CAUTION! Very Important! Must Read Now!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Jules, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    I wasn't rejecting Jules' feeling either; I was just speaking as someone who had participated in the same program in the same role.

    Chase: I don't know about the Managers at the UK pavilion. But the Recreation managers at Blizzard Beach were good. I can't recall anyone whilst I was there receiving a reprimand for anything unjustified. They weren't contradictory at all! It's good to hear, however, that the CMs are a big family who look after each other.

    Tessa is totally right: it can be hard work, there can be long hours, and there is low pay. The pay was a lot less than I was used to. And an open mind is great. No one can know for certain that they will enjoy it until they're there.

    CMs don't get paid well - but they do get good subsidary benefits. To me, at least, 20% of F&B and merchandise, plus free park entry, was fantastic! Every so often, our Managers provided free breakfast or lunch. Every couple of months, TL and BB Guards and Slide Ops get a park open late to play in themselves. In a large organisation, people at the bottom are not going to be wonderfully treated; I think Disney treat their cast relatively well. They have such a large monopoly on employment in the area that they could treat their cast a lot worse!

    It's a shame that people have had bad work experiences. I loved my work lifeguarding at Blizzard. It was very hard work; both mentally and physically tiring. But it was still great fun.

    I just think it's really important than we don't end up with lots of negative comments that dishearten people who are about to travel (which is happening from people I'm speaking to), and put others off from applying for what can be a fantastic experience.

  2. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    One thing I always find funny is people bitching and moaning about the money etc.

    I would LOVE more money. I would LOVE to pay less rent. I work in merchandise so I have practically no money...ever.

    But I knew what I was getting paid before I signed the contract. The hourourly wage was stated. The average work week was stated. The weekly rent was stated.

    While I don't think I get paid enough I can't sit here and bitch about it because I signed on the dotted line where all of the above was stated.

    It's a year out of your life - live it
  3. helen

    helen New Member

    well said love,

    yep im always skint!!!!!!! but i knew i would be, i live in the smallest apartment eva and have to pay the highest rent which i don't think is fair but hey get over it and enjoy yourself!!

    helen xx
  4. Linda-bo-binda

    Linda-bo-binda New Member

    WHOA.  Get angrier Jules.  I'm really sorry that it was such a horrible experience but thankfully most people don't come away that bitter.

    Yes, Disney roles aren't as glamourous as we would hope; they are JOBS after all.  Consider that the minimum wage in Florida is only $6.40/hour and Disney CMs generally make just a few cents more.  However, also consider the nature of the jobs.  When you boil it down they're basically retail and restaurant jobs.  I'm sure you'd be earning pretty much the same wage in Disney Merch as you would in a shopping mall and ditto for foods jobs.  But there would be no magic working for Wal-Mart!

    While most areas were understaffed and working crazy hours last year Canada Merch was OVERstaffed.  We were stuck with the minimum 32 hours which equals a measly $120ish/week after rent.  It's not a lot but it's liveable if you're mature.  Yeah, I would have been nice to make more money.  Who doesn't want to?  But I didn't go down there to get rich anyway.

    If I could live my life over again there some things I might change but my year there I would definately do again.  Now that I'm home the few crummy bits seem pretty insignificant and I have nothing but dear memories.  If money's not that important to you it'll be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.  If it is, go work for some ritzy 5-star resort in the Grand Caymans or something.  You're not cut out to be a Cast Member.

    It's all about the people you meet and the friends you make!!!!!

    Have a magical day!

  5. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Well, I'm now 5 months into my programme and yes there have been bad times, but on the whole I've loved it. Yes, you don't want to come into the programme thinking the work is going to be easy, and that you're going to have loads of time off. The work can be boring sometimes (the parks are soo slow at the moment) and are something a trained monkey could do sometimes, but could a trained monkey really make a guests day? I know that I've done it sometimes, and it makes the whole time there worthwhile. The UK does a magic moment in which a child 'starts' Illuminations because Mickeys stuck on the monorail. Yes, ok its only a flashing stick that they wave around, and most parents know this, but the children believe. Last time I did it I was told I made their trip by doing this, and I've been told similar things before. People also get guest letters telling them this.
    Do stupid stuff, or even marginally stupid stuff, and yes you may be terminated, but on the whole all the terminations since I've been here, have been for stuff that everyone can understand is a terminable offence. Yes, some of the managers are unbelievable, but equally, they can be very nice- you work hard for them, don't show up late all the time, they won't be out to get you. Housing- well repeat the other comments, for rent you get the whole deal- if buses won't get you there, taxis will- share with some friends its usually only couple of $ each. I don't get on with my roommates so I'm never there.
    Make the most of the opportunities given to you, don't expect an easy ride, but make the most of it. For some its not worth the agro involved, for me, so far, it definitely has! :)
    Charlotte x
  6. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Whatever you think about your program experience you shouldn't be influencing how other people should feel about it. You've had a bad time...some people hasn't been a bunch of roses for me, but don't forget how you felt before you left, surely you must have been somewhat excited otherwise you wouldn't have applied and gone in the first place.

    Don't mislead people into thinking they're going to have a rubbish time, it's not fair - yes, its not for everyone, but a lot of people get a great deal out of going and for the most part love that they got given the opportunity to work over here.

