Canadians for January 2010??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by princess_shayna, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    The reason Hamilton is the proposed city for moving the Phoenix Coyotes is because they have a stadium which could support an NHL team, ie: have enough seats to make a good profit. Also, because Toronto has a huge untapped market for hockey. Ottawa doesn't really count cause it is further away. Basically, Leafs tickets are pretty much always sold out and are ridiculously expensive. Another team in the GTA will give hockey fans another team to cheer for, a chance to actually go to an NHL game and would create a pretty decent rivalry. While it would be amusing to see the PEI lobsters, and though it would probably be better than Phoenix, I don't think Charlottetown would be able to support an NHL team.
    Y'all probably don't care, but those are some of the reasons why Hamilton. That is the business side of me coming out. Shanan, it's your fault for asking... :p

    You can't take that back! I'll make you watch every Canada game, whether we're living in Toronto or Orlando. Muahaha!!!
  2. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    I guess it's Copps Coliseum you're talking about in Hamilton, and the only reason I know of it at all is because I once saw the Backstreet Boys there! It's pretty old though, def not as swank as the ACC - but I guess you gotta start somewhere! When I was in Phoenix a few weeks back there were all these protests against the movement of the Coyotes, so I guess it's going to be a bit of a fight. Though I remember reading that the Coyotes (or maybe another NHL team...) was originally moved from a Canadian city anyways, so it's like trying to bring that back home I suppose. Is a Canadian sport after all! It just better be a sweet team name and not something like the Hamilton Hippies :D Actually, Hamilton Hippies I may support just for the sake of comedy! They could have tie-dye jerseys and long golden locks of hair!!

    Olympic hockey games are awesome - I actually get into them which is random enough! The year the men's team won I watched every game just about! Though at the last olympics when they were le suck I wasn't as inclined to watch :p The women's team kicked some mayjah booty as I recall though - I remember them getting a lot of slack for being "too" good! Good grief! I can't even imagine the pressure they must be feeling though for the upcoming games. Canadian fans may be die-hard, but they also get pretty bitter if they don't get the gold!
  3. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    lol Matty I said I would watch! I want Canada to win! We'll have parties with beer and yummy hockey-watching food!!!
  4. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Yeah, the Phoenix Coyotes used to be the Winnipeg Jets. It would be nice to see them back in Canada. The 2010 olympics are going to be amazing. They're pushing really hard to be at the top of the standings eh, like of the whole Winter Olympics. It's going to be crazy!!! The women's game will be good. It's usually Canada vs. US, but it'll be a good game. US won the last 2 World Championships so Canada's gonna need to step it up.

    Shayna, I was just making sure you wouldn't back out. :p
    But it will be fun, and we'll have parties while we win the gold!
  5. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    alright! I like these plans!
  6. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Eeps! I hope they can claim the top of the medal standings - that would be epic! Norway and the U.S. are pretty strong in the Winter Games I think, so Canada will def have to have their game face on across the board! Not to mention Russia will be amping it up since they have the 2014 Winter Olympics. Now I feel the need to be all patriotic and get some sort of 2010 olympics piece of clothing lol Go Canada Go!

    I kinda wonder if they do anything special in the World Showcase during the Olympics. I mean, it's an event that involves all countries, so would be prime opportunity! Could do a marathon "around the world". Though I guess technically that ESPN restaurant is only a quick walk from there, so they'll prob be doing lots. Holy smokes I bet the Commons would be mental during the Olympics though lol! Can you say rivalry? :D
  7. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    A couple more weeks guys!!! :eek: :) :D ;D Let's get this party started!! :D :D
  8. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member


    Let it begin! Let it begin!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    This waiting is driving me crazy... I must spend at least an hour per day broswsing disney websites or looking at disney photos from past vacations! I really hope we dont have to wait too long before we get a call!
  10. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    true!! The waiting game is the absolute WORST!!!
  11. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Haha Jackie, I do the same thing! I don't like waiting, I just want to know if I'm going, or when I'm going! (keeping a positive attitude) :D
  12. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    lol sometimes I plan my next Disney vacation online! :D and yes spend countless hours looking at pictures and disney info!
  13. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member


    just thought I should let everyone know (not sure if you care or not) but i have taken meself of the ol' waitlist. I had to register for uni. and that required a deposit which I am not willing to loose.

    but alas july 1st is just around the corner and after celebrating Canada Day I fully intend to reapply.

    my waiting game ends for 2 weeks and then begins once again. yay.
  14. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Waiting is painful... but makes it more exciting once you find out!

    So Kim, does that mean you're going to go to uni next year, and then reapply for next summer and then miss a year of school? You might also consider doing the ICP if you dont' want to delay when you would graduate. And then you can do the CRP once you've graduated! Like many of us are!!! ;D
  15. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    All this waitlist talk makes me nervous! So for those of us applying in July, when would our program begin? Right at the beginning of 2010 or later on... I just want to get this process started so we can have some answers!
  16. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    the waitlists scare me too :(

    It would be nice if we had a timeline!
  17. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    well i am going to uni in september... but i only book my courses on semester in technically if i attended the november interviews i could get a spot in march.

    i really want to experience disney for a whole year and i am not too worried about missing a year of uni considering i really dont know what i want to do with myself.
  18. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Same here, I am in no rush to finish uni and want to do this program before something happens and I'm tied down and can't do it! I think it will be worth graduating a year later :)
  19. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Fair enough. I'm sure most people would agree that 4 months is definitely not enough! 1 year won't even be enough! Though I did enjoy the ICP, it was an amazing summer. Plus it means you could go down twice!

    So he were go for 2010! We're all in this together!!! (Go Wildcats!)
  20. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    4 months really isn't enough - I mean it's great, but I found that it took me a few months to really settle, get comfortable and make some really awesome friends, and just as that started happening it was all over! One year is definitely better in that sense I think :)

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