget LG and although it suites it's purpose right now here........Me wants a NEW ONE!!HAHAHAHAHAH
  2. monkian

    monkian New Member

    mmm new phone shiny shiny shiny
  3. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Hey SLG, was it by any chance the LG TM520? I used to have one of those, pretty simple. I lost mine, but it gave me an excuse to get a new one and ended up getting the LG6190, the one specially for texting, funny thing is, I don't text really at all.
  4. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    HEY MATT.......
    It is the LG 250! I think it is CHEAP but does the trick FOR NOW!! HAHAHAH

    I guess we shall wait to see what happens!! I know one thing FOR SURE.....I am getting out of my plan with Bell and getting a NEW SNAZZY phone!!

  5. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Hahah good to know I didnt totally confused you, SLG!
    I'd loooove to get a spiffy new phone but I need the Bluetooth and what not that my phone already has. We were seeing about just getting me a pink razor to unlock and use, but Im pretty happy with my little moto.
  6. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    Well not to hurt ANYONES feeling but I HATE BELL CANADA and I needed to ditch them anyways!! They have been a thorn in my sides for years now!! The fact that I have to GIVE THEM $200 KILLS ME but will TOTALLY be worth it!!

    I doubt that I will even USE the cell phone to call anyone other then CM's.......BUT I HAVE to be able to text!! I was reading in the Tmobile site I think that the international text messages were like a stupid price and I thought........for WHAT??? I can text them no problem from CANADA and I have UNLIMITED for a mere $10 a month????

    Let's hope that we all get shiney new phones and EVERYONE is happy happy happy!! ;D
  7. monkian

    monkian New Member

    i want a brick... i feel phones are just too smalll...i want one i have to cart a whole bag around with for the battery...lol
  8. PlanetD

    PlanetD Member

    Disney has enterd the mobile-phone-industry as well. Do you think it would be worth looking at what Disney has to offer?

    It is kinda hard to get the right information from their website. Maybe they will make us a special cast member deal, that would be nice!

  9. Elaine!

    Elaine! New Member

    Hey guys!

    I'm from Scotland and was thinking of taking my phone with me but getting it unlocked and putting an american SIM card in it so the calls would be cheaper. Does anyone know if u can buy SIM cards from walmart etc. easily enough? or as u just as well buying a new phone there?


    Elaine xx

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