Canadians results for early March f2f

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by mousefreak, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    That's soo soon! You're going before some of the ppl from my interviews! Congrats! and to you as well Steph Rose. I'm sure the rest of you will get the good news really soon, oh i'm so excited for all of you!!! I waited a bit over four months from finding out to leaving, and though it seemed long at the time looking back now as I fly out tomorrow it went crazy fast! Enjoy you're time at home, or school or wherever you are and look forward to the best year of your lives yet:)
  2. Steph Rose

    Steph Rose New Member

    Have a great time Kate! I will meet you in December!
  3. header

    header New Member

    See you soon Kate!
  4. jslussier

    jslussier New Member

    Waiting list for me... :mad:
  5. jsashaw

    jsashaw New Member

    Hey- I've never posted before, but reading these discussion boards have got me through the long waiting! I was at the Vancouver job interview, and I got waitlisted as well, so I feel your pain!
  6. Aindel

    Aindel New Member

    I'm waitlisted too. The way I see it, that's about as good as a 'no,' because who in their right mind gives up an opportunity like this one?! But I suppose we have 8 months before our files go out the window, so there's always the possibility.
  7. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    I know of a few people that got waitlisted from the last round of UK f2fs, just let them know that you are still as enthusiastic as ever and are ready to go asap, I'm sure 1 person got to go sooner than everyone who she interviewed with! Keep hope alive :)
  8. sophie123

    sophie123 New Member

    being on the waiting list is not a no. there are alot of people from my round of interviews that were on the waiting list and were accepted a few weeks later. so stay positive guys :) :) :)
  9. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    exactly :) Keep your chins up guys! Just keep swimming!
  10. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    I've been waitlisted too...

    I am pretty choked..but like everyone says.. there's still a chance :)
  11. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    they probably just have to make sure of numbers, most of you are likely to get off the waiting list and go before the ppl you interviewed with!
  12. robbyg

    robbyg New Member

    august 18th for me...f&b
  13. Cjama

    Cjama New Member

    Hi all,
    I am a Canadian, and I want to apply to Disney. I am currently working some things out before I actually apply. I was notified of this opportunity by my boyfriend and his Mom. They live in Jacksonville, and I am trying to find a way down there. I was curious as to how long after you applied did you get a interview. Any help would be great! Thank you!
  14. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member


    I applied end of june 08
    had my phone interview july/august 08
    then was offered a f2f in october..(but had to turn it down due to school)
    then attended the f2f in march

    hope that helps!!
  15. Cjama

    Cjama New Member

    That does, thanks so very much!

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