Cdn Phone Calls Started!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by DigitalPhear, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    Hey SJ welcome to our pathetically small Canadian appliers group :D Im heading to is Timitu...Jess is hitting Vancity up.

    Aww shit Timitu dont worry bout it...I was nervous on the phone as well, but IM sure they will get back to you with good news. Last time they emailed me my invitation, and this time they just told me so dont count yourself out yet.

    And yeah your moms right, they have alot of people to call so give it a bit before you panic :p

    Still only four of us here though...its wierd. There should be alot more....MORE SLOTS FOR US :D
  2. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    I applied about a month ago I think, called and talked to someone on the phone to make sure I was doing it all right. I'm from Ontario, my last name starts with H, but the guy wrote TORONTO on the top of my app. because there is no way I can afford to fly to Calgary or Vancouver. He said that they're going from West to East though, so I'm sure the Toronto ones are coming up soon!
  3. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    Hrmm...If im not mistaken..Toronto interviews will be in like april or may
  4. Mylo

    Mylo New Member

    Hey tinkithink! I'm from Toronto too! ;D Which program did you apply for? I haven't applied yet but I will in January. Just like DigitalPhear mentioned, Toronto interviews should be around April or May.. they start quite late, I know. But no worries.. it'll come soon enough!
  5. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    They told me they would do the Toronto ones in March. Ya I would not be able to go to Calgary either but I have been saving up for a vacation, and my aunt just moved there. Thought it was some sort of a sign. :) It is just a horrible time for me in march cause that is when I start getting busy again with work, so I will hate to get back into all that and then have to leave. I want to be leaving around March or around there so I don't have to get back into it again and just tell people I will be back in a year. :)
  6. ErinKimberly

    ErinKimberly New Member

    eric called me last week for my phone interview and i am heading to the calgary interview in november for the international program. so excited!!!
  7. amec

    amec New Member

    Hey everyone!

    I'm new to this website, but I just thought I'd let you all know that I got my phone call a week or so ago, and I've been invited to the Vancouver interview! So excited!

    I'm friends with Jessewm66, so we're applying together, along with another friend as well.
  8. MegD

    MegD New Member

    Hey guys...anyone that was interested in the Summer program ( I don't know what one ya'll applied for) please sign our petition to get them to hire in Canada again this year! As of right now, there won't be a summer 08 program for Canadians :(
    Eric will try to help us if we can get enough people interested.

    Oh, and for the interview times, last year Halifax, Montreal and Toronto were in early April, and I think that was a bit of a late start.


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  9. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    Hi Erin! Cant wait to see you at the interviews and stuff!

    You got hotel plans or anything like that yet?
  10. ErinKimberly

    ErinKimberly New Member

    yeah i was going to stay with my cousin but i'm staying at the fairmont palliser downtown sunday night instead, this way i have a good nights sleep in a bed instead of on a couch. i stayed there in july for the stampede and it is pretty nice plus close to public transit routes.
  11. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    Yeah I havent decided myself yet....thinking either a buddies place...or like theres a bunch of hotels close to the uni...stayed in one of those last time and it was like a 2 minute car ride.

    Where you comming from Erin??
  12. ErinKimberly

    ErinKimberly New Member

    i'm currently living in banff. you said you've done the interview before, have you done any of the programs at any point?
  13. va_nessa

    va_nessa New Member

    Oh my goodness. this is all happening so fast.

    I sent in my Resume and Cover letter this morning. 2 hours later I got a phone call and now I'm going to the face to face interviews in Calgary! this is so exciting and nerve wracking, I don't even know what to do with myself!!
  14. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    Congratulations Vanessa!!!! I know, it is all coming up so fast. Interviews are in 2 weeks :D!!!! I am starting to get really nervous!
  15. va_nessa

    va_nessa New Member

    thanks. I'm getting really nervous too. especially because now I'm going to have to find my way around Calgary. I've only ever driven through it twice on my way farther west.
  16. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Something tells me I wont be with you guys. :( But I am not going to give up. Hopefully I run into some of you when I do make it. I will be applying in January. (Have heard nothing but it is getting rather close to book a flight to Calgary.) Good luck to everyone and I will still keep my eye on here to congratulate you that make it. :)
  17. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    Awww Timitu!!! Don't lose faith! Well hopefully we will all make it, and you will make it through the eastern interviews so we can all hang out in Disneyworld some day!!
  18. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    just wanted to add that if you haven't heard anything, a call or a quick e-mail to cast-away couldn't hurt. They often are very unorganized it seems from everyone's experience, so they may have forgotten about you or forgotten to call, who knows. just my two cents. .good luck!!
  19. ashley86

    ashley86 New Member

    hey hey a little late getting on here but I'm from Manitoba and going to the interviews in Calgary. WOOOO 3 days. Good luck everyone
  20. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Good luck everyone. Don't worry I have not given up hope. I will be going to the Toronto ones in March. Keep us informed on here. I am going to be thinking of all of you. Good luck to everyone going Monday and Tuesday. Wish I could be there with you all.

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