
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by vader1, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. ajmacack

    ajmacack New Member

    Oh yeah i completely understand that Meg, and I wasn't making the comment in regards to you.... I know it's all SO last min.... like from what I've heard TO is the 12th and I have an exam at 9am on the 13th and I know ppl are flying in from all over and need to book planes and stuff.... I totally get that!

    BUT i don't think calling EVERY day is going to get that info any faster, you know? I'm sure once they have things sorted out they will call everyone who applied!!! I have no doubts :) And I'm sure we'll all ROCK our interviews!
  2. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    well i e-mail eric just asking about the i gotta book a airfare...hotel...and maybe get an exam changed...

    and he e-mailed me back saying that there just making calls now...and havent gotten to my resume yet... so i presume there just going through all their resumes so.... hopefully i still here....

    anyways im off to calgary tonight to take in a flames game :) ... between calgary and tampa bay ... should be good...catching a flames game in a private box :) ..... will be a fun weekend :)
  3. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hey Everyone!

    Just so everyone knows, Ontario people are on deck for phone interviews! I got a call today (even though I left a msg with them a week ago explaining that I had to defer my app. until next year...boooooo!) and I'm in just a little heads-up to everyone! GOOD LUCK ALL!!! (I have my fingers and toes crossed for all of you!!)
  4. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    I agree with AJmacack that it is kinda of crazy to bug them so much when clearly they are just getting to the phone interviews and are in the middle of them. The more people that keep bugging them, the longer it's going to take for them to get to everyone else!
    i'm just as anxious as everyone else to hear from them, and if i don't hear from them next week, I will probably call but I'm waiting because clearly they have a lot of people to get through.

    it's kind of crazy that this time last year the interviews were already done!
  5. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    i only call once a few days ago and left a mesage about phone interviews that will be it until i get a phone call i will keep my finger cross and we will see what happens.
  6. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Also they don't go in order of the interviews, at the end of your phone interview if it isn't obvious where you're going they'll ask you your preference. Just be warned I'm pretty sure they have a limit as to how many people can attend each interview so you may end up having to travel more than you think. I'm pretty sure this happened to a few people last year.
  7. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    I don't think that's too much of a concern though. last year i was interviewed only a couple of weeks before the f2f and still got toronto although she wanted me to go to montreal since I was in kingston at the time. However, the whole thing is out of our hands, so it just depends on when you get called!
  8. Kim

    Kim New Member

    Meg I can't get over it either! We are the only two so far that are planning on going to the Halifax interviews! well on this forum anyways... :-\ strange... but hopefully are chances are good! haha ... I'm super excited about going and meeting everyone ... I'm pretty sure this is all I think about these days.. haha I'm foegetting the whole " being in University" part! haha ahh well... either way I'm pumped! :)
  9. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    I just had my interview april 12 in toronto woooooooooooo cant wait
  10. Ladybug

    Ladybug New Member

    If anyone's interested, Eric just emailed me back and the Montreal interviews are on April 11th.

    BUT he also told that not everyone would get a call because apparently positions are really limited this year. Bummer. It makes the whole thing even more stressful now, I think I'm gonna ring them tomorrow or wednesday.
  11. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    give Eric a call he is sooooooo nice and the interview is real easy good luck to you :)
  12. Good job Kyle! (That is your name right...haha I'm assuming from your email address)

    I was happy he was so nice because I was really nervous calling. I felt like I was being a pain not waiting for the call. Wow, I wonder how many people sent in their resumes and how many aren't going to be called? I feel lucky now! Anyone know how many people are usually at the interviews/how many people are hired? I've heard that 1 in 10 get selected from those who apply.

    Are there many people who go to the interviews without really knowing much about the program? How do they find out about it? Do universities put up flyers or something? I wouldn't know about it if it wasn't for the internet.

    Kim - I'm SO distracted by everything Disney these days. I can't study, or write my papers...or listen in class. Ah! 17 days of classes left! Then I don't have to think about anything but Disney! (and exams...but lets forget about that :p )

    this turned into a really long post.
  13. ajmacack

    ajmacack New Member

    I know that students in travel and tourism courses in Ontario usually get a presentation from Disney, or a program alumni.... since they'll be receiving much interest in Disney once they start working in their field.

    My sister had the program at Algonquin in Ottawa. She gave me her Mickey ears when she graduated, the little doll! And I know they are provided with the contact info for cast-a-way... so i would assume many of these ppl apply... my sister has already told me about two of her friends in her program who are applying that I"m supposed to look out for. She was thinking about doing it herself, but then got a job.

    So I would assume there are a lot of people who hear about it this way. Then there's the rest of us who are Disney-aholic... I wonder if the majority of ppl who are hired are people who search out the program on their own, or if it's college kids????
  14. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    hi Meg,
    i'm not sure how many people get jobs, but last year, there was no one on the boards who didn't get a job. but of course, there could have been people who don't post here who got rejected. a few people got on the waiting list, but i think almost all of them ended up getting spots. i think that a LOT of people end up getting spots because people are always self-terming, etc.

    I think there must be a LOT of people who find out about the program from other places because there are WAY more people at the interview than there are on the boards. I'd say in total there were probably about 80 people at the toronto interviews last year. i think a lot of people don't know much about the program because they show a whole video to you first and tell you a lot of information that i already knew from having gone online and being on the boards.

    i just saw ajs post, and yeah, that would make sense that people who are in the field end up applying because it related to their field. That is sad though if they take jobs away from people, like us, who actually love disney and have dreamed about working there forever! we just have to hope that it comes across in the interview who is passionate and who isn't. and i have a feeling it does.
  15. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yeah last year there wasn't anyone rejected (on here) but there was quite a few of us who were "successful but without start dates"... essentially a waitlist. We all got spots eventually but most of them wern't cultural rep spots (we were some of the first on the H2-B program). Those of us who wanted to come back had to re-intervew for our spots in Florida (which I did while down there) so a few of the "new" spots went to people who applied last year which probably is whats causing a shortage this year (if that makes sense).

    They also could have over hired in the west.
  16. brad

    brad New Member

    Im getting so nervous, I havent got a call yet!
  17. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    just give eric a call brad i sure he wont mind he really nice
  18. Kim

    Kim New Member

    I can't wait for the interview either... I'm really nervous though mostly because I really want to get the position not to mention the amount of people I'm after telling that I have an interview with Walt Disney! By what people have been saying it seems like I have a good chance.. I would imagine that they would need alot of people for the summer soo ..fingers crossed.. :p
    Meg- Seriously all I do is read posts on this site.. I'm becoming obsessed with it..haha haven't been able to focus on schoolwork at all... I'm just too excited about the summer :p hopefullly everything will work out in my favor cause I am way to pumped for this and I haven't even had an interview yet :p
  19. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    hey all!
    i heard from eric today and i'll be joining you all at the interviews in Toronto! Yay, can't wait!
  20. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Hey queengirl looking forward to seeing you there cougats :)

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