    I'm sorry you had a bad time (I know, and Charlotte can tell you, that no-one knows how awful it is to be here sometimes) but you shouldn't be out to ruin for other people who, you can clearly tell, are extremely excited about it. A person's opinion of the experience has to be their opinion...whether it be good or bad. They're only going to formulate a fair opinion of it if they're allowed to experience the program not anticipating anything....

    Ellen x
  7. Ian

    Ian New Member


    The rent price we pay is actually amazing, I pay 87 bucks, for a fully furnished, recently decorated, fully equiped apartment, with excellent maintainance, you need a need microwave coz your has blown up, no joke, you'll have a new one within an hour, two hours tops. You get use of a pool, a gym, free internet, cable TV, transport everywhere, free local phone calls, security, no bills... I know people working in New York, Colorado, the Carolinas, paying anything up to 150 bucks, a week, not including bills. If you think it's over priced, your being very ungrateful!

    And about the program in general.... you get out of it, exactly what you put into it....
    Convince yourself it's shit and there nothing to do, then you'll do nothing and have a shit time
    Convince yourself it's great and there so much to see and do, loads of people to meet, then you'll meet loads of people doing amazing things you'll never get the chance to go again and have a top class experience....

    Catch my drift?
  8. Ian

    Ian New Member

    BTW, the 'Mickey' in the posts is actually a substitute for a crude word automatically put in on the posts!
  9. I agree Ian. I dare anyone to go apartment hunting and find one for ANY cheaper with all the anemities that Disney housing has. It'll never ever happen. That kind of talk is by people who have never lived on their own, and don't know how much it costs! It's expeisive o move out, but Disney makes it as affordible as possible.
  10. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Sorry I know this is a bit off the topic but I've seen it a few times (in the 3 topics posted by this person saying the same thing). People are saying free internet. Is this refering to the lounges or if I was to bring a laptop would I be able to connect from my appartment?

    Sorry again for getting off the topic but it's something I've been wondering after reading the posts.
  11. In your apartment! :D
    I'm also planning on buy a cheap wireless router when I get there so then I can go online anywhere in my apartment.
    Yay Disney for having all of that set up for us! <3
  12. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    One thing I wanted to ask: How does it take so long to get to work? Someone said it took them between 1-2 hours. I thought the housing was really close to the parks
  13. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    A wireless router makes it *so* much easier!
  14. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    The housing is fairly close. Added time can arise beause the buses go in a circular route between the housing complexes, so to get to Blizzard Beach, the Route was:

    Vista Way-->Commons-->Chatham-->DAK Casting-->DAK (Change)-->All Star Resorts-->Coronado-->Blizzard Beach

    So it took a while to get there, but getting back was much quicker, since it was:

    Blizzard Beach-->DAK(Change)-->Vista Way

    Average day, I was probably on the buses about 1.5 hours.
  15. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Ok but they basically have internet for us? Like I could plug in with a cable and be fine? Or if I had a router I could use it anywhere right?

    If so a laptop and router will be the first things i buy when I arrive lol (rather have warrenty there than here, I have a desktop right now)
  16. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    That's exactly right. You can connect a laptop with a standard ethernet cable (well, assuming your laptop, like most, has an ethernet port). A wireless router just makes it a lot easier!
  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Awesome thanks a lot, that eases my mind quite a bit (I wanted to bring my digital camera, but I can't get anything bigger than a 128meg memory stick... it's that old lol so I'd need constant computer access).

    Sorry for hijacking the topic lol.
  18. Linda-bo-binda

    Linda-bo-binda New Member

    It really is a long commute for some of the CPs but thankfully Epcot's more direct. They've changed bus companies since but as of last summer it took about 30-40 minutes to get to work because the buses stopped to pick up Vista ppl and sat for freakin' ever but the ride home was only 15-20 minutes. Problem was that so many people ended work around the same time at night that you might have to wait a bus or two for a seat. It always used to happen to me on the nights I really needed to get home!! Don't know if this is still the case though...

  19. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    American Coach can't be any worse than Dynamic...! The day after I left they changed companies...typical!
  20. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Ok getting a bit sick and tired of people not even trying to see my point of view. I’m not trying to feed you propaganda, I’m just trying to show you that all is not peachy when at Disney and quite a large proportion do not like it. Look, the reality is that I had high hopes of Disney, and I ended up having a disappointing disillusioning experience. My point is that Disney IS NOT for everyone and that needs to be emphasised. As I pointed out in my 1st e-mail, everyone that writes on these forums love Disney, meanwhile a lot of people I spoke to while I was at Disney, did not like their job at all, and did not like the way they were treated. I know a lot of people that self-terminated. I don’t even know why I’m bothering with this forum. I think people on this forum just view things very differently to me (maybe they’ve been brainwashed by Disney). Well good luck to you and I hope you find truth and happiness in Disney World, and if not that, I hope you at least have some fun.

    “We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task is to find reality.†Iris Murdoch

    P.S Please stop belittling my thoughts with condoscending comments. What I write is completely valid. I have said all that I think needs to be said so don't expect any more posts from me. I am done with this forum!

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